Does anyone Keep a Tamagotchi Records?


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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2011
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Im asking for all the Tamagotchi Owners who love thier Tamas so dearly that do the Tama Owners write their Tamagotchi Records daily on daily basis like for me of course. Now my second question is that when u do write your tamas records do you look back to thier records and maybe talk about them or compare each of the tamas that you had. For my last question, Can you all tama owners please explain on what things you record(s) daily of your tamas.

For me I only keep records of thier ages, the day they are born and the day they die, my tamagotchi names, who's tama baby(ies) are related to who, thier band names and thier band members names.

Just my log. I mostly write about what hapopens on a day-to-day basis, if anything exciting happened, day they were born, died, married, ect.


I can't do it daily. I'm a full-time post-graduate student who also volunteers at the hospital and goes about her business in the hustle and bustle of daily life. :) I do it as often as I can though and that's usually enough.

I have relatively extensive records?

My Log/Blog keeps the ages, evolutions and amount of hearts (happy, hungry) during sleeptime...

I personally keep the Names (Gotchi, Band and Future Gotchi) for each version I own.

Also, my personal records have the Evolutions and which Gotchi I mated together.

I kind of want to be "Tama Scientist" so it really helps to keep good records. ^^;;


Heh, this just gave me an idea of what to use one of my journals for. I've got several and one of them I didn't want to use for my personal writing so this is perfect! But I doubt I'll keep a daily 'record'. I'll try, though. I made my first entry today seeing as that my Pipotchi(sp?) got married. :p I have no recollection of when he first hatched and what he was called the first day ( I swear the names were different...?)


I can't do it daily. I'm a full-time post-graduate student who also volunteers at the hospital and goes about her business in the hustle and bustle of daily life. :) I do it as often as I can though and that's usually enough.

Yeah, im volunteering at a Adult Clinic of disablities and behavorial center and going to school too at the same time. I still have enough time to play and record my tamas records and stuff. thats good that you do that.


I mainly just use my log to keep my tamas updated. But i occasionaly write stuff down in a notebook about them.... XD


I've also been keeping this...


I don't think you can see what it is but it's my epicly horrible drawings of each character, each stage, their name, and their mate.

Hm.. I once tried to keep a written diary of my tamagotchis, but failed miserably. I am not very good with keeping a regular journal (except online). However, there is one thing that I've been meaning to try,and that's to set aside a notebook specifically for drawings of tamas. What I mean by that is just that I'll draw the tamagotchi I have started (like the outer shell), and then draw the characters as I go along, with their likes and dislikes with food. I know I can just look it all up online, but I love to draw :) I do love my tamas very much though, and really wish I had a few more CR2032 batteries so I can have two tamas of each version that I own running...

I draw the tamagotchis I already have and write down their names. If I wrote down what they did each day I would forget to do it every day because I would either forget to do it or just be too lazy or tired.

I keep a daily log called "Reb's Rough Loggin'"

I just post the things I can remember about my three running tamas. It's not really detailed (hence why I called it "rough loggin").

Recently I started taking pictures of the cute things I catch them doing.

I keep a journal with the names and the adult they grow into. When I was younger I used to have this journal full of literally everything the tama did during the day. I was a bored child... haha.

I have a tama log on this site... and I also keep a record of tamas similar to the "memory" function. Their name, picture, and species//

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