Do your mum and dad HATE tamas?


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Do your mum and dad HATE tamas???

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  • Only when i have the sound on

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My mom is always like "Did you bring your bug with you?" it's funny. They say I'm addicted but I just cant help it!


ya i always have 2 turn of the sound because it drives my mum and dad crazy!!!!!!!like the frist time i got a tama i 4got 2 turn of the sound of when we went 2 sleep and it beeped all the time that my dad was bout 2 throught it out the window!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1like come on!!!!!!!!!

i dont play with them currently.

but when i did play with them, they didnt mind as long as i wasnt supposed to be doing something.

my parents would never take care of them though.

they cant even figure out the simplest games.

sad, lol


:unsure: My parents like tamagotchis espically my mom she allways buys me one after along time /or if I lose one. :ph34r: :wacko: :unsure: :D :D <_<
My parents don't hate Tamas. They think they're kinda neat. :D


-Tamaguy#1 :D

My Dad actually took care of mine once, and so did my Mom! (Although my mom did a ppretty bad job considering it was DEAD when I got it back :( )
Yeah, my parents 'sort of' hate them. Sometimes my mum looks after them too, but they're normally 'dead' or 'really fat'! Some parents...

I don't live with my dad and when I see he jokes and says put that crap away. My mom is glade I have something to bussy my self with. She even, if I am in the other room, will tell me that it beeps. She wouldn't even begin to know how to take care of it.

My mom and dad love them!In fact they have one themselves!In the beginnig I had to teach them how to take care of it :) .The first time I got them my parent hated them but eventually they loved them!But every time I get a new tama,I have to show my mom and dad my old ones so they think I won't lose them.

-My Mum....
That's what she thinks of tamas...
My mum is very similar. This is what she says when I saw the v4 sold out:

Mum: You don't want one anyway. Tamagotchi consume TOO much of your B**** time! (I know that's not such a bad word but for those younger ones out there...)

Me: How?

Mum: Well, you DON'T do those EDUCATIONAL games that your dad bought you.

Me: Well that is computer.

Mum: I'd rather you do THAT then play with all that S***! (She's an expert at saying the S-word.)

Me: *grumbling, swearing, cursing under my breath*

I told my friend and he reckons it's stupid. What kind of primary school student studies on Saturdays, Sundays and during the holidays?

My dad however is the opposite and doesn't even notice I have it at times.

But my Auntie Jaye (a.k.a. Mummy Jaye or the personal maid) is even pushier than my mum and she's like:

"Your pets very lucky! They get to come to Sinagpore!"

And I have a pocket Neopet and don't like it, and she said, "Oh, why not? The poor thing..."

But she did say her husband's brother bought them Littlest Pet Shop thingies and she said she didn't like them that much with it because even though you can pause, usually you wouldn't want to. And in Sinagpore, every mother's motto is "study study study!"

Nope my mum thinks they're cute and once she even played with it to make me get 5000 points!!! And my dad thinks they're cool because he was the one who bought them for me and my brother when we were good and we played with them for months so he thinks they were well worth the money!!!

Nope! My mom loves them so much that she has a small collection of 4 of them! My boyfriend on the other hand, cant stand them... though his curiosity gets the best of him because he asks about them and fiddles with them sometimes. :(

my mom hates my tama ,but one time we were at a resturant and she asked me how it worked,and what do ya know all of a sudden she claims that they're OKAY,but i think she reallY DOES like them.NOW on the other hand my grandma wants MINE ALL THE TIME so i had to get a v4 for myself so that she could have my v3!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :D :eek: :D :eek: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :eek: .......................hmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe i could get my mom that crazy about them,what do you guys think????????????????????? :D :D :D :D

all though my grandma only really cares for my v3 because on day she killed !!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :eek: :D :D :( :eek: :eek: :lol: BUTi'm kinda happy because if she didn't want my v3 i wouldn' have my v4 now!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

My mom kinda likes them EXEPCT(sp)when he is playing gitar(sp) she takes care of them when they are little My dad DISPISES them I told him I wanted V4 he said what is sooooo great about them they are the same as V3 my mom said it has new pets and jobs and mail! :p Dad said **** tamas those annoying little M******ers beeping and booping my mom got me 1 anyway!

my mom used to have tamagotchis!!!!!! She would take care of my first tama when i was at school...the health points never dropped. My step bro is jeolous of my tamas....because we were punished and i still got to take care of mt tama and play with it...and he couldn't do anything!! XD

My mom doesn't have a problem with Tamagotchi. She did say that they are for 9 year olds, though. My dad doesn't say anything about them.

my parents don't like the idea of tamagotchi's. they think they are a waste of time and money. they think that becaus i look after them at school i am not learning, and they are distracting me. they think i am not only waisting my time but my life. they don't think i should have more then two, and even two is too much, and because all my money comes from them, that is a problem. i was supposed to get one this weekend but the feel through.

they don't appreciate the love and patience that go into tamagotchi raising, and the parenting skills and compassion i'm learning for putting someone else needs before mine.

i think it a wonderful life lesson, but they don't get it...

:wacko: :) tamafanaticforever :D B)

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