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I eat WAY too much, even when I am full.

But I'm really skinny, so I usually never worry about it.

I eat weirdly. My days are either over eating or under eating.

..I suck on my pinkie finger 8-]

I crack my body parts too much.

and I eat too much Dairy Queen .. ^-^

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I suck the grease off my fingers after I've finished eating chips / crisps / whatever you call them.

^I do that xD

I crack my knuckles anhd back.

I eat looaaaaads. But I'm underweight :/

I bite my nails. Only my left hand, and only because they get too long for playing guitar.

Nothing "extremely unhealthy," but I do have some bad habits. 3x Can't think of any right now... OH! I flick my retainer in and out of my mouth. I know it's bad for you. The Orthodonist would kill me, KILL ME, if I broke it.

Nope. I don't smoke, drink over 18 drinks or eat unhealthily. My worse habbit is probably chewing random nothings. But, I'm stopping.

well i do eat lots, but thanks to my teenage metabolism, i'm fine. xD I'm sure my excessive time online/ playing video games is unhealthy for my eyesight. I've never smoked or did drugs or any of that stuff.

I pick at my skin condition and make it worse, I bite the sides of my mouth, I bite the skin off the sides of my fingernails.


I probably have a few more bad habits here and there, but those three are my worst.

I drink lots of coke and eat lots of crisps (I'm in Europe, sue me). I don't eat many vegetables, though I do eat fruit and drink fruit juice because I like the taste... but still, don't follow my bad example of health.

Some days I eat tons of candy, then get lazy and don't brush my teeth. I actually think I have a cavity. D:

I also eat A LOT when I'm bored... and considering how often I'm bored, that's baddd. But I'm actually considered about a pound or two underweight, so metabolism has sided with me for the most part.

well i do eat lots, but thanks to my teenage metabolism, i'm fine. xD I'm sure my excessive time online/ playing video games is unhealthy for my eyesight. I've never smoked or did drugs or any of that stuff.
Omg same lol :)


My dad whinges that I only need glasses because I 'wrecked my own eyes' from staring at a screen for 12 hours a day :D

I eat when I'm bored, which means I eat a lot. I will always be skinny though. It's just my build. Which is good, because there are days where I eat a truckload :)



I said my other bad habits in my earlier post.

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