Eat, Play Tamagotchi, Love


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Jun 17, 2008
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California, USA
It seems that no matter what, I keep coming back to Tamagotchi. It's been months since I last felt the urge to play with them, but in the last week, I've felt it again. Even in my early teens. I guess there are some things you just don't outgrow, haha.

Here goes nothing.

Okay, I have two batteries, which versions do I want to run? Hmm...okay, I have my blue with waves V3, I'm only going to hatch one tonight because I never liked group hatchings much. :p

Battery in, time set (9:20 PM), aaaand...there we go! It hatched into a boy, and I named him Lukas.


I paused him for a few minutes because I had to take a shower and didn't want to leave him alone while in the baby stage. I don't like pausing my Tamas. It feels like cheating to me, so I will try not to pause him again. He became Mizutamatchi and went to bed immediately, so no pictures yet.

My clear white V4 also still has some battery life left in it. It has been months since I last changed the battery, so I'm kind of surprised by this. Right now I have a Pyontitchi named Aaron, 3 years old, sixth generation. This Tama has mostly resulted in Pyontitchis and Pyonkotchis because at one point I was running more than 15 Tamagotchi at once and just didn't have time to raise everyone's skill points. Anyway, he's just bouncing around the screen right now. His bedtime is 10 PM and I think he gets up at 9 AM? He is an unhealthy character so I doubt he gets up too early.


(These two are secondhand Tamas - you can see the wear on them.)

I also still have battery life left in my green Wave 1 Tama-Go. He is a sixth-generation Kilalatchi. He was in bed by the time I started taking pictures, so I wasn't able to get a good one. I will try again tomorrow.

I don't have any figurines for the Tama-Go yet except for the LITE Mametchi. I'm going to do some research on what's included in each one before I start scouting around for any of them in particular.

It feels really good to have Tamas around again :) I may or may not pop the second battery into another Tama tomorrow. We'll see what happens. I'm also going to see if I can find some batteries for my Tamagotchi Angel, because it's a really fun one to play with :D

Until next time!

A nice bonus of having Tamas running is that they force me to get up at a normal time to care for them. (I go to school online, so I sleep in a lot.) Lukas and my Tama-Go both got up at 8 AM, while Aaron slept in until 9 AM. I am still striving not to pause the V3 and V4, though I may have to pause my Tama-Go sometimes simply because it isn't as portable. The others can come to some of my evening events with me, but that one can't without being very noticeable!

As I said, Lukas got up at 8 AM this morning. Right now he is at two Training bars, 0 years, and 40 pounds. I raise fat Tamas a lot it seems. I will try to do better with these guys, though I do feed snacks a lot in the baby and toddler stages.

He should be aging to 1 year tonight in his sleep and morphing early in the morning.


Aaron is still three and weighs 41 pounds. I don't remember what age the matchmaker comes at, but I'm sure it's soon, so I'm not bothering with skill points and a job very much. Next generation I can try again. It's been a quiet day with him, and I expect a few more ahead of us. Today he got mail from the king, who left us a plant. He also got a snake in the mail! Poor guy.


Here he is watching the snow.

When Kilalatchi woke up this morning, he morphed into Gozarutchi. Gozarutchi is an okay character, but I've already logged him on TamaTown and so I'd really like a different adult. I like variety in my Tamas.


He is 1 year old (man these Tamas morph fast) and today I looked through the past generations I've raised on this Tama. Here they are:

1st generation - Makiko, 15 years

2nd generation - Pipotchi, 14 years

3rd generation - Marotchi, 15 years

4th generation - Gozarutchi, 11 years

5th generation - Marotchi, 9 years

And now I have the sixth generation, another Gozarutchi. So it looks like I have about ten days, if not more, before I start the next generation. This is one of the things I don't like about the Tama-Go - it takes a while for the Date Place to appear, and then you have to wait for the baby. I'm not so keen on the price of the "extras," either. I might buy one...but I wouldn't get them all.

Tomorrow I expect to be reporting a morphing, and then there will probably be a few quiet days while waiting for the matchmaker, Date Place, and Lukas's transition to adulthood (when do they morph again? 3? 4? I can't remember).

Thanks for reading! :)

I didn't have to care for Tamas until 9 AM today. I'm really not a morning person, which is why I don't often have V5s running - I don't want to get up at 7 AM :p It's also part of the reason I'm hesitating to start up my Tamagotchi Angel, because I remember that some of the characters get up really early.

