Dusty Carosauel's Tama Log


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Dusty Carosauel

Active member
Mar 18, 2010
Reaction score
Hey, everybody. I guess I'm a little late for making a log for these tamas, cuz the V3 is a teen, and the V5s are toddlers, but I'll just fill u in a bit. ^_^

First, my V3:

Gender: Boy

Name: Lynnie (first I thought it was a girl- lol, and named it Lynnie!)

Type: I don't know the real name of the type, but its a black star-shaped dude.

Level: Teen

Hungry: 4 stars full

Happy: 4 stars full

Training: 3 blocks

Years: 2

Weight: 38 (He's too light for a teen! But he used to be 15 pounds. O_O )

Gotchipoints: 2066

Generation: 1 (Just put in new batteries)

He was just connecting with my sister's V4, Belle, who is a girl obviously, and they are both on 4 smiley faces, so once they r both adults they can MATE!!!!! Yippeee!

Bell is a teenager itchigotchi (my favorite!)

I am so wanting to marry them soon! It was absoulutly adorable what they were doing.. giving each other hearts and awesome gifts that you can keep and use. (Well, Bell got all those. Boooo hooo. But I guess that just shows how much Lynnie loves Bell.. I always thought of him kind of emo cuz he is so dark-colored. Don't ask. O_O)

It is so sweet! :blink:

Anywayyyy.. yeah onto other tama now, I guess.


Hungry: 5 stars full

Happy: 5 stars full

Bond Points: 20% (yayy!)

Type of family: Blended

Last name: Boots

Generation: 2

GotchiPoints: 490

Oldest's Gender & Name: Girl, Em

Second Oldest's G. & N.: Boy, Tommy

Youngest G. & N.: Girl, Ebony

All of the kid's types (listed in oldest to youngest): Bell-tchi, Mattari-tchi, Sakura-motchi

(They're toddlers right now)

Right now I am kind of feeling bad for them cuz there are no other V5s I know excpet my friend's has no batteries, and they're lonely when Lynnie (see above) is so joyful to be with Bell.

Plus I don't play games with them as much as Lynnie cuz they only have 2 games for most of their lives and aren't the best games, either.

I have not bought anything from the shop for them yet becuz its hard to get gotchipoints.

Now the postitive I guess: They have gotten 2 vacations- 1 for each day I have had them so far.

They are the sweetest little tamas ever cuz they don't get sad or hungry for a while.. usually I can get to them before they beep too many times..

plus they dont poop much!!! Yay!

Now they dont just do question marks when I press the C button. Em bounces up while the others do a weird jig on the side. Em's cheeks r so cute!!!

Until later.

Dusty Carosauel.

(P.S. Please PM comments/questions- do not post them in this topic)


Yay! They evolved into teens!!! Em is now a Ichi-tchi, Tommy us a Baku-tchi, and Ebony is a shell-tchi. They r so cute

sorry this is really short but gotta go

update later,


Lynnie is still sleeping right now, so I will just do Em, Tommy, and Ebony right now.

Well, they just woke up (7? 7:30? Who knows!) and I fed them a dish of... weird stuff and gave them a nice lolipop.

Oh- and guesssss whattt! Yay- they now have 30% bonding! I can't wait for them to mate some other tamagotchi.. it'll be so kewl... :kusatchi:

I wonder if Tommy is going to turn into a Kutchipatchi.. that'd be nice.. I love the Kutchipatchi :mimitchi: family.. mostly because of the adorable twins!

If I got the twins, and one was a girl and one was a boy, I'd name them Romi and Rumulus. I'm actually sort of glad right now you don't type in the V5's names.. Rumulus would never fit, even if I was spelling it right! (Because I really don't think I am now :furawatchi: )

Okay, even though V3 is still sleeping, I'll just do a stats check-up with Lynnie.

Oh, no!!! Poop! Oog!

Lynnie is 3 hungry hearts full, and just 1 happy heart. Boo-hoo. Poor Lynnie never gets to sleep happily. The night before this night, he went to bed sad because I was off having an Easter party. I feel so bad for Lynnie- can't wait when he goes off happily with Bell! He'd better grow into an adult sooon- it feels like he's been a teen 4ever!!

