DSi Movies


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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2008
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Hi I have a question, i recently got a DSi and i was wondering if you could like purchase a movie from iTunes (possible) and then put it on your SD card and somehow watch it. I think it would be really cool to do so but I don't know how. If you another way to watch movies on DSi please tell me. I have heard of acekard 2i but do not want to purchase hardware (or software) online.

All Responses are Greatly Appreciated!

:D :D :D

Thank You in Advance!!!

I think you can only listen to music on the DSi. >.> If you could, OMN would have all ready covered it -shot-

But maybe you can, its just that the DSi was made for music, not for movies. It seems like that to me -slapped-

But Nintendo maybe be nice to us and make it possible to watch movies on the DSi XL.

I not really sure, since I do not have a DSi mysel. I'm guessing, so don't hit me

Hope this helps. Maybe this post helped, maybe it didn't Dx


Hey, thanks anyways. I really appreciate the time you took to write a reply so kind :)

Crystal, i never get why you get shot/slapped so much. xD

I'm guessing you can't watch movies on DSi because of the quality of the screen. It's okay for pictures, but you know how games get on DS you can see the pixels and everything when things move. It works for the games because they are mostly cartoon-y, but for movies i don't think it would work.

^ unless you get a cartoon movie.

But I don't Think so. I have a DSi myself and I doubt it.

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