Does the Clone Kill ?


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Jun 6, 2006
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Hi all,

I'm writing for my son. He is 6 and has had his Tama for almost 2 weeks now. He's been buying things with the secret codes I have found on the Internet for him, and one of these was for a Clone/Silhouette. I hope you know what I mean?

Well, tonight he was playing with the Clone and his Tama died! He was most upset. So I was wondering if this is a normal thing to happen with the Clone? I need to tell my other 2 boys if so!

Thanks! :hitodetchi:

:wacko: Dear AidenKaneJordan,

I have 2 Version 3 Tamagotchi's. I have used the clone on them at least 2 or 3 times!

Maybe he just happened to die after that or on the spot??? If not, I cannot help you, but I know that the clone does not kill your Tama!

:mametchi: :hitodetchi: :unsure:


Thanks for your reply! I'm starting to think that maybe it was just a coincidence, his Tama playing with the Clone and dying! All three boys have Tamas but one of them had no hearts filled in Happy or Hungry earlier - maybe that had something to do with it!

Thanks again! :hitodetchi:

one of them had no hearts filled in Happy or Hungry earlier - maybe that had something to do with it!
Yes, that had everything to do with it. That is the reason why all Tama's die. If a tama has no hearts filled at all for a certain length of time it will die- unless you manage to fill at least one heart (which is pretty easy to do with meals/snacks).

I don't know of any other reason for a tama to die other than not having any hearts filled.

There are certain items on the V3 (chest + genies lamp) that sometimes take all your tama's hearts away, so your son MUST check the health meter regularly or the tama might die again.

:lol: no the clone wont kill the first replyre was right because my tamogotchi heart meater for happines was down by 1 heart until i put it with the clone after that the heart meater was full.
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