Does Element Make Bad Skateboards?/Skating Stories


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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
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[SIZE=14pt]Well, I was at a Skateboarding store and the guy there said Element boards aren't as good as the other ones. Oh yeah, by the way, I was getting my skateboard there. [/SIZE]


Well, I'm guessing you already answer the poll.


Well, now you can post your skateboard stories.


Heres mine:


Ok, so I just got home with my new Mystery (a skateboard co.) skateboard, and I decided to take it down my hill (stupid idea) and it was covered in snow.




I went down the hill and fell on my face?!?!??! I don't now why I decided to do that. BUT, it was still fun.



Well I personally don't skateboard, so online look for 'Element skateboard reviews'. They should have some stuff.


When I was 10-11ish, my friend and I wanted to be skateboaders. That flopped, lmfao.

When I was 9 I went skateboarding on a skateboard that was probably too small for me at a park. I put on my brother's helmet but his elbow guards wouldn't fit me because I was 2 years older than him. I stood on the skateboard and was barely moving, then I rolled over a crack, lost my balance, flipped the skateboard and broke my elbow.

When the cast was put on, my arm could not get to 90 degrees like it was supposed to, so it was kind of at around 110 degrees. When another doctor saw him put the cast on me, he got up the doctor because he said it MUST be 90 degrees. It was funny, but you had to be there. I had the cast on for about 3 weeks, then I got a foam sling. When it was put on, it hurt. Because the cast wasn't made properly they had to put the sling all the way up to my shoulder. It hurt a lot.

The freaky thing about this was that it was a Black Friday (Firday 13th) and the day before my birthday. They say on Black Fridays that if you step on a crack, you break your back. Well maybe if you roll over a crack you break your elbow :(

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I was watching a show of 3 hippies they go all around the world and are trying to save the economy.One was were they make skateboards out of Bamboo which was so brilliant because it's like 20x smarter than using trees.

-Bamboo grows like 10x faster,it doesn't take years

-It's stronger(it actually is,the skateboards were more durable)

-You save oxygon!No more getting rid of trees!

I say,go make yourself a skateboard out of bamboo.

nice guys (and girls)...

Sorry if this is advertising or spamming, but please, please, please, check out my forum website that i made it took me a long time. Here is the adress:

alright, here's a tip that u could use for skating. Go on a smooth surface when you first start out. I started in my basment where it was smooth.

Element skateboards are good, but...they run big. LIke they're wide.

In my opinion, I like Girl skateboards or Chocolate. They're nice and skinny. skate story? Well I had a Element skateboard (Bam's of course) and the lady at Vans was really bad at making boards because mine had wheel bites (when the wheel's too close to the board and chips the paint off, basically). Soo yeah.

I can skateboard and still do.


Me and my friends were going down the stairs on our decks (Skateboards) and I went down and triped and broke my leg!

wow. thanks for all the replies... :eek: i didn't know that i would get soooo many. nice storys guys (and girls)! I have a mystery skate board! it was cumstomly made for me!

[SIZE=7pt]Element is my favourite, and they have really good skateboards, I have one![/SIZE]

I use it when it's warm out though, and it's awesome, so fun. :)

When i bought an element skateboard it was pretty good. I loved it..i liked the way i designed it.

Well until it broke lol. I was being an idiot and i decided to skateboard on the frozen lake. the water was shallow so i didn't worry. But the ice broke and I almost fell in. My skateboard went into the water but i managed to get it. It was frozen... so i waited for it to thaw out. It split. I carried it home while it was still frozen and it just split in half.. The weather was like -10°F/23°C.

Another time I was skateboarding with my friend's and a turkey pops out of no where and i swerved to the side and bumped into a pole. The back of my head hit a nail and I had to get stitches. Now I'm terrified of turkeys.

Now I have an Enjoi skateboard.. It's pretty awsome but I miss my Element one :[

yea well i didn't say that element made bad boards it wuz the guy at the skate shop. Thx for all the replies!

^ I used my sister's little kid plastic skateboard. I used to roll down the drive way on it. That's my best. XD

[SIZE=7pt]Yeah, element has awesome skateboards, trust me. My little brother has my old one, and my new one is Element.[/SIZE]
I've always heard that Element made good skateboards.

The only ones I've heard semi-bad reviews on are World Industries. That's what mine was though and it was fine.

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