Lukas came with me to a social group last night. He was pretty quiet and I only had to pull him out of my pocket a couple of times to check on him, one of which was because I needed to turn out the lights as he went to bed. While I was doing that, the guy sitting beside me noticed him and mentioned that he also liked Tamas...very cool, I did not expect to find another Tama-lover at my age :D

Lukas woke up at 8 AM, morphed into Obotchi, and went back to sleep for the good part of another hour. I haven't paused him or Aaron (or my Tama-Go, but more on that later) in almost two full days now. This is a big thing for me, because I used to pause my Tamas constantly. Anyway, he called for three Training bars today, bringing him up to a total of five. The little guy went to bed at 8 PM. I expected him to go to bed an hour later, so he went to bed with three Happy hearts empty :( He is one year old and weighs 39 pounds.


Aaron has just aged to five years. I think it will probably be another day or so before the matchmaker comes for him. He got a lot of mail today - a few job offers (he didn't get a job, though), a visit from the Tamagotchi King, a snake, a heart, and THREE robbers! The poor guy wasn't too happy about that last one. He is pretty heavy for a Tama now at 69 pounds.

Gozarutchi got up at 9 AM. He turned two today. Unfortunately, in the afternoon his battery went dead :( I will be picking up some new ones tomorrow at the store, so it will only be a temporary delay. Poor Gozarutchi!

Tomorrow will probably be an uneventful day Tama-wise. Hopefully on Friday the matchmaker will come for Aaron.

I have managed to not pause my V3 and V4 at all even though I wasn't logging. Needless to say, their growth has been pretty fast for what I'm used to. (I usually pause enough so that it takes twice as much time for each Tama to grow. Since I am homeschooled now, I am able to keep them off pause during the day.)

Lukas turned four late last night, and morphed into Violetchi in the morning. I've been slacking a little bit on the weight, but I will work on that in the next day or two. As a teenager, he completely filled the Training meter and then, for some reason, called for two other disciplines. I expected a perfect character because I've taken very good care of him, but the night before last I wasn't keeping track of time and he went to bed with a poop next to him. I felt really bad :(

I keep glancing at the poor guy and thinking "she" for a minute before I remember. Violetchi seems like a female character to me, but I'll work on that.


Lukas as an adult.


Playing with the RC Car 2.

A day and a half ago, the matchmaker came to bring a partner for Aaron. She brought a Pukatchi, and the two decided they were compatible. He now has a lovely baby girl with him. They have gotten sick twice in the last two days. I'm not sure why. Both times, it took two shots of medicine to cure them.


Here they are spending a father-daughter bonding moment ^_^

In an old log of mine, I mentioned that I was going to start the alphabet challenge with this V4. You name a generation with an A name, the next with a B name, and so on. I'm most likely going to name the baby Belle. However, I'm going to try and avoid Pyonkotchi this time around! I'm rather tired of the same two characters over and over again.

I still need to pick up batteries for my Tama-Go.


I expect the next few days to have quite a few things going on Tama-wise. What with matchmaker visits, new generations, and morphings (and possibly buying a new Tama, if I can get to Toys 'R' Us), there's bounds to be loads to write about.

Lukas is five, to turn six late tonight. Today has been a pretty quiet day with him. Around six he decided to send a thousand points to the Gotchi King, though there isn't really a point to that unless another V3 is around to connect with and get more GP from games.

He also played a little trumpet, but for the most part it was a quiet day.


As for Aaron, I glanced at my V4 screen right around midnight (my Tamas' clocks are slightly fast) and saw that he had turned the lights on. He was just standing there doing this:


He stood there looking at his little girl for a few minutes before he floated off to Tamagotchi Planet, leaving her in my care. She woke up in the morning all alone.


I named her Belle as planned. She became Mohitamatchi an hour later. She already has four Training bars and has been accepted to preschool!


That's all the news from here today.

I went to Toys 'R' Us today with the hope of getting a second Tama-Go or even just a figurine, but they didn't have anything Tamagotchi-related there. The lucky thing was that I did manage to get my hands on some batteries for them! Four packs, in fact. (None for Angel, unfortunately. I really want to start up that girl.) Sooooo...I think I'll start up a few more Tamas now :D

Alright, maybe just one more. I grabbed my sister's pink V2 (because I couldn't find my yellow one and she doesn't use it) and slid in a battery. It hatched into a girl. Her name is Felfe.


