Dont u find it odd


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my mom works at a nursing home and every mom in her department has read it.

My Mum (Bonny Scot talking, lol) hasn't read Twilight but I've told her about it and she doesn't like the sound of it. She prefers crime novels.

My mom and all of her coworkers love it.

A lot of mothers are actually reading it to have something to relate to with their daughters, so I don't find it that odd or surprising at all.

It's just kind of weird when I'm talking to my mom and she says something about being Team Jacob. xD

I've read it and I think it is over-rated :)

I don't know many other mothers who have read it too - but then, I haven't asked around! :D

I just felt that Bella's character was pretty shallow. Ditto Edward.

Since they are the main players in the drama that's kind of lame.

Perhaps it's just the style of writing I don't like.

But I've read other novels like The Dark Materials Trilogy, Harry Potter, etc. etc. and they were all a better read (for me) than the Twilight series.

My mom didn't even know what twilight is until I told her. Gasp. She asked me why girls were walking around with shirts that said team -insert name here-, because she thought it was from some type of new game show xD I explained that it's from a book, and Jacob is this werewolf, and Edward is this vampire, and they hate each other, and both love this girl Bella, but Edward smells better, so Bella ultimately chooses him. xD My mom is heavily religious, and prefers her little "True stories" About people who were captured and tortured by criminally insane overly religious other people, but the dudes who were captured refused to admit god wasn't real, so they were killed. She probably wouldn't like twilight. She asked if she could borrow my copies because if everyone loved them that much they must be good. I told her that they were okay, but she would hate them. She decided that I was probably right.

[SIZE=7pt]Nope, not at all.[/SIZE]

My mum hasn't read any of them yet, but I think she'd like them.

My Mom Never Read the books, Seeing as she doesn't enjoy reading books that long.

But She loved the movie, infact, I went with my mom and our teacher to see the movie.

They both loved it.

My mom was all "That guy's hot" [Talking about Laurent, one of the "Bad" Vampires]

And My teacher was practically drooling over Edward. lol

My mom's like, 36 and My teacher is like, 40. ha.