Oh-- 4 training!! Whoooopppeee! That's pretty good, huh?

I usually time-out Lynnie when he gives a bad gift to Bell, even if it doesn't matter, and don't make him happier until a while (or just a few minutes- lol) after.. But now that they are best of friends, he doesn't give her nothing/poop/evil snake thingie much at all. Yesterday he gave her an evil snake thingie and I was so mad at him. I kept feeding him apples, as a punishment, instead of good things like pudding, tarts.. the not really healthy stuff.

I think he learned his lesson, cuz I was connecting him a few times with Bell after that and he was very polite.

Oh, right- I forgot to tell- my friend's v5 got batteries, and I connected about three times with them!

I know she named them David, Barbara (I think), but don't remember the youngest's name. Debbie? Nah.. Uh.. oh, well. I'll ask her later and then probably post it here.

OH my gosh!! ;) Em is looking through the fridge just like this!!!!


My V5s just did training.. one more training session and they go to 40% bonding, I believe! Whoppee! Can't wait!

Tamagotchi Trainer Goal For V5: Get to 60% Bonding

Lynnie now has 5 training! Hey, maybe he isn't so emo after all. :mellow:

Tamagotchi Trainer Goal For V3: Get to 8 Trainer Points

I was out for a bike ride without my tamas, so Lynnie got really upset- as he usually does when he is left alone for 50 minutes or more. Typical Lynnie. He turned his back to me, and he got unhappy and hungry. These training points don't seem to be training much- he needs me every minute!

And when I do check on him a lot, he's okay- Weird.

Whoever says tamagotchis are just digital programs without any personality, they're wrong. Lynnie certainly has attitude.

(Maybe he's upset because he has a girl's name? Never thought of that. Feel kind of bad.)

As usual, my V5s are the opposite of moody Lynnie. They're so shy and sweet. The only thing that happened to them when I was out for my hour-long bike ride was one Hungry heart down! I mean, could they be any sweeter?


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I found my V4 and though it has no back to the battery case, lucky me that we had a spare new battery for tamagotchi. I am going to add it to this log.

I got a baby girl and named her Earth. I was playing jump rope with her and got to about 18 jumps. Yes! 100 gotchi points already- seems like a tom-boy.

This tamagotchi item is defitialy beat up- no back to the battery case, a bit scratched in the back, some chocolate (let's just hope it's chocolate.. kiddddinggg!!!!!!!!) smudges on the screen, but nothing can make it better than a nice home with my V5 and v3 on my purple :mellow: <-- that tama necklace.. now all my tamas are finally together again!!

Oops, my V5 just pooped. I guess they're sort of jealous of the new baby.

D.C. (me): Sorry, guys. But I'm just glad to find my old tamagotchi. Anyway, aren't you glad to have a little sister?

Em: I am. But please take care of us.

Tommy: Flush our poop! Flush our poop!

D.C.: Okay, okay, Tommy. *flushes poop* Don't be so demanding. If I could time-out you on this tama right now, Tommy, I might of. So don't be so mean.

Baby Earth: *beeps*

D.C.: Aww, baby poop- and you're sick! Don't worry, I'm coming. Whoo, baby work is hard! Oh, and you're two hungry hearts out, too? I just fed you two minutes ago!

Earth: *starts crying*

D.C.: Alright, baby, alright. Now- Lynnie and Ebony, aren't you happy to get a baby sister?

Lynnie: Yeah, guess so. She's cool. But I was sort of hoping for a boy.. Tommy and I are the only ones, and Tommy is too wild.

Tommy: Hey! Take that back!

Lynnie: What's your problem?!

Tommy: What do you mean MY probelm- you're the one with the girl's name!!

D.C.: Tommy, Lynnie! Stop that. Tommy say you're sorry. His name is personal, and there's no reason to tease. Bad Tommy.

Tommy: *mumbles* Sorry, Lynnie.

Lynnie: Whatever. At least Earth's tomboyish. Can I go play my video games now, D.C.?

D.C.: Fine. (Lynnie leaves) I have to check you guys. Especially the baby. Ebony- you still haven't answered my question. Why are you so quiet, anyway?

