does anyone know how to get a pyonkotchi?


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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2006
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niagara falls
I really want a pyonkotchi and every time I follow what people say it does not work. please dont post on how there is no way to get a certain tamagotchi oh yay even thogh I'm posting this in the help for new tamagotchi owners I am not a new owner I have had tamagotchis for quiet some time!!!!!!!

i might be able to help you cause i have one currently

i had a teletchi (girl)>mizutamatchi>obotchi>pyonkotchi

i took very good care of him

and i keep his weight LOW!

i took good care of it and did not let get over weight

pearlxnecklace, you are exactly right. i had teletchi(duh!),mizutamatchi,obotchi and then i got a Pyonkotchi! and if it helps, i had full training too.

i took very good care of himand i keep his weight LOW!
I have a pyonkotchi and I got mine even with my tamagotchi being 99lbs so I would say just take tip top care of your tamagotchi. Also do not miss any training bars.

Cool, I have a pyonkotchi on my v3. I don't know exactly how to get it though. My tamagotchi is green with purple flowers.

Green with Purple Flowers


Gender: girl

Username: MISTY

Point: 9999pts.

name: Ella

Training: 7

age: 5 yrs

Gen: first

This is how I got it, hope it works for you!!

Keep hungry + happy full MOST of the time

Miss one training

Have Obotchi OR Patapatatchi

Let it get sick once


Ok this is my first v3 and this is how I got mine:

--Never did I let my tamagotchi go hungry or unhappy.

--The teen stage was young Mametchi.

--It is OK to miss a few training bars, I missed 1.

Hope it helps ^^ :kuribotchi:

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