She morphed into Hitodetchi and went to bed at 8 PM, 38 lbs (I can't play Jump, the baby V2 game, so she got a lot of snacks as a baby), and one Training bar.


The V2s carry a lot of nostalgia for me, because a V2 was my first Tamagotchi. I'm curious to see which adult I will get this time.

Lukas is six (turning seven in about an hour), but the little guy decided he was still not ready for marriage. (Translation: I missed all the matchmaker times. :p ) He's thinking about tomorrow.

I had to change Belle's batteries today. She lost about 8 hours in between her battery dying and being replaced, so I was expecting her growth to be slowed, but she changed into Young Dorotchi today while still at 0 years old. She is still going to preschool, though.


She goes to bed at 8 PM, just as Felfe does.

I've decided that on February 29 I'm going to start up my green V3. I figure why not do a leap year hatch? The rest of the batteries I'm going to save for now, as I'm not sure when another Tama's batteries will die.

Speaking of batteries, it turned out that we don't have any AAs. So my Tama-Go will be without batteries for a while, unfortunately. :( I also got two Furbys in the mail today and discovered that they were broken! I'm not having very much luck with virtual pets it seems. First no AAs, then Belle's battery dies, and now broken Furbys. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Happy Valentine's Day, all! ^_^

Felfe needed to be praised twice and given a time-out once today. So she's now at four Training bars, one year old.


I loved the way she looked when she was happy, so I took a picture. She's celebrating her winnings from a game of Bump.

Felfe came to my Tuesday evening social group with me and was a very good girl, only beeping once at 8 PM to let me know that she had gone to sleep. It was loud in there so only then did I realize she had morphed! She is now Young Mametchi. She is sleeping peacefully with all her hearts full, as I was able to check on her before she went to sleep.


In celebration of Valentine's Day, Lukas got married. He now has a sweet baby boy, whose name I haven't quite decided on yet. They didn't come to my social group with me because apparently I haven't learned anything since Lukas morphed and was expecting him to go to bed at 10 PM instead of 9! Ugh! So the poor little guys are sleeping with poop and a skull beside them. I feel like such an awful caretaker. I'm sorry guys :(


This was the only picture I got. I will get a more flattering one tomorrow. (You can't really see the skull, but it is there. The poor Tamas went to bed sick.)

Belle is now 1 year old, and she has been accepted into school by Ms. Flower. I didn't get any more pictures of her today, but I'm expecting her to morph tomorrow probably? The battery problem messed up her growth so I'm not sure.

On another note, the Furbys that I mentioned in my last log are not actually broken! :D Well, at least one of them isn't (still troubleshooting the other). His name is E-day, which means "good" in Furbish. Just wanted to share that - I won't be talking about Furbys very much here, if I do again.

Until next time!

My log has passed 100 views! :D Thank you to everyone reading.

Felfe is three today, still Young Mametchi. She has filled her entire Training meter, and called for another discipline after that as well. I'm expecting her to morph tonight or tomorrow morning, as the V2s morph into adults at age four.


(As for these pictures...yes, I am aware you can see snippets of other Tamas in them...I tend to spread them out on my desk so I can check on everybody quickly.)

For my V3, I have a bunch of pictures to catch up on here.


Lukas and his baby. Lukas left the little one in my care as the 15th turned into the 16th.


I named him Vanya (it's a Russian name). The 24 lbs is because it was a busy morning and I did not have a lot of time to play games every five minutes.


Baby Vanya taking a nap.

He became Mohitamatchi, but I was very busy that day and so I didn't get any pictures :( Today, though, he turned one year old and became Hikotchi!


He goes to bed at 8 PM and currently has five Training bars. Man do they call for a lot of discipline as teens.

Belle is three right now, and a Sebiretchi. She is out of school, but doesn't have enough skill points for a job, unfortunately. I need to stop being so lazy about skill points.


I've decided that I'd like another girl next generation on this Tama, since it will be the C generation. I plan to name her Chell (after the main character in the Portal games). If I get a boy, I haven't decided on a name yet.


Belle with her roller skates on.

Twelve more days until I will be hatching a second V3. I am very excited for that!

So much has happened since the 17th Tama-wise! I got the game Skyrim in the meantime, so that's why updating has slowed. :p But here are some pictures snapped during the last few days.

