Dog and Cat Costume


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Well-known member
Apr 6, 2009
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I found the Spot costume in the shop on my Tama, an adult Kunoitchi, and I finally decided to try it out, and the dog is really super cute.

But how do you get it off? :huh: I don't want my Tama to be Spot forever if you can. The costume's only been on for about an hour, but still, it had me worried.

Thanks for listening


I've gotten both the Mocha and Spot costume, and I discovered that if your Tamagotchi sleeps while wearing the Mocha or Spot costume, they take it off automaticly. :)

oh! XD I was really beginning to worry since it' been awhile, but that's because it's the middle of the day <facepalm>

thank you very much <3 I'll see what happens tonight

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you could also try to click on the costume again
The costume isn't in the inventory, the special items area, on the Music Star after you put it on because your wearing it.

Your Tama wears the costume the entire day until he/she falls asleep, and wakes up without the costume on.

Royal_Tama_King, this issue is already resolved, thank you. Someone, please close the thread if you will, it was my question and I've gotten the help that a needed ^__^


If you read up on the other posts in this topic, you would have seen that the Spot and Mocha costumes (dog and cat) are on for the entire day, when your Tama falls asleep it may still be on, but when he/she wakes up the costume is gone and your Tamagotchi will be himself/herself once again.

please, refrain from posting in a topic that has already had the question you are asking answered, especially when you have been posting on others asking for them to be closed.

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