Does anyone elses tama do this?


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Well-known member
Mar 13, 2006
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today in class i noticed something my tamagotchi falls on its face when im not playing with walks then it ifalls on its face.(btw its pukatchi :lol: ) does anyone elses tama do this??( i beileve my v1 used to do it to but i thought i was craxi and never actually payed attention to this)thinkez :)

On v1, it's a random animation.

On v4, if your Wealth, Relationships and Health factors (in your fortune cookie) add up to 5 or less your Tamagotchi will perform the falling over animation.

Yes, it always happens in V4 adults most of the glitch

nothing to worry about my hanatchi does it all the time it doesn't bother me much no glitch it's just something tama's do when your not playing with them! :D :D :D

mine's doing it right now... anyway... it will do that if your fourtune stuff adds up to 5 or less... like, if you get 3 GPs stars, 1 heart star, and 1 health star, (that adds up to 5... ) then it will fall on its face until it goes above 5...

hope i helped!

Some people say that it depends on how well you treat it. If you neglect it, it will fall. If it is happy, it will jump. Some people say that it isn't true. Well, I believe it. When ever my tama falls on it's face, I play games with it and then it jumps. :eek: :huh: :eek:

On V1, it was just a random animation.

On V4 the Fortune cookies affect how your tama does animations,

Good cookies, total more than 5= jumping around

Bad cookies total less than 5= falling on face.

If your cookie adds up to more than 5 your tama will jump around.

If your cookie adds up less than 5 your tama will fall on its face.

Hope i helped, and have a great tama-talking day!!!! :(

today in class i noticed something my tamagotchi falls on its face when im not playing with walks then it ifalls on its face.(btw its pukatchi :lol: ) does anyone elses tama do this??( i beileve my v1 used to do it to but i thought i was craxi and never actually payed attention to this)thinkez :eek:
It's not a Glitch, don't worry. My Tama did quite often, and still does! I don't worry about it though, it doesn't do anything to damage, harm or anything along those lines to your Tama!!

Best Wishes,

barky :D

That is very normal. Most tamagotchis do that.(especially onionochi <-- 4got spelling)

It falls on it's face because it is part of their walk like, the way they walk around the screen. -_- Pretty weird hey?

I hope my somewhat long/short paragraph helped you and your tamagotchi bring a smile everyday!

mine did that it was gozurutchi! all u realy have to do is press the b button and it will come back! :p :unsure: :wacko: :ph34r: :blink: :lol: :p

hope i helped

TAMAGIRL2008 :furawatchi:

Yeah that's normal, when I first got my tamgotchi (yesterday) I saw my tama fall on it's face and craked up laughing! I think that's REALLY CUTE!

♥Tamagurl♥ ^_^

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