Do you take it out in public?


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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2011
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Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Hey guys,

As most of you know, if you'd been reading my log and pm-ing me, you'll know that because of the area I'm in and the people that are around me, I have a difficult time dealing with bringing my Tamagotchi(s) out in public, though am starting to get over it.

Because it's such a rare thing to see now, that it makes me stumble over words and feel embarrassed to have it in my possession when asked about it, or given a strange look.

For the large Tamagotchi fans, owners and lovers - the ID L(s), the TMGO, the TM+C, etc - Do you take it out in public? ;)

Help me out here, I need to rejoin the world of RetroNerd without wondering if I'll be looked down upon, LOL.

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If i'm running any, i take them out, even my tama-go, Cause haters gonna hate. Ive never really gotten any weird looks or anything though.

I keep my iD-L in this little Chinese take out box I bought from Michael's,this craft store near us when I'm out.I take it out wherever, (Not in the parking lot or when i'm walking :p )I wouldn't worry about the strange looks.Nine times out of ten,you'll never see the person that passed by again. :)

I don't take mine out with me because of the fact that when I am out I do not have the time to look at them e.g at Uni. I think I would just take them out if I did have the time lol. I wouldn't really care about the looks its more the little kids that come up to you and bug you about what you are doing that bother me (Perhaps I am just a grouch lol)

I take mine with me most anywhere I go - I'm not shy about it. I never notice people giving me weird looks or anything cause most people are too busy looking at and playing with their phones. What does it matter either? No one said I had to give up neat keychain games when I turned a certain age. :p And if people did ask me, which no one has yet, I would just tell them that it is my hobby and I collect them.


Haha, you guys are brilliant.

I think what might be happening is, though I have a BlackBerry *coughcrackberrycough* and text an awful lot, growing up as an RCMP kid and then going through RCMP training myself for a little bit - I've become OVER AWARE of what other people are doing, to the point where if I'm snapping my fingers to making a motion in my jacket pocket to someone or something, I feel that everyone and their dog will see that my pocket is oddly shaped.

Because you're all right. Most people can't be arsed to notice, or be arsed to care if they DO notice. :)

My husband just sits there and goes "I don't care if you take it out with you. It's your pet." hah, he's so disregarding of what people think.

Well, that kinda sussed it, then. I've had my TMGO started again since last night and I'll be taking him to the date place so that I can start going ahead with another generation, and from now on - It's coming everywhere with me!!


PS - You guys are freaking AWESOME.

My husband just sits there and goes "I don't care if you take it out with you. It's your pet." hah, he's so disregarding of what people think.
LOL also - did I mention that I get my husband to play one with me most of the time anyway? XD so we will both we sitting there beeping away with them at like a fast food place or something hahahahah We're dweebs, but we don't care cause we seem to be the only ones having any fun most of the time :D


LOL also - did I mention that I get my husband to play one with me most of the time anyway? XD so we will both we sitting there beeping away with them at like a fast food place or something hahahahah We're dweebs, but we don't care cause we seem to be the only ones having any fun most of the time :D

Haha, love it!! Husband tried playing with my v3 last year but after about 2 hours he got bored. And took such poor care of it that he got the Princess Leia looking Tama character LOL.

So I just enjoy them on my own, but I got yet another friend *YAY* going out to buy a Tama-Go today!! So that's 4 friends going out next pay day to get one!! TEEHEE!!! :D

I'm proud of my Tama and OF COURSE I TAKE IT OUT IN PUBLIC! I mean, if someone gives you a strange look, chances are they're a stranger and you won't ever see them again! If someone asks you, just say "it's none of your business" and they'll most likely leave you alone. If their are kids bothering you, just look at the accompanying parent and give them a please-stop-your-child-from-annoying-me look and they'll hopefully understand it. If the child is old enough not to have a parent with them, then you can just say "it's a virtual pet" or, if you'd be embarrassed for the world to know you even had THAT, say "it's one of my kids' toys, he left it at the park so I came back to get it for him" or something like that. If someone asks to use it, just say "sorry, it hasn't got any batteries in right now".

