does how you take care affect what u get?


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Jan 3, 2007
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:lol: does how well you take care of your tama affect what they turn into? because i've noticced when i forget to take care of them or something like they i get hinotamatchi alot. so anyone know?... ;)
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This is a very aruguable question, but in my opinion, I wouldn't get all caught up in all this good/bad character stuff! :D

:D //RM :lol:

Well, I think the character your tama evolve into sometimes can depend of the care, but it's not true that you will have e.g. Masktchi only if you take bad care of your tama.

I would say... kinda, but only to an extent. The tama you get tends to be random and there are other factors other than care which affect which tama you get. Weight is an example of one.

Don't get caught up in the good/bad fad, though. :D

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