Do you remember your first tama?


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Mine was a pink V2 (They didn't have any more V1's at Toys R Us :( ) and it had pictures of lipstick and stuff on it. Unfortunately I wasn't very good at it and it would die during it's teenage stage. :( I eventually got better and got a mametchi~


My first Tama was a V5.5 Celebrity version. That one ended up in the washing machine cause I put it in my pocket and forgot it was there.

In 3rd grade I got my first v3. I never bothered reading the instructions, and always reset it when it became an adult. I would get happy when it got married, and I literally cried when it passed away.


I was in third grade when I got my first one. It was a silver V3 and I loved it. But then it broke, probably because I dropped it at least five times a day. A new battery wouldn't even fix it.(Not very surprising) So I got a new one. Do you remember the zebra striped V3? I got that one. I loved it so much. And I actually had it for more than 2 months! But one day I was playing at the park and it fell out of my pocket. I'm sure that's how a lot of Tamagotchis are lost... But now that we have the Tama-Go, I don't think having them fall out of our pocket would be that much of a problem! But still today, I think the zebra design is the best shell color they've came up with. And, hopefully, I'll finally get another zebra V3 for my birthday!

I remember getting my first Tamagotchi on the Christmas of '06... It was a yellow V3 with pink & purple spots. I had gotten the inspiration to ask for one from seeing one of my cousins happily taking care of her V2 a couple years before.

I also remember that all my siblings wanted Tamagotchis too when I had mine, because I was having so much fun with it! :-D

The first Tamagotchi I raised was named "RUBY", and she was always with me. Sadly though, she ended up dying as a teen, because I was unaware that your pet had to have a weight above the minimum weight to play games (which was all I knew, at the time, that would raise her happy heats). She died in my hands, I saw it all... I was devastated!

Happily though, I raised the next Tamagotchi I had, "JEWEL", with a much wiser approach... By feeding her snacks to help her gain weight and happiness!

Jewel's daughter "VALUE" actually came with me on a trip to Mexico, but my dad made me have my Tamagotchi paused for the entire vacation. I still checked the screen (even though it was paused) over and over! :rolleyes:

Tamagotchis can bring back great memories! :D


It was one day at Walmart, I saw a bunch of music stars lined up against the wall. I asked for one, but my parent's said I already have a DS Lite. Later, I got bored of my DS and sold it to gamestop. A little later, I asked for a tama-go and got one and i still have it and love it with all my heart, but i want more!

I remembered about 10+ years back when my aunt was living in Japan, my sister asked for a tama, then she got her an Angelgotchi. Since she was really very young that time, she often neglected the pet and ended up babysitting it for her. I enjoyed playing it until its battery went dead and I eventually outgrown it.

Now that I have my Music Star, I'm starting to feel that I missed that Angelgotchi.

I remember my first tamagotchi when I was 8. It was the original. My sister that whole week had been talking about this new computer pet which u look after. I was in portugal visiting family and my uncle came in the door one day randomly with like 10 tamagotchis one for each kid that was there. I can't tell u how much fun we had, and the amount of fights over people resetting others tamagotchis in the hope to be the best tamagotchi breeder lolllll

I remember quite vividly :3

In 2nd grade there was a girl who had a Tamagotchi v1....NOBODY knew what it was, and she did a poor job explaining what it was, because she reset it every time it evolved into a child. For entertainment she would shout at it "GO POOPIE!!" then laugh when it did -.- So a few days later my best friend came to school with 2....she was a very spoiled kid and to be honest, she HAD to have it if someone had something cool that she didn't have. It was a boy and girl shell friendship set....and she took relatively bad care of them. She let me play them a bit here and there. Then my birthday came up and my uncle gave me $100 to go on a Target shopping spree for toys :D

I ALMOST bought a v1 white Decogotchi kit....which I wish I had bought, because I think I really would've liked it! My mom told me not to waste my money on it, and instead made me buy some other stuff. One of those things I bought was a mare and foal Our Generation horse set....I still have them xD

My sister bought a v1 light purple Decogotchi Tama. I played it here and there. Then I got a package on my birthday from my awesome aunt who always bubys me the newest was a v1 Tamagotchi!! It was metallic purple and came with lots of stickers and such to decorate it with. I loved that thing to death! But I gave it so many snacks "to make it happy" that I ALWAYS got Maskchi. The only time I ever got another character was when my sister had me take care of her tama while I was at school, and it evolved into Tarakotchi....or whatever the potato with legs is called ;)

But yes I still have that tama......I still love it and occasionally put batteries in it so I can connect it with a fellow tama.

