Do you shave?


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The scent of Nair makes me natious, I once passed out in my bathroom because of it.

So I'm stuck with not-being-allowed to shave untill I'm 12. I'm 10, I have just a tiny bit of underarm hair, a bit of leghair, and alot of hair 'under there'.

I started shaving when I was like 9 because my leg hair was very, very long and dark, and kids made fun of me for it.

And by the way you don't need to shave your arms unless you really want to. I think your arms look kinda weird without hair, lol.

I am just so tiny, all of friends have to shave almost EVERYWHERE but i only have to shave my legs...*which i need to do btw..LOL*

Yeah, the scent is bad. :D But the scent goes away after you like, rub it or whatever. Oh and BTW, I dont shave mah pits because the hair isnt there yet! B)

I shave my underarms and my legs. I have brown hair, so the hairs were very noticable against my skin colour. I was really embarassed about wearing skirts because of them, and thought my legs were ugly. I got so annoyed, I started to shave. I am glad I started, because I feel much prettier in skirts now. I shave my underarms because the hairs there were really long too.

If anyone is unsure about shaving, think about how having hair there makes you feel, and how you would feel if it wasn't there. LOL.

Giraffagotchi. :angry:

I shave my legs and armpits.When I shave my pits I thtink about the Suite life of Zack and Cody episodes where they're looking for armpit hair and I say to myself "I have more armpit hair than Dylan and Cole Sprouse.CRAP!" :p

I shave my underarms and legs. I've always wanted to try nair or veet but my mom is so weird about those things.

Legs and armpits. However when I was younger I used the veet hair remover...only once though. It burns, badly. My friends used the same stuff and it happened to them, so I suggest not using Veet hair remover, it leaves your legs red, stinging, and itchy.

Legs, underarms, and if I'm going swimming -- "down there"

Cause my swimsuits are cut pretty close to that area.


I use a razor, but Nair is so much easier.

I started with Nair, then went to shaving.

And even though the smell of Nair is really bad,

I just turn on the fan in my bathroom and deal with it.

But for those of you who haven't started shaving yet --

Put if off as long as you can.

Cause once you start -- you can't stop.

Cause that's just gross.


i shave my underarms and legs. i also have to shave my arms because i did it one time, and then it grew back even more than before and just looked plain weird. plus it feels so smooth. and i look at my friends arms and i'm all like to myself "i'm glad i shave mine." :blink:

I don't shave, I'm lucky, I don't get leg hair or under-arm hair. I get my eyebrows waxed though, after you get it done once it doesn't hurt the other times.

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