Does any Tamagotchi fit this description?


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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2011
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Sorry if this belongs in another section!

I always hated oldies, and when I get a really cute character, I'd love to keep it for weeks at a time, but still be able to have the matchmaker come and let the tama breed so there can be another generation. Buuuut of course after a while the adorable adult turns into an oldie, and I *kinda* neglect it a bit. Is there any tamagotchi that has no oldie stage but can still breed?

Well, I know my IDL doesn't have oldies... I think you could marry one yet... but only as your choice. (I don't remember seeing one in my marriages though... I could be wrong)

Its the first one... Not the 15th, Has an oldie (Although its a character as adult) Then I'm not sure about the Princess Spacy.

As far as I know, there's only the iD series. Part of the Identification part of the iD series is that you can keep your character for as long as you want with no oldies whatsoever.
