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Aw man I forgot what I was gonna post... Oh yah once I was asleep in dreamland and all and it was funny cuz my alarm goes like this. Beep. (pause) beep beep beep (pause) then it beeps like 7 more times. and so I was dreaming and my alarm clock went off but I didn't wake up at first so in my dream I was like, "What is that noise?" and then I woke up. XD it was so funny

EDIT: I forgot to add in that the alarm's beeping was in my dream.

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I had a dream once along the lines of my Dad dying or disappearing when I was younger, and it was so real I asked my Mom if he was dead.

I had a dream once along the lines of my Dad dying or disappearing when I was younger, and it was so real I asked my Mom if he was dead.
same thing happend to me exept in mine we were swimming in a pool and my dad went under but a big boat went over him (in a pool :p ) and my dad couldnt get up so he died. :) when i woke up i had to ask my mom questions to see if it was real( she thinks im crazy now) :(

I had this awful, awful dream last tuesday. I dreamt that I was locked up in a room, laying on the floor, and there was a dead, decaying man next to me. He was about my age and burned into his arm was the letters ROMAN.

I was so scared and I started screaming but the worst part was that the image of my ïnmate was flashing close to my eyes and t was pushing me around, making me jerk and twist.

i woke up to four concerned messages from my best friend Camilla that she wanted to know where I was, as I had called her in the middle of the night, screaming for help. ;) I remember I dreamt that i took pictures of the guy and sent them to people i knew but luckily, I havent been drive that far.

I woke up, drenched in sweat, and ran to the bathroom and vomited :ichigotchi: Afterwards i sat on my bed shaking. I've had problems falling asleep afterwards. And my apetite is definately driven down a few notches.

it happened just before I had my period and i think that's the reason for my dream.

I am glad you started this topic so we all can tell things about the dark in our minds. We all appreciate it.

I had this horrible dream which felt SOO real.

I was in a boat, and some lady came and said 'The Killer Whales are here!' and went away. Then, I found myself hanging on to a plastic boat, and GIANT Killer Whales were attacking. Then, I got to shore alive, and my sister said that it was a mini-game and you can resume it if you go by a certain shell, and pick it up. o_O'

Yes. Actually Quite recently I dreamed that I got another hamster and then they had pups but it turned out it wasnt real. :eek:

I actually have some dreams that just seem so real. Like there's a bunch of dreams I've had where I've met famous people, had normal days, stuff like that.

But then, I have some pretty vivid nightmares. Like, these are twisted and they scare the crap out of me. When I wake up, I'm too scared to move. Then I have really depressing dreams and I'm still crying when I wake up.

Well, most of this is when I CAN sleep, which is not alot because I have sleeping problems.

I have weird dreams.


Like I'll wake up in the morning go to school and, if my teacher does something I remeber seeing her do it before when she never did it before. :D Thats confusing ..

&& Sometimes sometimes whatever I do in my dreams I do in real life.

Same with me.But last night I had one of those dreams when you wake up it felt like it really happened::

I was at this place with 50 guys and 49 other girls besides me and they all liked each other,and everyone went into one of those rooms like they have if like,a bad hurricane's going on with all the cots and stuff.Everyone got paired with the person they liked and was sent off to a cot,and all the girls were knocked up!When the couples stared getting dressed I apparently bumped into something(my cat jumped on my stomache) and it hurt like h e double-hockey-sticks! My belly felt all hard and I felt queasy.

It was scary cuz when I woke up I felt all queasy and my belly felt hard and I was freaking out cuz I didn't want to have a kid! But then I stood up and looked all around my house and everything was locked and nothing was moved so no one could've gotten in. But the weird part is,I still feel kinda queasy and by belly is still hard.*shivers*


Yes I know this is freaky and I'm weird but I don't know hao to exlain this!

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Yeah I had a dream last night about hamsters.

I got a hamster, but it died, and then I found another hamster. Turned out he mated with the female hamster that died so I had 2 babies! At the beginning he didn't like me very much, but at the end he loved me. In the dream he was quite large. Bigger than a rat.

I want hamsters again!!! Well, maybe not hamsters. I WANT GERBILS!!


I had a weird dream this morning that there was a shadow by my bed and i was sleeping and i thought it was my sister and i was telling it to go away and then I felt all fuzzy in my dream and i woke up feeling or fuzzy and it took me awhile to realise i was awake not dreaming and i wasn't sure if it was a dream or not because i dreamt i had just woke up from a previous dream and I still don't know if i was awake or sleeping because i felt all fuzzy (... I cant explain it like pins and needles everywhere but fuzzy)

and i read this book about psychic vampires the other day, and I'm so paranoid which is probably where i got it from (presuming it was a dream XD) and yeah.

It was about 6:05am then.

My dreams are all so weird. Usually its nighttime or involves really funny things or weird things, like when i dreamed my school was on an angle and we sat on the floor rather than with chairs. or my other one where I dreamed i was at the bus stop next to the school in the roundabout area and it was dark and there were people in the staff park singing with a guitar like a campfire and i was shining my watch light on them ... sooo weird. and theres heaps more i remember after that but i wont bore everyone.

but normally theres something wrong with my dreams and I realise theyre not true. normally i like dreaming but i dont like it when i wake up at like 2am and cant get to sleep at all for no reason.

[SIZE=8pt]My dreams always send me a message. sometimes, they are hard to interpret, so I keep a dream log about which dreams I have and when. I can control some of my dreams...[/SIZE]


Last night, I was in a very bad mood. My dreams usually reflect on my mood. Last night, I was in a shopping centre. Then, everyone was running, and then, a fire lit up outside. It was crwaling through the doors- then, all the other doors jammed. There was no escape for anyone in the centre. Everyone, including me, died. I woke up at 2am, really nervous, and near tears.

Sometimes. A couple of days ago I actually woke up in my dream and I remember saying "How do I stop Dreaming? Get me out of this DREAMMMMmmmm.* Lolz

My favourite dreams are lucid dreams, because then I can control what happens! YAY

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