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Few nights ago I dreamt that aliens attempted to aduct me. I say attempted because for some reason I transformed into what can best be described as a robotic werewolf. I whipped out two very large swords and started hacking the aliens to bits. I awoke just as I was standing atop a pile of dismembered aliens, my robotic chassis splattered with green alien gore.

Anyone else had a dream they nearly died?

Yep. That's what I dreamt about last night.

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Had a really vivid dream that a friend moved away and I went to visit her. O_O

It was so real.

I always have dreams where I get cool stuff like a cute plushie and then I wake up and I don't have it anymore (~_~ ;) how come my mind has to trick me like that D:

I keep having zombie related dreams. They're never scary and I don't watch anything like TWD but different ones keep happening and some of them are really strange. I had on where some of my class mates were in my old High Schools PE block hiding from them and making a mini training camp then another one where I was in my house but the zombies danced everywhere and did chores and stuff while dancing.

I had a dream a few nights ago that omeone insulted me on this website. It wasn't a very bad insult, and I usually don't get bullied, and combined with what happened that day, it made me cry (in my dream I cried).

It felt so real that after I woke up, for a second I thought it really happened.

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