Does your pet bite you?


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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
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My cats, yes. One of them just bit me and inspired this topic xDD

My hamster bit me once because it was climbing out of its playpen, and I was holding the other one because it was climping out too. I was calling my mom in because I couldn't open the cage. She was on the phone :| Chinese Dwarfs are fast! Dx

My fish sometimes try to suck my finger off. I get scared, and end up screaming.

My cat, Pumpkin, once bit my ear. O_O Like my whole ear, but just a nibble. xD

My hamsters never bit me, but my sister had a mean hamster,, named Mitten, and she bit her fingernai and made the insiide bleed. OwO Then her current hammy, Pepper, bit her hand, and it bled. O_O

my cats Sweetie and Georgie bite sometimes...Sweetie bites a lot and growls a lot but i call her an angel everytime i see her :eek:

My hamster is nice, she never bites!

I don't even stick my finger with my fish!

I wish I had a hamster, they seem so cute!

My cats are evil, they will just come up to me begging for attention, and I pet them, and then they make a mark in my hand. It isn't nice. Freakin cats.

yes. my rats, hubie and snowfire bit me at least once before. when snow bit me, it was a deep bite! I was holding out a strawberry treat and for some reason he decided to have some meat too XD

hubie has bitten me, but not really hard.


My roosters used to peck me, but we gave them away.

The rest of our animals are harmless for the most part.

I have a juvenile iguana named "Little Miss" we just call him "Girl" now. He wants you dead and wants you to die now!! Umm, yeah, we were told this little monster was a female when we got him..

He's awful and crazy bitey. I puck him up all the time anyway. I just don't give him a chance to bite me. :(

But yeah, he whips his tail, bites and hisses all the time.

I'm not talking about the iggy in my avvie. That iggy was full of awesome. That was Caesar umm, I'm pretty sure that one was female. She would be cranky a lot but you could get her to calm down pretty easily.

This younger one is just plain old crazy.

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My cat bites me.

And scratches me.

All the time.

People have asked me if I've been self-harming because of the big slashes up my arms.

I'm always like, "Nope, that was my cat."

And they give me those, hahayeahright looks. :|

OMG yes! My sexy evil cat (my family calls him sexy because he's a tough, muscular, good looking cat) bites me on the hands and wrist all the time! I'm used to his bites and scratches though. He gets very easily mad. Only because, as a kitten, me and my brother made him me, and also becuase he's a fighting cat. He fights, all the neighborhood cats. When I let him outside, if a cat across the street sees him, they imediately start running because they've most likely been beat up by him before.

Animals love me :]

I've never been bitten by one of my pets, or at least not anything I remember.

My puppy doesn't bite me.

He nibbles on my fingers when he's happy though. Like if I'm petting him, he'll nibble softly and then lick me.

My puppy bites x]

its pretty funny cuz he dosn't meen to but it hurts lol.

My cat bites too lol his bites hurt more then the dogss !

i consiter[sp] my bf as a pet n yes . he bites . alot .

think hes a vampire or somthinggg .

My cats Fatty and Jojo bite if you tickle them under the arm pits. Fatty bites you if you have food or food smells on your finger. Mia never bites [she has no teeth!]

My dog Shadow nibbles but no biting that would be bad or put down worthy.

My best friends cat yes cat got put down by the officals for inflicting major injuries on her sister. It took chucks out of Lilies arms.

My bird more gnaws on my fingers rather than biting xP

My dogs have learned not to bite/scratch me, so they don't either.

My old bird would bite like crazy, and same goes for any cat/rodent I've owned.

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