(Feeds baby ice cream and sushi, checks Lynnie but finds nothing wrong, feeds the V5s a big plate of weird stuff and a donut)

Ebony: Well.. well, I was the youngest. Lynnie was the oldest, then Em, then Tommy, and I was youngest! Now Earth's here, and I'm not youngest. I'm second-to-youngest. And that's not really anything. Just 2 out of 5.

D.C.: Oh, Ebony! Oh, don't worry. You'll always be very special to me-

Tommy: Hey! *sticks out his tongue at Ebony*

D.C.: -like ALL my tamagotchis, Tommy. *hugs Ebony and once Em starts hanging her head a bit, brings in everyone*

Em: Well, now I'm the big sister of 3. 2's not fun, and Lynnie is older and he stays in his bedroom all the time. Why doesn't he connect? All he does is date, date, date Bell....

D.C.: Em! I thought you knew better as second oldest. Don't blame him- it's very hard to connect with V5s when you're a v3- or v4. Oh, Baby Earth, you pooped! (cleans it up) Here's a scone, too, since you're hungry.

Lynnie: It's not so nice being oldest. You have to be respobsible.. and that's way not cool. Bell's not going to like what you said...

Em: Oh, Lynnie, I'm sorry! Please, please don't tell her! You know how much I like her!

Lynnie: Fine. But one more rude remark..

Earth: Waaaaahh! Mommy, I want ice cream! Ice cream!! I'm 1 heart unhappy!!! Booo hooo..

D.C.: Oh, Earthy, can't we try to play jump rope? You don't want to be large when you're older, do you? Unhealthy eatting habits start at early stages.

Earth: Ice cream!

D.C.: An orange. That's all. (plops it into her tiny mouth)

Earth: Meany mommy! meany mommy! meany mommy!!!! wahhh. *swallows the orange hungrily*

Em: Don't worry, Mom, I'll take care of her.

D.C.: Thank you, Em.

Em: (hushes baby, rocking her)

Ebony: Oh- Mommy, can we connect with Earth?

D.C.: I'm afraid not. V5s can only connect with their own type. But Lynnie can. Lynnie?

Lynnie: What? Oh, yeah, okay. Just that I am going to marry Bell, not my sister. Right, Mom?

D.C.: Of course not! Just some sibling-love.

Lynnie: Fine.

D.C.: Here, I'll help Earth for her visit. Lynnie, you know how to at this age, right?

Lynnie: Yeah, I can get ready for my own visit, thanks very MUCH.

D.C.: Huh. Stange. Isn't working. Maybe you two should get next to eachother on the necklace. Oh, Earthy! You pooped!

And.. went to bed.

Lynnie: Good. Now I can txt with Bell.

Tommy: Lynnie and Bell sitting in a tamagotchi egg- K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

Lynnie: *slaps Tommy*

Tommy: Hey!!!!

D.C.: Tommy, you don't tease. You are banned from TV Surfing and Tea Time, while Em and Ebony are not, because you have teased so much recently. Lynnie, you are certainly old enough not to slap.

Tommy: Aw, Mom, I love TV Surfing.

D.C.: Go to your egg. Now.

Tommy: (trudges away soberly)

D.C.: Wouldn't it be nice if you had a son very soon with Bell and he married with Earth?

Lynnie: I dunno. Bell said if we do marry, she might want a girl. don't know. Besides, Earth would be way older by then.

D.C.: Er, true... Myable I could reset Earth to a younger age when the baby is born and if it's a boy?

Lynnie: Mom, you're forcing this whole marrying thing...

D.C.: Ooh, sorry, dear, but you and Bell are just so cute togther!

Lynnie: Besides, I'm not too big on the whole restarting thing.

D.C.: We'll see if you marry if Bell wants to be apart of the resetting.. if she wants to have them marry anyway.. besides, its always nice growing up with someone you know and then marrying with tamagotchis.

Lynnie: Yeah, maybe..

D.C.: Say bye, guys! We're going to go!

Lynnie: Bye!

Em: Bye!

Ebony: Bye!

Earth: Bye-byee!(goo-gooo)

D.C.: Bye!

Tommy: *peeks out of his egg bedroom* Bye!

