Does he like me? I need some experts here...


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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2007
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I know this is going to be long, but please read it! There is no txt tlk so it will be easy.

As i am sure many people on this sight have heard, i love this boy named Jesse. I have liked him since second grade, but it has gotten to the point where i can't stand to not see him. It is making me dread the Christmas break because i can't see him for a whole week. But, more and more recently i have been making sure i see him more in the hallways and after school at my friends locker who is near his. I am always looking at him, try to stay like that for as long at possible. But no one really notices. But, when i am not looking at him and talking to my friend, i see he is looking at me, and when i look at him, he quickly looks away. That even happend during our rehearsal for our school play, Cinderella, (he is prince charming, naturaly, and i am NOT cinderella, the picked the pretty little bubblehead blonde to play that role, i am an upstairs maid) I was looking at me, since he was diagonal on my right. But, when i was looking at my script, he was looking at me. And when i looked at him, he looked away quickly.

Also, when he was on stage, rehearsing a scean with him, cinderella, the king and the queen, he was looking at me and i was looking at him. I began to think that maybe he was staring at me beacuse somthing was wrong with my face, or maybe he was just spacing out, so i looked back at my friend, who was reading her script.

But, at a bat mitva that we were both at, twards the end, a friend of mind named Dorinda (she is also friends with Jesse) without telling me, went up to him and said "She wants to dance with you" i was over near my other friends drinking a glass of water, and when i went to go put it down, he said "Yea, sure" the next thing i know i see him coming up to me and we were slow dancing. Everyone was like, in shock. Mostly becase, Jesse hadn't been dancing the entire time, he was talking to his friends on his cell. And many people tried to get him to dance but he just didn't. (Just to clear things up a bit, Jesse is the guy most of the girls go gaga over, definity not all, but definity some do) Everytime i see him in the hall i think of that.

Again, after the bat mitva, at rehearsal we had to get somthing signed by a parent. It was the sheet we had filled out during auditions that had a line for a parent signanture at the bottom. The directors had been saying for about half an hour what we have to do with it, get it signed. So they were calling up our names to get the sheet, and the called his, then mine. He was standing there off to the side and so was i, and then he said to me, "Wait, why are we gettings these back?" I was in shock that he acctualy talked to me, so i said, "Yea, i think so." Now, Jesse is a genius. He DEFINITY would know to get it signed after half an hour of the directors telling us too. I was talking on my friend on the phone and i told her this and she said, "...I hope he was just flirting with you, and was not serious. He is extremely smart, i have no idea why he would say that unless he was flirting with you."

I need to know if i should make a move or somthing. I can't go on just wondering if he likes me or not. Can anyone else here see somthing in my stories that i can't? What should i do?

wow that's a long post. He probably likes you at least a little bit. Just wait a few weeks and in that time try to talk to him more, if he likes you then it should eventually become more obvious. Then (if you aren't to scared) ask him out. But don't have one of your friends do it, do it yourself he'll respect you more if you are brave enough to ask him yourself.

As for the kinda dumb question, he also could have just spaced out for a while.

You think a week is long to not see him? I don't get to see my crush for 6 weeks ^_^ (I live in Australia, so holidays are different)

I think you should have a talk with him... you can mostly tell if a guy likes you when they're talking to you. Sweaty palms, fidgeting, brushing hair back, blushing, you know?

From that VERY long post, I'd say he probably does like you :eek:

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