Felfe morphed into Tarakotchi shortly after my last log. I know this is generally regarded as a bad-care adult, but I really don't care because I know I took good care of her. Anyway, Tarakotchi is pretty cute :D


The item slot in this V2 is pretty empty. I am usually pretty good at the game Slot, but Tarakotchi's expressions are all very similar, so I haven't been able to buy a lot of things from the store.


She does have some nice boots, though.

The matchmaker showed up for her yesterday, and she got married. (She could have gotten married the day before yesterday, but I didn't want to marry two Tamas on the same day, and Belle married first.)


Almost time to begin the second generation on this Tama!


She now has a little boy. I think she will be departing tonight. I haven't decided on a name for the little guy yet...

Vanya got a full Training meter (plus two more bars) before morphing into Decotchi. Things have been rather uneventful for him lately, but he is six, so the matchmaker will come tomorrow.


Belle got married to a Kuchipatchi two days ago.


She ended up with a little girl, and left last night.


So this morning I had a little one to care for. As I mentioned, I named her Chell, after the player character in Portal.


Chell is now Mizutamatchi and enrolled in preschool. She's doing great there, too! Her Training is at three bars.

Only one more week before I hatch my fourth Tamagotchi! I am already making plans as to what to do with my Tamas so that the fourth one won't be a baby at the same time as any of them.

I'm very sorry that updating has slowed! Life has been busy. I did have to pause my Tamas for a few hours on the 24th, as I was going to be out for several hours and couldn't bring any of them along. I don't like pausing them. It messes up their growth a lot.

Felfe left as the 22nd turned into the 23rd. After scrambling around for a name, I decided on Keijo for her little boy.


Keijo went through the standard hour of being a needy baby, and then morphed into Hitodetchi, just like his mom when she was a toddler. He got four Training bars at this point.


He became Propellertchi a couple of days ago. He is two years old (turning three today) and now has seven Training bars. I'm not quite sure what adult I want. Mimitchi would be nice, but anything is cool, really. I'm thinking he'll morph sometime tomorrow.


The matchmaker came for Vanya on the 23rd. He had a bouncing baby boy. Vanya left him on the 25th. I have to admit that I got lazy here...I did not name the baby for a whole day. I just left him there on the crying screen. Today, I finally got around to naming him. I shouldn't do that again!


I settled on the name Kevin for him. I'm caring for him now - I'm going to go write other parts of this log and finish this part when he morphs.


I'm back! Kevin morphed into Kuchitamatchi. He's such a cute little guy! I love this toddler.


As I mentioned, Chell became Mizutamatchi and got three Training bars. She was also enrolled in preschool the last time I wrote.


Playing with a soccer ball.

She became a little strawberry with legs as a teenager - Ichigotchi! I filled her Training meter all the way in this stage. She went to school, with her teacher as Ms. Flower. (I didn't get a picture at this stage, sorry.) Unfortunately...even though I put her skill points up with school, I neglected to bring her weight down. So now I have Pyonkotchi...I'm rather tired of this character. I want to get something else next generation.


She's turning four today, so in a couple of days we'll get a matchmaker visit. The next generation will be Dave for a boy, Diane for a girl.

THREE days until the leap year hatching! I don't want two babies on the same day, so here's what I'm planning on: On the 28th, Chell will get married (leaving her baby on the 1st). On the 29th, I'll marry Keijo (leaving his baby on the 2nd). The leap year Tama will of course be hatched on the 29th. Kevin has about a week before he can marry, so no need to worry about him just yet.

Thanks for reading! :D

Happy leap year day! I have news today on almost everybody. (Also, I made some errors with the scheduling at the end of the last post, so please forgive the differences. I'm not very good with planning!)

Keijo is five years old and has morphed into Marumimitchi. He's a very sweet little guy.


He'll marry on the second of March, most likely. He's just having fun by himself right now without the stress of a baby, haha.


Making some music.

Kevin just turned three, and he is now Young Mametchi.


I love this sweet little guy. I'm hoping he'll become the adult Mametchi when he morphs next.

As part of a leap year group hatching here on TamaTalk, I hatched a second V3 today at 3:30 PM.


It was a little girl, and I named her Alex (after a good friend of mine whose birthday is today. Happy birthday, Alexandrea!).


This little gal is a secondhand Tama, too, but she still runs fine. I won a bunch of secondhand Tamas in a big lot on eBay a little under a year ago. I'm taking special care of her, as I always do when I name a Tamagotchi after someone.


My "little bit" as a baby.