Note: wow, this a super, super long entry. Sorry. just too excited about earth. by the way, i though two E names were a lot.. now 3! Oops, someone's calling me. Chao!

Hey guys.

Earth evolved into a toddler with a cute mohawk thing. I am a bit disapointed because she looks like a boy now. I mean sure she's tom-boy, but I keep saying 'he' by accident! Big problem- she won't connect with Lynnie or Bell!

Sigh. Maybe that will change after I restart it for Lynnie's baby. Or not. Hm. I guess that's really got me down.

I put my intials on all my tamagotchis- with Lynnie's V3 there was there tiny warning paper peeked out of papers of two different codes (Here they are if you want them: ABBAACBA, CACABABC), then on the Boots', I put it on the warning paper, and since Earth is missing her tama's back, I taped a piece of paper onto it.

Big whoop. Initals on a tamgotchi.

Nothing much happened except Earth got 600 Gotchi points from the king, got an invite to pre-school, and missed a music note when she went to school. Poor her. I don't know that she's going to do really good in school- she really doesn't have ethusiam about it. I just hope she won't grow up a bit emo like Lynnie. I'm sick of those types of tamas. (Sorry, Lynnie).

Earth's school stats:

[SIZE=14pt]✎[/SIZE]: 0

[SIZE=14pt]⃟[/SIZE]⃟: 5

[SIZE=14pt]⚙[/SIZE]: 0


My tamas were totally begging me to talk to people, so here they are.

Earth: It stinks not being able to connect.

Em: It's not that bad, Earth. You actually CAN connect. You MAY not connect, but your tamagotchi type is possible. Us Boots will never be able to besides other V5s. And we only know one.

Ebony: Don't worry, Earth. Your connecting thing will work soon. I promise.

Earth: I sure hope so. Hey, where's Timmy? Is he still in his time-out, D.C.?

Tommy: *Hits Earth with a lime green water ballon* Ha! Like I'd stay in my egg that long! And hey, it's Tommy.

D.C.: Tommy... Do you want to go to your egg again? *quickly dries off Earth with a towel before she can start crying*

Earth: (eyes start to redden)

D.C.: Oh, look, Earth, you just got mail!

Tommy: Check it, check it!!

Earth: I have 1 star for points..

Em: Aw, it's okay. You'll earn some soon.

Earth: And 1 star for heart..

Ebony: I think you have more heart than that, Earthy.. :angry:

Tommy: * :mellow: *

Em: *elbows him in the stomach*

Tommy: Ouch!

D.C.: Em, be careful. Don't hurt your brother.

Em: *shrugs* He was being mean to the baby

Earth: I am not the baby!

D.C.: It's okay, Earth. What's your strength?

Earth: WOW! 3 stars!

Ebony: Way to go!

Em: *whistles loudly*

Tommy: *showing off his 'muscules'* Eh, I've seen better.. (secretly is proud of his younger sister*

Lynnie: Hey, everybody. Good job, Earth. Keep up the hard work.

D.C.: Yep, what he said. Hey, Lynnie, where have you been?

Lynnie: *sighs* I was txting with Bell.. and something happened that's really good but really bad..

Tommy: Bell finally realized how much of a drip you are and broke up with you?!

D.C.: Tommy! No donuts or lolipops for you- just onions.

Tommy: Aw, Mom. I was already in my egg for a while today. The last thing I need is another punishment.

Ebony: (under her breath) Yeah, because the first thing is a quick kick in the butt.

Tommy: HEY!

Lynnie: Anyway, she evolved into an adult! What if the matchmaker comes before I become an adult?!

D.C.: Oh, honey, don't worry.. she won't say yes to an old Kutchipatchi.. she likes you.

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Hey. Bad news first.

Earth's doing pretty bad in school. I keep sending her there, hoping she'll catch on after a few more sessions, but she messes up the music notes way more than she gets them right. I just want her to get a really good job when she grows up.

Lynnie still hasn't grown into an adult- I'm starting to get a teeny weeny bit nervous. Is it a growing glitch?

I think Ebony is really getting jealous of the baby-

Ebony: I am not jealous!

Earth: I am not the baby!

Okay, okay, guys.

