Do your parents?


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.Not A Dinosaur

Well-known member
Dec 24, 2008
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I was wondering, do your parents or teachers, etc. ever lie "for your benefit?"

My dad does. He freaked out because some teacher thinks I have ADD. He says, "Your too focused on what you look like. Maybe I sould pick what you wear. Just look at what you're wearing now! I don't like it"

Later on my mom asked what was wrong with my outfit. He said that nothing was wrong. And plus, I really don't stress very much about how I look, compared to other girls who go to the bathroom in groups freaking out about their make-up. They do that, while my name is Scottie, which sounds like a guy's xD


Yeah xD

My school is filled with the kind of people who will lie either obviously or, even worse, behind my back, just for attention. I've learnt to ignore those people. I've got more than enough amazing friends and my best friend forever and ever. My true friends don't lie to me, and I return the favor. If my hair gets all spazzy or I have a sticker on my face (yeah, it happens) they'll tell me. If their hair is spazzing or their flies are undone, I'll tell them. If we're both just being freaks, we'll tell each other and just be even more freakish together. That's the way we roll. <33

one time my mom had to lie for me. I belong to the Ontario soccer team... and they're really strict, you can't miss even one practice, but I had a skating competition the same day as one of the practices, so my mom lied and said I had to visit my dying grandfather in Alberta.

xD :furawatchi:

Yes. And I've been lied too from a whole bunch of other people also.

But I have to admit. I have told maybe a couple of fibs in my past years. But I'm pretty sure that most of them knew that I was telling a lie because most of them involved me bunjee jumping off a huge cliff or something like that. xP

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