Sadly, my memories of my first Tamagotchi are limited, since I got it at least five years ago. I had a Tamagotchi Connection V4 (it had the little shell things that spelled 'TAMA' on it connected to it instead of a keychain ring like the European versions) with the Memetchi design. The first time I got it, I accidentally named it 'Aba' because I didn't understand how to change its name ^^;; But from that day on, I brought my gotchi everywhere. I remember connecting with everyone I met that had a Tamagotchi and even having it confiscated in class because I forgot to switch off the sound and it kept beeping for attention >< I'm planning to get the iDL and am searching eBay & Amazon for another Connection V4 because my first Connection V4 still doesn't work, even when I put in a new battery D:

My first tamagotchi was a v4, black with red and a silver lightning bolt. That was back in 2005-06.

My first Tamagotchi was a V1, and I got it right after a swim meet. Best ever! I spent months on that thing, non-stop, and I wasn't ready to let go of it when it went out of style. However, my parents were done with the beeping (you couldn't disable the sound then) and tossed it down the trash can.

I missed my Tama so much, but then I moved on. Once again though, 5 years later I want a Tama-Go, which I got just several days ago. I am obsessed with it, and am raising a happy teenage Shelltchi with full happy, hunger, and friendship bars. I love Tamagotchi's! ^_^

My first tamagotchi was the v4.5 and I got it not long after it came out in the UK.

I don't remember where I got it or how much it was but I do remember that I barely ever went on it.

After discovering it again after years of it being thrown about, I re-set it and now I'm on generation 6 (I pause it a lot)

I have to say that finding my v4.5 again got me back into tamagotchis and they are great.

I wish I could remember more about receiving my lovely v4.5 but I don't and I regret that (I have an awful memory)

My friend bought me my first tama back in 2nd grade. I was so scared i was going to kill it. but its name was Kiki.

Apparently I didn't post here Like I though I did, oh well!

It was 2004 and I was 12. It was around fall and I went outside to play. My neighbor nick came outside not shortly after and asked if I heard about the new Tamagotchi things. " No? I don't have a tv" I said. "what no way there sooo cool I want the green one!" So A few days pass and im at his house and low and behold the Tamagotchi commercial comes on. I probably ran home faster than the road runner, to tell my mom I NEEDED one. Dunno how much time passed at this point but my Mom,Grandma,little brother and I all went to Walmart because my little brother needed diapers. We went to the toy section (Probably because I begged them) And guess what was starring me in the face? Yupp you guessed it! Tamagotchi! since purple is my favorite color I nabbed the purple one! This one to be exact ( which I still have after all these years) :

We then went to lunch at A&W, And I couldn't wait till I was at home to open it. ripped the package open read the instructions a few times just to be safe then pulled the tab!. Don't remeber the gender but being the unoriginal 12 year old that I was, I named it tama because that was the name on the back of the package. I also always got ( :ph34r: ) and( :gozarutchi: ). After that I had about 8 of them. I remember every single one too. They were all the solid color ones after the first waves. Then the V2 and Mini's came out and I HAD to have those. I didn't stop collecting until V4 at that point I had gotten a v4 but I gave it to my little cousin. After the year passed I slowly got rid of all my tamagotchis, most of them thrown out but always holding on to the one's with sentimental value. If only I could travel back in time! I got back into tamagotchi when the v6 music star came out. I've been into them since that point tho every now and them I'll get bored and put them away. Recent financial issues made me sell my collection :/ Tho I still have some. I know I will NEVER stop loving tamagotchi!

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I remember by first Tama it was a v2 desert camo Tama I got it when I was 8. it had used to be my older sister's but she said I could have it :D ^_^ .

I remember my first tama was a V4(I'm so late into the collection!), that was lost when my mum and I were cleaning out what I own, I thought my mum was talking about something else when she asked when I was going to throw or keep it.

My first tama was a graffiti v3 I brought It to school and I panicked beacause I needed to hide it and. Y teacher was coming so I shoved it in my water bottle . Regret that.

My first tama was a V5! it still works after every time I dropped it and water poured all over it! fun times! XD