She became Tamatchi at 5:30 and the rest of the day went smoothly. She called for discipline once and went to bed right at 8 PM.

Chell...she is the one I do NOT have news on. I missed all three matchmaker times today even though she is six. Poor little gal. I will marry her tomorrow.

Until next time!

I know I said I was going to start logging more, but I've been sick. So...lots of news today.

Keijo got married and had a baby boy.


The marriage.

Unfortunately, the only picture I got of them together was unreadable :( I didn't realize this until after Keijo had departed for Tama Planet.


The morning after Keijo left.


I named the baby Karkt (because there wasn't enough room to fit Karkat. Anyone who gets the name reference wins a cookie). Karkat is now a Kuribotchi.


I'm expecting a morph early tomorrow from him, because I had to pause everybody for several hours yesterday (as mentioned, I was sick, but I didn't want them to die).

Kevin did not become Mametchi...but he did become Kuchipatchi! Ah! What a cute little man :D He's six years old right now and doing so well. He will get married tomorrow, I think.


With his new shoes on.


He also has an umbrella, even though there was no rain today. (I live in the desert, so there rarely is.)

On March 1, I unfortunately neglected poor Alex for a few hours without meaning to. She was sick and with ALL hearts empty when I woke up.


Thankfully, it didn't seem to affect her much and she is now Patapatatchi.


She's three, so I'm expecting a change tomorrow. I may just have to let the real Alex know about Tama Alex if she becomes something cute... ;)

Chell has been glitching for days now. She didn't get a matchmaker visit until yesterday, when she was nine, and only after I reset and downloaded. So this generation has taken a little longer, but no matter.


Getting married to a Kuchipatchi.


She's got a little girl now. As stated in an earlier post, the baby will be named Diane.

I will try and update again tomorrow, as I think there will be a couple things going on with my Tamas then.

I wasn't able to update as soon as I would have liked, but I'll squeeze in an update here, because a lot has happened.

Karkat hit teenhood, and is now Young Mametchi. He has seven Training bars, but that should be eight because I was in a hurry and hit Time Out instead of Praise once. Poor guy.


Kevin married and had a baby boy of his very own. He left last night.


Continuing on with the Homestuck (yes, that's where Karkat's name is from if you didn't know) naming theme, I named the baby Eqius (Equius).


He's a chubby kid. I hate the baby stage, as I don't have time to play a game every five minutes, so I stuff them with snacks. :p


He's a Tamatchi now, sleeping peacefully.

Alex became Memetchi. She is six and will marry tomorrow, I think.


Diane spent a not-so-peaceful hour as a baby, due to her caretaker being distracted by schoolwork (I'm online schooled, so no worries, I wasn't trying to sneak a baby Tama into school).


It didn't affect her too badly, though, and she became Mohitamatchi.


She's Ichigotchi now, but I didn't snap a picture yet. I will have one in my next update.

That's all for now :)

Hi there! I know I have been using pictures a lot, but lately my free time has become more I am going to start just quickly logging with no pictures. With luck I will be able to bring back the pictures soon, when I have more time on my hands. My apologies to any readers who liked the pictures.

Karkat got a full Training meter and morphed into Ginjirotchi. He's really sweet. He's seven now, and will get married very soon! If he has a girl I will name her Vriska, but I haven't decided on a boy's name yet.

Equius became Hasitamatchi. He filled his Training meter to seven bars and is now four years old. Today he became Warusotchi.

Alex had a baby girl, whom I named Beth. I'm playing with her right now, and will tell you what toddler she became in my next update :)

As for Diane...I tabbed her up a few days ago. I don't have time for four Tamas, especially not with a v4 in the mix. These three will just have to do for now.

Sorry for the short update! I will be back to write more soon. I can update more frequently if I don't have to use pictures.

I'm still pretty busy, so it's another pictureless update. With any luck I can bring back the pictures soon.

The matchmaker brought Karkat a partner, and a sweet baby girl was the result! Her name is Vrska (Vriska), as I mentioned in the last update. She became Marutchi (just like the very first Tama I ever hatched! Oh, nostalgia) and got up to four Training bars in this stage. She just became Hinotamatchi. She's bobbing around the screen happily. I've been playing a fair amount of games with her, and we are keeping an eye out for a UFO in the shop. I just love that item :) She's one right now.

Equius got married today. He got a baby girl as well, and I'm debating on what to name her. He's seven and doing a very good job at parenting so far.