-Because she isn't acting as 'sweet' as before. Sure, the V5's moods depends on all 3, but I just think Ebony is upset.

I guess I might as well let the Boots and also Earth talk to me, so I can know how they're feeling a bit more. Oh, Lynnie, do you want to join in, too?

Lynnie: No thanks, Mom.

Okay, then. Em, Tommy, Ebony, and Earth, want to talk to them?

Ebony: No.

Em: Calm down, Eb. Can't we just have journals instead?

Tommy: Yeah, Eb won't talk. Journal is better

D.C.: Um.. I guess. Eb, Earth, do want journals?

Earth: *shrugs* I don't care. Can mine be red?

D.C.: You'll all write in the colors you are talking in now. Ebony?

Ebony: Ummm.. I suppose.. But will Ear- the others I mean- read it? And will you?

D.C.: No, Em, Tommy, Earth, and Lynnie won't read it. But I will. I won't talk about it to you unless it's important, and if I really should tell the others, I will ask you first. Is that good, Eb?

Ebony: *scuffes her foot on the ground for a moment* Er..

Tommy: C'mon, Eb, journals will be awesome!! *turns to D.C.* Can I doodle spaceships in it?!

Tommy, it's for writing. You can draw a few tiny scribbles on the side, but not much. Sorry, dude.

Em: Oh, Ebony, it's okay. D.C. said herself, she won't talk about it to us unless you let her. Please?

Ebony: Oh, ohh.. fine.

Earth: Yes! When do we get 'em?

D.C.: Right now.

hi. its boring in the v5. i wish we could see the austs more often, the v5 we connected with 1 time b4. im lonely. ems real bosie cuz she thinks shes so gr8. eb used 2 b good, but shes been mopin ever since the babee.



Dear Diary,

I feel very bad for good Ebony. She's so used to being youngest! But she can't forever of course. She has to grow up- by that time probably Lynnie will have a baby or someone else will. Even if Earth didn't come.

Tommy is annonying me more every day. He is so obnixous! He snuck a lolipop when he was just supposed to eat onion things for snack. But I haven't told D.C. yet. I do not want to be a tattle-tale.

Oops! D.C. is going to read this. Why, why, why did I have to write this on my typewriter?! Now I can't erase.

Two Apoligizes To Make. By Emma Boots

To Tommy- Sorry I told about you stealing the lolipop. I didn't mean to.

To D.C.- Sorry I didn't tell you right away about Tommy stealing the lolipop.


I think someone else who derserves to should write now.

-Emma Boots

P.S. Why does everyone call me Em? Emma sounds a bit more important. Of course, Emily is even more important-sounding. But that isn't my real name. Oh, well.

Journal- I wish I'd evolve soon. What if the matchmaker comes for Bell? She promised she'd say no if he came before we married, but I'm still bored with my teenager costume. I told D.C. yesterday that I do NOT want to wear the Stuffed Animal Costume when I can (when I'm an adult). She can save it for a daughter.


(I loathe my name. Too girly. Bell says its nice, but her name isn't Mike, is it?)

Wait, wait, wait- Eb, Earth, aren't you going to write in your journals?

Earth: Later. I have to go ask Lynnie for skateboarding lessons.

Ebony: Yeah, later for me, also.

Oh, well, then. The tip of my right index finger is starting to hurt from getting nipped at the edges of keyboard letter buttons, anyway.







See you.


P.S. The tamagotchis want fan mail. Please send PMs to Earth Boots (a.k.a. my account- I just used Earth cuz she is the only 1 with a mail box) :lol:

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Oh my gosh I'm so excited-- Earth turned into a girl ghost!! She is so cute. Earth moved up to college. She evolved really super fast- I mean, I just activated her yesterday! Em told me that Earth and Ebony were playing checkers and she thinks they're friends now- I'm glad. ;)

Lynnie still hasn't evolved yet, but he has eight training points! That's awesome- my goal!

Plus the V5s have 40% bonding- 20% more for my goal! I bet I get to 60%, maybe even 70%.

Earth, Eb, you wanna write in your journals now?

Ebony: Sure, Mommy!

Earth: 'K.

