Do you think Bandai America will stop making Tamagotchis?


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***EDIT: Off-topic***

As for the OPs question in this thread - I hope Bandai doesn't discontinue tamas, but really the funny thing is, I used to frequent the toy section of walmart looking for tamas. I found 2 clearance music stars probably about the time the tama-go was coming out. I never saw a tama-go in stores and only saw figures (also on clearance) and had to call soooo many stores to find one and only 1 in a toysrus. I asked them to hold it for me and it was soooo weird cause I thought that they were all about selling tamas in like their own section... o_O; The packaging was all beat up too....

I don't know how things will go - if they went back to the smaller, slimmer tamas I would be happy.


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To be fair dazzlichigirl does have a right to her opinion. I don't agree with some of the things she's said either ( Angelgotchi's awesome and no one will convince me otherwise. ) but she does have the right to express herself here.

That said, I totally agree with you. The smaller slimmer Tamas SHOULD make a comeback. I know I've said this multiple times here but part of the great thing about Tamas is that it's a portable pet. You can take them anywhere easily. In a pocket or on a necklace or whatever. The TamaGo moved away from all that. It's a brick. If you threw it at someone you'd probably kill them. Or at least give them a concussion.

I still sort of want one, but since I had absolutely no money this month and they're going on clearance I probably missed my chance.

Oh and Bandai? Advertising is your friend. I watch The Disney Channel, Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network all the time. I sit through countless commercials for crap that I wouldn't take if it was offered me for free ( I particularly hate that vile Chuck E Cheese rat. I want to take him and toss him in a vat of that cartoon melting Dip stuff from Roger Rabbit ). The least you could do, Bandai, is throw a few Tamagotchi ads out there. Not only would it give you a chance to hook new fans and let old ones know Tamagotchi is still out there but it would break the monotony and stupidity by occasionally letting me view an ad for something I actually care about. Do it for my blood pressure if nothing else. Give me something to smile about while I'm waiting for Phineas and Ferb to come back on. And most of all Bandai, show those manufacturers of cheap plastic crap what a truly awesome and innovative toy is. Tamagotchi shouldn't be failing. Trust me, I've seen the things that pass for toys today. They aren't even in the same league as Tamagotchi. Squinkies? Bakugan? Come on Bandai, if this is the stuff that's popular these days then it shouldn't be a difficult task to show them up. If you just tried a little Tamagotchi could easily overshadow that garbage. It wouldn't even be a fair fight. It'd be like pitting Jason Voorhees against a Smurf. A crippled Smurf with half it's brain missing at that. If you just put some effort into it Tamagotchi would own!

You forgot to meantion those "Silly Bands" .... shaped bands... whatever the most common name is. hahaha.

I do hope that tamas stay around a little bit longer... But I'm not sure... Normally someone has freaked out over a New Tamagotchi by now... We are way overdue for a new one from Bandai America... Not the RE-Release of other tama. Absolutly brand new, with the original size (96-97 or connections)

I've said it before... How long with you play with the same figure that doesn't pose or anything? an Hour.... at absolute most? That tama does more, but 2 years of nearly the same one... Thinking they would make money? Not really... Just add to the waiting time.............. They come visit us for a while. They will see we all have some really GREAT ideas. They will go perfect with many of the current "love for tech" or creativity.

The TamaGo moved away from all that. It's a brick. If you threw it at someone you'd probably kill them. Or at least give them a concussion.

I still sort of want one, but since I had absolutely no money this month and they're going on clearance I probably missed my chance.

Oh and Bandai? Advertising is your friend. I watch The Disney Channel, Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network all the time. I sit through countless commercials for crap that I wouldn't take if it was offered me for free ( I particularly hate that vile Chuck E Cheese rat. I want to take him and toss him in a vat of that cartoon melting Dip stuff from Roger Rabbit ). The least you could do, Bandai, is throw a few Tamagotchi ads out there. Not only would it give you a chance to hook new fans and let old ones know Tamagotchi is still out there but it would break the monotony and stupidity by occasionally letting me view an ad for something I actually care about. Do it for my blood pressure if nothing else. Give me something to smile about while I'm waiting for Phineas and Ferb to come back on. And most of all Bandai, show those manufacturers of cheap plastic crap what a truly awesome and innovative toy is. Tamagotchi shouldn't be failing. Trust me, I've seen the things that pass for toys today. They aren't even in the same league as Tamagotchi. Squinkies? Bakugan? Come on Bandai, if this is the stuff that's popular these days then it shouldn't be a difficult task to show them up. If you just tried a little Tamagotchi could easily overshadow that garbage. It wouldn't even be a fair fight. It'd be like pitting Jason Voorhees against a Smurf. A crippled Smurf with half it's brain missing at that. If you just put some effort into it Tamagotchi would own!
Hehehe you litterally made me laugh out loud in the first paragraph that I quoted. xD

I totally agree with the second one. Tamas really are one of the best toys that there are and ever will be. Bandai, don't let that go. If you would give us something non brick-like (xD) then I swear that more Tamafans would be alive.