I'm proud of my Tama and OF COURSE I TAKE IT OUT IN PUBLIC! I mean, if someone gives you a strange look, chances are they're a stranger and you won't ever see them again! If someone asks you, just say "it's none of your business" and they'll most likely leave you alone. If their are kids bothering you, just look at the accompanying parent and give them a please-stop-your-child-from-annoying-me look and they'll hopefully understand it. If the child is old enough not to have a parent with them, then you can just say "it's a virtual pet" or, if you'd be embarrassed for the world to know you even had THAT, say "it's one of my kids' toys, he left it at the park so I came back to get it for him" or something like that. If someone asks to use it, just say "sorry, it hasn't got any batteries in right now".

Haha, you're brilliant.

I'm not embarrassed so to speak, it's just hindsight as to what will happen.

I'll put it to you this way - I'm a redhead, with lots of freckles. I am a Witch. Literally, and I wear the symbol of being so, which is a star, with the point UPWARDS, and a ring around it. That fact alone, around the area I'm in anyway, is bad, because I get stared at, and get called names. Never mind that maybe those people should look into what being a Witch really means... The original hippy, if you will. Except with better hygiene.

So, I get enough looks, and enough comments, that I find myself wary of bringing something like my Tama-Go (especially with its size) out in public, when some people are already freaking s**t because they see I'm a witch.

It might sound silly to worry about those things, but then again, I'm the one who had holy water thrown on me on a bus once because some crazy old lady thought that.. well... you can guess.. :'(

Sorry, I don't get that one bit. I haven't really been exposed to that sort of thing...I mean...someone threw water over's just the thing my parents are trying to protect me from. Couldn't you just, like, call the police saying someone poured water over you for no reason whatsoever? That's...not...really...allowed...we're not allowed to discuss anything illegal here, it's Rule Number One of TamaTalk, so I won't go any further...

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Sorry, I don't get that one bit. I haven't really been exposed to that sort of thing...I mean...someone threw water over's just the thing my parents are trying to protect me from. Couldn't you just, like, call the police saying someone poured water over you for no reason whatsoever? That's...not...really...allowed...we're not allowed to discuss anything illegal here, it's Rule Number One of TamaTalk, so I won't go any further...

haha, yeah but it would cause such fuss.

It's okay though, I've gotten over it, and the looks and such - I can't help but make sure that people aren't looking at me weird, but at this point, I don't really care. I did a lot of thinking last night, and a lot evaluation.

Tamagotchis are apart of my life. I grew up with them, I had one 2 days after they came out, and I've been playing with them since. They're fun, addictive, and they keep a small piece of my childhood alive while I'm out there fighting the good fight called life :p

So, I'll take it with me, ID L, Tama-Go, etc. I don't care. :D

Im terrified to walk around with mine I keep them in my moms purse : )

I play with my Tamas in public a lot! One of my friends asked about them and thought they were cute. My mom thinks they're cute too, and she doesn't mind if I have them out in public, as long as I'm not bugging her to look at it or tuning her out while she talks.

Most of the people I'm around don't really care if I have it. They usually ask about it, and I say it's a virtual pet that grows, and they say that it's neat and leave it at that.

My best friend inspired me...I bring my tama everywhere I go, either in a purse or a pocket or just holding it in my hand. I always play it in public because I figure "Hey, you'll probably never ever see these people again in my life, and what do they care?". Plus, think of it from some else's perspective. Do you really think that matters that much to them? Take it out in public, and be proud!! :)

I don't honestly care. I have my tama on me as an accessory too. Some people are just curious and ask me "Is that a tamagotchi?" I've never had any issues. Also think about it, people have ipods, phones, and portable gaming systems, where some of them games require you to play them daily or take care of them. Or you can think of it as this way: We enjoy playing tamagotchi and others enjoy playing games like action adventure stuff, RolePlay games. Except ours is cuter hhaha.

I am not afraid at all, I wear it tied up in my sweater strings or on a lanyard. It's funny because I go to college where if someone sees it they go Ohh! Is that a tamagotchi? and I go yep. If anything they are a great conversation starter. Course college people are not ones to talk when they still play yu-gi-oh and pokemon cards AND the old pokemon games... or even that guy who wears a werewolf mask everywhere <_< so... I don't really stand out much.
