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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2007
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Thursday, July 10, I had this dream. All I remember is that Toa Metru Nokama touched her chest. I think back on it, and my heart skips a beat(I think). Does this happen to you?

Thursday, July 10, I had this dream. All I remember is that Toa Metru Nokama touched her chest. I think back on it, and my heart skips a beat(I think). Does this happen to you?
I'm sorry, but I don't understand. ^_^ ;

Could you elaborate?




Well... All I remember is that Toa Metru Nokama touched her chest, and some other stuff happens. I dont remember what else happened. I think back to that little segment and I feel a bit different... as if my heart skips a beat.

Hope that's elaborated for you.

Well... All I remember is that Toa Metru Nokama touched her chest, and some other stuff happens. I dont remember what else happened.  I think back to that little segment and I feel a bit different... as if my heart skips a beat.Hope that's elaborated for you.
:mametchi: ; Um...if that's the case, then no.


I've never had a dream about a Bionicle...




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Well... one time I had this dream where I lost my school I.D., So I went up to the office and got it. Then I woke up.


Two days later I lost my I.D. for real, and I went up to the front desk to get it, and it was there.




I don't think it's the same thing, and I lose my I.D. every other day anyway. So... I agree with T_P XD

I've had dreams that touch my heart...and effect me greatly.

They don't happen often, but they do happen, no doubt.

Well... one time I had this dream where I lost my school I.D., So I went up to the office and got it. Then I woke up.  

Two days later I lost my I.D. for real, and I went up to the front desk to get it, and it was there.




I don't think it's the same thing, and I lose my I.D. every other day anyway. So... I agree with T_P XD
Kind of what happens to me too. I can kinda predict the future in my sleep, and it freaks me out, but somehow, I find it intresting. Um, tamapa, I don't really understand. Who is "her?" and who is Toa Metru Nokama? That could help us figure out what you're trying to say.

-Temari Nara

I really wouldn't know. :wacko:

Most of the dreams that I have are nightmares, for whatever reason.. Every now and then I do have those type of dreams, but I hardly remember anything about them except that I always seem to wake up crying.

B) ; Um...if that's the case, then no.  

I've never had a dream about a Bionicle...



Okay I'm not asking if you had a dream of a BIONICLE... I'm asking you if you had a dream that makes you feel a little different when you think back on it.

Kind of what happens to me too. I can kinda predict the future in my sleep, and it freaks me out, but somehow, I find it intresting. Um, tamapa, I don't really understand. Who is "her?" and who is Toa Metru Nokama? That could help us figure out what you're trying to say.

-Temari Nara
here is her Wiki.

I've had dreams that touch my heart...and effect me greatly.They don't happen often, but they do happen, no doubt.
This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about!

Are you talking about weird nightmares or dreams that you've had that end up happening in real? I rarely get any nightmares but last night I had one where I was blind and couldn't talk ( as if that wasn't scary enough but watch it gets worse X_x) and I heard breathing and then I felt pain in the stomach like the person had stabbed me and I woke up and my tummy was hurting so I felt my tummy and it was ok and I just hugged my snowman tight and went back to sleep lol. And that other thing I mentioned once I had a dream this boy I like would ask me out and the next day he did I said yes lol duh! XD

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