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To all members who read this: please do your best to keep your posts relevant to the topic at hand and as friendly as much as possible, as per site rules. If you don't have anything nice to say, please don't say it at all. We all reserve the right to have our own opinions and we should recognize that other people have their own. No one is trying to gang up on anyone here. Please, all. We don't need to get worked up over nothing. Thank you and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Bandai is being very lazy. They should bring back the classic tamagotchis, where you actually take care of your tamagotchi (1 and only 1 or maybe even 2; the baby) and not add up on all these unnecessary stuff. Make a re-make of them in color. Like Pokemon brought gold and silver back and made them in color with good graphics and etc and in color. Someone needs to take over Bandai and pitch the best ideas. they need to redo REDO all of the buisness planning for tamagotchi, and make it fun and cool again, they need to make that boom happen again and make it last. Because if they don't then TAMANA (Tamagotchi North America) is over.I can tell you now people who loved tamagotchi might return if their is enough PR and better simpler features. It HAS to have a full package meaning anything that is needed including toys, figures & all that nonsense needs to be included. Seriously Bandai dont get greedy, this isn't pokemon we aren't searching the world to get all these stuff. They are thinking like these figures are Pokemon cards. Well Pokemon cards are cheaper and these figures aren't. I'm getting a V4.5 soon and I hope i can revive my love for tamagotchi. The Japanese are smart they are going to make tamagotchi last for how ever long they want, but the americans...-sigh- they really need to make better strategies. They need to promote better, market better, and instead of making what they feel. How about making a tamagotchi what we feel and like SINCE WE ARE THE ONES BUYING, well unless they are buying their own products themselves. They should do marketing research, surveys and information, calls anything to know what we want and how to pitch an idea and apply it to their customers. Again advertising is the only way people will know if tamagotchi is alive, and the only reason i know about tamagos is because I went to their website. & now all i see is these stupid bags and crap taht come with the toy. They are loosing the concept of Tamagotchi, we take care of our little pets and play and buy and clean and etc, not music and other crap i dont even though about. If they dont fix stuff now they will stop making them give about 3 more months. TAMNA is over and TAMAGOTCHI WILL FINALLY STAY WITH THE JAPANESE AND ONLY BE WITH THE JAPANESE. & US north Americans and others will have to search amazon, ebay for the rest of our life to get it, though marketing cuts into 50% since not everyone CAN buy stuff online due to lack of credit card...THATS ALL I HAVE TO SAY.

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As I've said countless times before this failure isn't the fault of Tamagotchi at all. It is a product that still has a lot of potential. If Tamagotchi disappears in North America then the fault rests squarely on the shoulders of Bandai. I've already criticized the lack of advertising in this thread so I won't go off on that topic again. But I think Bandai has made several mistakes with the TamaGo. The thing's too big and requiring extra figures in order to access all the Tamago's features is stupid. It's inconvenient for one thing. I spend lots of money on various VPets but when I do so I want to spend it on actual VPets, not stupid accessories to unlock features that should have come pre installed in the device. Requiring people to buy these figures to unlock all the TamaGo has to offer is pure greed on Bandai's part. Look Bandai, you don't need these crap figures to get my money. Make a decent Tamagotchi, one that's not the size of an ostrich egg, and you'll get plenty of my cash. I'm obsessive. If I like something, I'll buy one of every color and when I run out of different colors to buy I'll start buying doubles. I've collected various VPets on and off since 1999 and I've always done this. Back when I collected Zhu Zhu Pets I had doubles and triples of various colors. I'd do the same for Tamagotchi.

Look Bandai, you don't need these crap figures to get my money. Make a decent Tamagotchi, one that's not the size of an ostrich egg, and you'll get plenty of my cash. I'm obsessive. If I like something, I'll buy one of every color and when I run out of different colors to buy I'll start buying doubles.
Same with me and probably everyone else who's posted on this thread. But it's about 15 people (not counting the rest, just the 15 people who spam BanDai's inbox with this topic) versus all the hundreds or even thousands of kids aged 4-8 who buy Tama-Go figures. BanDai wants to appeal to 6-year-old girls with the cute characters and the large buttons, easy for small, chubby hands. And also 8-12 year-old girls with the nurturing-a-pet concept and the new potty training feature and the fact that it can pass for one of those trinkets you clip onto your school bag to make it look pretty and show it off. The fact is, there are way more ordinary, new-Tama-fan 6-12 year old girls in the world than there are TamaTalkers whose first Tama was a vintage/early connexion and want them to come back.

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