Dear Journal, I was playing checkers with Eb, she's not so bad. I guess I thought she was bratty when she wanted to be youngest. But I guess she was just used to it after 3 or 4 years, you know?

I miss my elemantary school teacher- Ms. Flowers. She's so nice- even as much as I messed up the music! I am not fond of my college professer yet. He's awfully strict and talks too much. When I told Tommy that, he says I do- not him. I keep forgetting my professer's name! Oh, well. At least D.C. told me either she won't make me go to school anymore today, or maybe later in the day.

I was first really excited about being a teen, but when I was practicing skateboarding with Lynnie, he says it is not so great. I think it is- stay up longer and wake up later! He claims it is really hard- that D.C. doesn't listen to you as much, but I think she's kind to all of us- now that all of us are teens! I grew up so fast, says D.C. I don't think so. It feels like I 'finally climbed the latter' says D.C. I don't get it. To even start climbing an adult- I mean, the packaging always says 'Tamagotchis Must Be at least 6 years to use'

OH MY GOSH! Lynnie walked in and he's a worm!!!!! He's a worm!!!![/u]



Um, yeah... a worm?

Yay!!!!!! Lynnie!!!!! He!!! Turned!!! Into!! An adult! Finally, finally!

Lynnie: Yesss! Can I go see Bell? I may have a special question for her... :rolleyes:

D.C.: Um, are you sure it can't wait? I mean Eb has been waiting all day to write in her journal...

Ebony: It's 'k. I can wait. Just let me write after dinner or something.

D.C.: Okay, Lynnie. You can go.


Bye y'all!

Sorry I didn't post earlier... ;)

Lynnie got 9 training points- the most! yay.

My sister and I keep connecting Lynnie & Bell, but they won't marry yet. Oog. XP

Oom... oh, yes!!!! BIG NEWS




Ooh, Earth got mail! Let's check it, k, Earthy?

Earth: Yeah! I have two pieces of mail..2 points, 1 heart, and 1 strength.. Now.. more mail.. A heart!! Yayyyy!!

Good, job, Earthy.

GTG! Sorry this entry is so short.. but nothing is exactly happened real big with my tamas right now.


Oh my gosh, Earth turned into this oh-so-cute fat dinosaur!! She is really adorable- can't wait till the matchmaker comes!!

Wow, the V4 evolved really-super-fast this time.

Even huger news!!!!

[SIZE=14pt]Lynnie & Bell married and had a baby girl!!!! I don't know what Lynnie is going to name it yet.. but we (Earth, Ebony, Em, Tommy, and me) are all suggesting names. Here they all are:[/SIZE]

Em suggested: Lizzy, Kayla, Emily, Rani, Michella, or Yumi.

Tommy suggested: Billy Billy Billy Jean, Hailey, Megan, Dusty, and Aqua

Ebony suggested: Frannie, Callie, Kelpurnia, Ricey, Boomi, and Carni


Earth suggested: Crystal, Bounce, Lilly, Sunny, Joey, and Koki

Hello everyon- isn't it a wonderful day? Now for the tamagotchi name tournament.. Lynnie, the father, has picked out three names from each person's suggestions and we are going to talk about them to him until he elimantes exactly six name choices. Then we will go to Round 2.

[SIZE=14pt]Round 1![/SIZE]

(D.C., me) Good afternoon, Lynnie.. let's talk about the three names you picked out from Em's suggestions first. Let's see.. they were Emily, Michella, and Yumi. Why did you like these names?

(Lynnie, the female baby's father) Hmm.. Well, Em's a really sweet tama, so I'd like to name my baby Emily because it will remind me of her.

The name Michella, I think, is very sophistacated, yet energentic, and I really love that type of atitude- my baby sort of has that type. And then last, Yumi, just sounds funny and bold- very.. oh, you know! I just think its cool.

Mmh-hm.. Now let's move onto the three names you choosed from Tommy's suggestions. You picked Hailey, Dusty, and Aqua.

Well.. Hailey seems like a sort of calm name, yet fun and kind.

Then Dusty seems like its just a free sort of name- for an adventuros type of tama, who wants to be known in TamaTown.

And Aqua reminds me of the ocean.. at times it can be relaxed- warm, mellow, and at other moments, it can be expressful- freezing, crashing waves. I think thats cool.

