Does he...


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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
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Ok, I have a friend, known him for almost 5 years now.

We talk, but not often- but whenever we do talk we allways have a laugh together. H'es one of the funniest boys in the year, and (as i've heard in yr 7 and 8) im one of the funniest girls. Im not bragging. xP

Well, we had food tech, last lesson, our teacher told him and this other boy to sit on my table, he was nearest me, xD;

My best friend and I were talking, and like last year- he allways made us laugh about movies, taking the mick out of them. LOOOL.

So I told him, 'hey, start your movie talking, your crowd is waiting.' I laughed and so did he, then I almost ended up on the floor laughing, he hid my pencil and said, 'you don't wanna see this' and I said, 'what?' we had been that busy talking that he accidently sharpened the other side of the pencil. LOOOOOOL. I told him he oculd keep it and he said, 'Awww, your so kind' (in a jokey voice o________o), Then we talked some more, and finally, he said- infront of all the other people, 'I need to ask you something, yes, infront of all these people....' So I said, 'you broke my pencil, didnt you.' Jokingly, he shook his head and laughed, we stopped the tlaking for about, a minute, and he said, '...oh and tomatoes dont have leaves' (I was creating my front cover and I put a leaf on it XD) so I said, 'they do now.' And he said, 'Ok.' and dropped the conversation, but he was still talking- I think he was embaressed to ask me out.

When I was putting my chair up, tom (my other friend, the other boy on the table) asked him, 'do you love her?' APPARENTLY he said yes. So Tom tells me..

After school he was aiting for me outside, and said 'are yo walking' I said yes and we walkd together, talking about stuff. XD LOOL.

What I need to know, is if he actually DOES like me, based on what I told you.



Thats the problem, I like him as a friend, and allways will-- but when he dumps me..or I dump him- what will I do? D;

Im notsaying he will, it's just- yes. xD;


Rib! YAY!

This exact same thing happened to me, only I've known him for... 6 years! -gasp-

The answer is, yes... lol. Nothing mush too it, yes, yes yes yes yes!

Ok I'm good.. =D


LOOL, Im going to school toda- i'll see if anything happens. <3

Thanks Crow!! <3333

RS practically answered. xD;

WELLL, He was talking to his fiend, ryan, ryan asked, 'are you going to ask her out?' I didnt hear his answer! >o<

Hopefully he;ll tell me on msn, =[

Good luck to me xDDD;


RS practically answered. xD;
WELLL, He was talking to his fiend, ryan, ryan asked, 'are you going to ask her out?' I didnt hear his answer! >o<

Hopefully he;ll tell me on msn, =[

Good luck to me xDDD;

Yes good luck on you. It is very difficult indeed. Do you think hes gonna ask you out now? If he is on msn then say to him, "I wish I had a BF it feels so lonley" Or mention something about bf or gf. :angry:

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! He so likes you! I say go and ask him out!!!!!! Don't be nervous about asking a boy out; I did and now I have a boyfriend!

I ♥ Zach

Good luck tamagirl in your future relation ship! n______n

OoOoooOOO, But im nervous, you se he's been cought 2 timing on this brat called joleyne, im so worried, I dont know if I should go out with him or not. =[[

Im so scared, GAAAH. -dies-

you shouldnt be worried about what he's done and yes its obvious your nervous but you just gotta stand straight&be brave. You could either ask him out or you can wait untill he has the courage to ask you out.(when i hear that someone likes me and is goin to ask me out..i usually wait for them to come to me, thats how i got my bf!! but then i lost him to my best friend..but of course that wouldnt hapeen to you..i mean apparently he is really into know just..i should probably stop talking now..)

Ok, I have a friend, known him for almost 5 years now.We talk, but not often- but whenever we do talk we allways have a laugh together. H'es one of the funniest boys in the year, and (as i've heard in yr 7 and 8) im one of the funniest girls. Im not bragging. xP

Well, we had food tech, last lesson, our teacher told him and this other boy to sit on my table, he was nearest me, xD;

My best friend and I were talking, and like last year- he allways made us laugh about movies, taking the mick out of them. LOOOL.

So I told him, 'hey, start your movie talking, your crowd is waiting.' I laughed and so did he, then I almost ended up on the floor laughing, he hid my pencil and said, 'you don't wanna see this' and I said, 'what?' we had been that busy talking that he accidently sharpened the other side of the pencil. LOOOOOOL. I told him he oculd keep it and he said, 'Awww, your so kind' (in a jokey voice o________o), Then we talked some more, and finally, he said- infront of all the other people, 'I need to ask you something, yes, infront of all these people....' So I said, 'you broke my pencil, didnt you.' Jokingly, he shook his head and laughed, we stopped the tlaking for about, a minute, and he said, '...oh and tomatoes dont have leaves' (I was creating my front cover and I put a leaf on it XD) so I said, 'they do now.' And he said, 'Ok.' and dropped the conversation, but he was still talking- I think he was embaressed to ask me out.

When I was putting my chair up, tom (my other friend, the other boy on the table) asked him, 'do you love her?' APPARENTLY he said yes. So Tom tells me..

After school he was aiting for me outside, and said 'are yo walking' I said yes and we walkd together, talking about stuff. XD LOOL.

What I need to know, is if he actually DOES like me, based on what I told you.


What... :p

Please dont SPAM.

Well im still waiting on him asking.

Gtg ready for school!

Sorry for the DP but I feel so stupid...

My friend asked him if he likes me, he just said, 'No, she got it at the wrong end of the stick.'

Now I feel stupid and..ARGH, I just want to kick him.

I wish boys where simpler to understand... -___________-

Sorry for the DP but I feel so stupid...
My friend asked him if he likes me, he just said, 'No, she got it at the wrong end of the stick.'

Now I feel stupid and..ARGH, I just want to kick him.

I wish boys where simpler to understand... -___________-
Ribbo he may haven't told the truth, because he migth think that your friend will tell you , and he migth not be ready to tell you now. I dont think he is telling the truth to your friend. Good Luck!

I think your wrong, he wont talk to me on msn anymore, or Bebo. -sigh-

I feel abso' stupid- meh. =[

thats happend to me lots of times. And ~MileyCycrus~ is right. Boys sometimes lie about a girl they really like to thier friends because they dont want them to find out. Oh and boys will never be simpler than they are now. They think were hard to get to. So hold your head high and dont loose faith just yet.

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