dose any one know any sleeover games


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Well-known member
May 6, 2007
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dose any one know any sleeover games for when light or dark plz help need to know by tommorow

'Would You Rather' is a fun game.

One person starts, 'would you rather ______ or _______'. Then the person who got asked the question makes up one.


Person One: 'Would you rather eat a piece of rotten fruit or have the rotten fruit stain your favorite shirt?'

Person Two: 'Uh... eat a piece of rotten fruit. Would you rather have a black wedding or a purple wedding?'

Person Three: 'Black.'


You can make it as serious or silly as you want.

i have one :gozarutchi:

ok there is one person the topic is about and the other people write down three problems with that person and put it in a box (dont put your name on the paper)and then the person you wrote stuff about will read the papers...............i read that in a book :]

well at my party everyone like soccer execpt emily so we played soccer

pillow fights

truth or dare


listen to music

stay up all night

make each other laugh

dance compitions

singing compitions




and facials

but first

I need names and what they like to think of more

Tooth Fairy! :rolleyes: I love that game...

Get an object, like a coin, and set it somewhere where everybody knows. Rip a piece of paper into smaller pieces, of how many people are playing. Write "Tooth Fairy" on only one of them, and on the rest "Child". Everybody picks one, and keeps what they are a secret, and put the paper back. Then all lay down, and pretend to be asleep, KEEPING THEIR EYES SHUT AT ALL TIMES (otherwise, they would be cheating). Then, they say "Go to bed!", and only the 'Tooth Fairy' gets up, gets the coin/object, and puts it under a random persons pillow, or by their head. Then they go and lay back down, until someone calls daytime. Then, everybody gets up and looks under their pillow, or near them. When the person finds out they got the coin, they guess who the Tooth Fairy was. And the game goes on! :unsure:

Also: Truth or Dare, or another game, me and my friends call "Dare Me!".

The person who's daring others takes a couple pieces of paper (number depending on how many players there are), and then add a few extra blank pieces for fun. On some of those pieces of paper, they write down dares, and put them in a container when finished. Then, the players draw, and have to do their dares. It's pretty fun to get to see people do funny dares, that you made up! :unsure:

Ooh..I got one:


-Matress cover


What to do:

Hang up the matress cover after you cut a whole in the middle, then, pick one person to be "it" and then the rest will go behind the sheet and one persons nose will go in the whole, and the person who is "it" will guess whos nosey it is!

I dunno, I just got it from an American Girl book.

i have one -_-
ok there is one person the topic is about and the other people write down three problems with that person and put it in a box (dont put your name on the paper)and then the person you wrote stuff about will read the papers...............i read that in a book :]
I read that book too and I highly suggest you don't do it. It can lead to hurt feelings and make a whole lot of trouble out of a seemingly inocent game.

Punch, Pash or Partner is a fun game.

Just name three people and the person you are asking has to choose who they would punch, pash or partner out of the three people.


Milly: Samantha, John, Graham and Michael?

Samantha: Um...Punch Graham, Pash John and Partner Michael.

Don't actually do the things, it's just a bit of fun!

thanx everyone thre is still to friday that skleepover prank sight seems good

I don't do sleepovers very often, so the only one I know is the one, the only... Truth or Dare. :)

Sorry if I was no help to you here.

well (you don't need to read this if you don't want to) since my friends likes toots\farts (I know that might sound weird to you) so when me and my friend(s) are in bed with me we have a tooting\farting contest :furawatchi:

Play ghost in the graveyard outside when it gets really dark!

What you do is well you have to have a minimum of 3 peoples and you have to find an official home base such as lamp post or the mailbox and then one person has to be the ghost and what they do is run and hide while the other two people count and then when you count to 10 you say ghost in the graveyard, here i come! Then you walk around and when you see the person who's ghost you yell Ghost in the graveyard! Then you run to the homebase lamp post or mailbox and if you get tagged by the ghost who's chasing you then you are the ghost!

at my friends party we started laghing with soda in our mouths so we spit soda on eachothers it was awsome!!!!!!

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