So now, Ebony's three names you choosed- Frannie, Kelpurnia, and Carni. What do you think of those?

Oh.. well I think Frannie seems elegant, soft, yet very strong-minded, like my baby.

Kelpurnia seems curios and funny- and sort of old-fashioned with new ideas.

Carni is just awesome, cuz it sounds like someone working at a carnival, which is fun, free-feeling, and bright-colored.

Thank you, Lynnie, next time we will ask you about Earth's name suggestions and then go on to Round 2. See ya!

Hey every body.

All my tamas are sleeping right now, excpet for my V5s, but nothing much is happening except Lynnie left his baby.

Back to 'The Name Game', I guess.

(D.C., me) Hello, Lynnie. Great news! We are going to add in a new few names from a log fan, PonytchiLuv! She added these names: Alicia, Gretel, Angeline, Jocelyn, Zelda, Bailey, Melina, and Rochelle. Lynnie picked Gretel, Bailey, and Rochelle. Let's talk about the names you picked out from Earth's suggestions first, though. Bounce, Joey, Koki. What do you think of these?

(Lynnie, V3) Hey, D.C. Well, first, I think Bounce is just.. well funny and energentic! Joey is really tomboyish, and actually a boy's name, but its a cool boys name anyway. Keep the different gender names going, heh? :eek:

Then Koki sounds sort of tropical- crossed between Cocoa and Kiki- both nice names.

Verr-yy intresting. Now, talk about our volunteer's name suggestions you picked out- Gretel, Bailey, Rochelle.

Well, Gretel- like the very famous fairy tale, 'Hanselotchi & Gretel', seems like a poetic sort of girls name, and very fairy tailish.. a nice name. Then Bailey sounds a tiny bit tomboyish, which I like, and very clam yet energentic at the same time.. weird. And then Rochelle is elegant, and nice.

Good, good! Thank you, Lynnie, and special thanks to PonytchiLuv. Of course, the names that do not fit into the five-charcatar space will be shortened down to the first five letters in it. Now- Lynnie, it is all depending on you. Which eight (since we added in three more) names will you elimanate?

Ohh.. I don't know.. they're all such good names.. well,

1. Emily

2. Hailey

3. Aqua

4. Kelpurnia

5. Joey

6. Gretel

7. Rochelle

8. Koki

Those are the ones I eleminate. Sorry, guys.

Em :) : Darn, I really wanted another Em.

Tommy: I still can't believe you didn't pick Billy Billy Billy Jean.

Ebony :eek: : Yes! Two of mine are still in! Yah-hoo!

Thank you, everyone, soon we will go onto Round 2!


Oh my gosh!!!! It all happened so fast. My V5s turned into the ninja family and before I knew it, I married Em! I thought I was going to marry Ebony.. sigh, I sort of wanted to.

Oh, well!

Then they had 2 eggs. The oldest one is a girl- the younger one a boy. I named the boy Deckels, but don't know what to name the girl. Probably some name leftover from the 'Name Game'.

Back to the [SIZE=21pt]Name Game![/SIZE]

(V5s just poopied)

Now.. we are down to..

(just to tell you my baby was waiting for a name and it accidently became 'CA'. But I'll just remeber her real name when I get it. It's not a big deal.)



and.. well, you know.

But we don't need to know the names this round. It's [SIZE=14pt]Lighting Speed Round![/SIZE]

We have a piece of paper here which has all the names that are left. Lynnie will close his eyes, and point five times to different places on the paper. The names that he points to he will be shown and then he will take away 3 that he does not want to name his daughter. The final 2 will go to Round 3, the final stage.

And Lynnie picked..






Now.. Lynnie. Elimanate Three, Please.

Err.. um.. ok. Bailey. Ricey and- and-- Carni.

Okay, Bounce & Fanny are the surviving two!!

Round 3- The Final Round

NOW. Lynnie. This is the moment we've all been waiting for. Will it be Fanny or Bounce?

Um------ Fanny!

[SIZE=21pt]''''''[/SIZE]'' <confetti


Omigosh, Fanny just evolved into a toddler! Yippee. Bye now.

I am going to name the girl V5.. Bounce.


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