Beth became Kuchitamatchi, and is now a three-year-old Hikotchi! She is one bar short of a full Training meter. She's already in bed. She goes to bed early - 8 PM! I'm expecting her to morph pretty soon.

That's all for now :)

Wow, I haven't posted in a very long time! I'm going to try and be a better logger. For now, I'm just going to give a quick recap. Logging is better for me because it encourages me to have nice, healthy Tamas. I had been neglecting them for a while and letting their weight get too high.

On my V2 I have a seventh-generation Kiwitchi. She is five years old, and her name is Sara. I can't view the past generations on a V2, so unfortunately I have no idea who my Tama housed between Vriska and Sara. :( She weighs forty-five pounds, down from ninety-nine (eep).


With the points we earned from lowering her weight, I was going to treat her to some roller skates, but the shop restocked in the middle of it. We ended up buying a shovel instead.


On my blue V3 I also have a five-year-old, this one named Quinn. I have been sort of raising him together with Sara, since I named them at roughly the same time and so they're very close in age. I think they're at most 20 minutes apart, since I have paused a little here and there. He's Sekoritchi. I will get his weight down tomorrow. He is eighth generation.


My green V3 is now sixth generation. On it is a Tamatchi named Jim. He was left alone by his father this morning. His father, Brett, was a Hanatchi. Jim is zero years old right now. He's kind of overweight because I feed lots of snacks to baby Tamas, but I will get his weight down tomorrow as well.


I'll try to update again soon.

Today was a busy day Tama-wise. I spent a good chunk of time with my three, and I also hatched a fourth!

Sara is six years old now, but hasn't had a matchmaker visit. Her weight is hovering around the high forties.

I had to change Quinn's batteries today, so he just turned six a few hours behind Sara. Nothing is new with him today.

Jim turned one today, and became Hinotamatchi! He's such a cute little guy.


Since Tamagotchi batteries come in packs of two, I figured I'd start up a fourth Tama (like I don't have enough going on, LOL). I chose my Music Star. After resetting many times due to the username glitching, I wound up with a baby girl. I named her Carol.


Carol became Hitodetchi after an hour. Her toy is the bunny and her instrument is the trumpet.


I forgot how high-maintenance the Music Star is. Off to play some games, then!

Until next time... :)

Today I got the game Tamagotchi Corner Shop! I have only played it a little bit so far but it seems fun. There were also some highlights with my other Tamas.


Sara got married today!


She ended up with a beautiful baby girl, and will be leaving in two nights. I'm not sure what to call the little one yet.


Quinn could have also gotten married today, but I decided to put it off until tomorrow so his and Sara's babies won't be exactly the same age. I don't see any fun in that ;)

Jim had the longest unpaused day of all my Tamas, since he went to the mall with my niece and I today. He had a quiet day, turning three.

Carol morphed into Chamametchi today! I switched her instrument and toy around too, because we got some new things from TamaTown.


I changed it to the camera and the harp, but later on she made the sad face while playing with the harp, so it's headphones for now.

Until next time!

It's been nearly a week since I've written! I've been occupied with Tamagotchi Corner Shop and my birthday was on the 8th...I should really update more often :)

Sara's batteries died the other day...I put her back on my shelf with the other Tamas with dead batteries. I might end up selling some of them at one point.

Quinn got married, and I named his baby Kate when he left. Kate is a very sweet little Tamatchi right now, though she got sick this morning when I slept in...grr I need to be more responsible with my Tamas!

Jim is now a Debatchi. He got married this morning, and has a baby boy. I'm not sure what to name him yet.

Carol has morphed into Memetchi. Her instrument is still the headphones because that turned out to be her favorite one. She has a band called Mallow and they are currently second rank with over 254 million fans. Her skill points are 806/955/932. I'm pretty proud of her, the little gal. Music Stars sure are high maintenance, but they're also pretty fun.

Until next time!

Kate has grown into a Kuchipatchi! She is five years old and should be meeting the matchmaker soon.

I named Jim's baby Adam. Adam morphed first into Mizutamatchi and then into Nikatchi, where he is right now. He's three years old today :)

Carol got married to a Gozarutchi, one of her band members. She maxed out all her skill points too! She had a baby girl, whom she just left last night. I named her Aleksa. I changed her instrument and toy too - her instrument is the trumpet and her toy is a book. For now she is still in the baby stage, but I'll update again later when she becomes a toddler.
