Eating Disorders D:


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Lost Girl

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2009
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Brisbane, Australia.
I dunno if there's a topic on this already. Sorry if there is, I did check and didn't see a recent one, so I thought I'd start a new one.

So hey.

Eating disorders; do you know someone with one? Do you have one?

Personally, I've never had one. I do however know someone who in recovering from anorexia. It was really sad. She wasn't fat or anything but she was like at a normal weight but everyone called her fat and stuff, and then she started getting really skinny. Whenever she stayed over at someone's place she'd say she didn't feel well and didn't eat, so her parents got really worried.

Then this group of stupid (I only say that because I can't say how I really feel about them) guys, I think they were older but idk, started teasing her and saying she was fat and she should go for a run and all this really crap stuff. It made her reeeeeeeeeeeally sick to the point where you could like stick your finger under her ribs and count the bones in her fingers. It was gross.

Anyway she passed out and she went to hospital and blah blah she had to stay there for ages and be monitored to make sure she was eating and stuff. Everyone was really worried about her, and now the whole grade and all the teachers know.

Turns out not only did she have anorexia but she was cutting herself too, and no one noticed. Ugh we felt so bad ):

But she's getting better now, thank God <3

So yeah, you guys had this or something similar happen to you or someone you know? How did it make you feel? Did you notice, or if you didn't, did you feel guilty for not noticing? How did YOU deal with it, if it was a friend?


I know one. But all she eats is pixie sticks and candy... Weird, huh?

And this other girl is bullimic, I think. She has HUGE lunches and then runs to the bathroom. I'm not quite sure though. She's super skiiny, too. But she has always been that way.

But I think I might have one. D:

Okay, for that past quarter, a bunch of boys keep making fat jokes, and extremly hurtful things about my "weight". And I'm not fat or anything! I'm 5 ''2 and 110lbs!!! But all of the sudden I'm on a diet. It's not a dangerous diet or anything, I just eat healthy and exercise for half an hour a day.

And now, whenever I look in the mirror. I look fat. I hate it. I always try to convince myself that I am not fat, but it's really difficult.

Help. I don't want to become one of those girls that dies because she didn't eat for two weeks.

My friend doesn't really have an eating disorder, but she's always like "Omg, I'm so fat, I needa go on a diet" She's like 5'1 and 100lbs I really hate it when people say that, and when I tell them theyre not, they accuse me of saying that just cause I'm skinny. But I'm like super underweight. Not my fault, it's just my metabolism. I seriously think people have to stop thinking theyre fat when theyre not.

No, I don't know anyone with an eating disorder, nor do I have one. I just like to eat a lot. I wouldn't really call it a disorder, seeing how I never seem to get overweight, or eat and eat and eat until I can't eat anything else.

Although I do think a few kids in my class at school have an eating disorder, but I'm not sure, and I'm not about to stick my nose into other people's business.

I dealt with anorexia in 2006, right after I turned twelve years old.

I was diagnosed Scleroderma and put on Prednisone, a steroid that suppresses your immune system. Prednisone however makes you hungry all the time and bloats you like crazy, making you gain tons of weight. My doctors told me to watch what I ate.

The anorexia came on because of two reasons. First because of the obvious, that I had a gained a ton of weight. Instead of wearing like a size 8 or 10 in girls pants and having to wear a belt with them, I was up to a 14/16. My face was puffy and I gained the nickname "chipmunk cheeks." (seventh graders are cruel) It was something I wasn't used to, I was used to being rather thin. I have a small build, I'm on 5'2 right now as it is, back then I was probably around 4'8. So being small was just something that was natural for me, and it all changed.

Second reason being eating was something I could control. Me being diagnosed with Scleroderma (I have a mild form of the disease, causing discoloration on my back) was something I could not control. What I looked like and what kids were saying was something I could not control. But what I was eating and how much I was eating I COULD control.

Which is why I started cutting myself in eighth grade, because I could control what harm I inflicted on my body. I crave control. That's another story though.

I was on Prednisone for about six months. During that time I was obsessed with my eating. I was eating less than 500 calories a day on average. I was depressed along with it, I cried myself to sleep, I attempted to knock myself unconscious a few times, the whole bit.

When I was off the Prednisone, my bloating and weight dropped in less than a month. But switching off an eating disorder isn't something you really do. I was still preoccupied with control and my diet. My doctors who were watching me kept threatening to hospitalize me if I didn't knock it off.

At my lowest weight I think I was somewhere between 65-70lbs. And actually people started noticing - I was getting asked my relatives that I don't see often if I had an eating disorder and that I had lost a weight, etc.

I took me over a year to recover. Sometimes I still get frustrated and want to revert back to my old ways, though I'm at a completely normal weight and am even on the slim side now. I tried bulimia about a year or so ago, but I couldn't pull it off (which is a good thing).

I'm honestly happy now though. It makes me angry when I hear girls with eating disorders getting bashed, because I understand that it's not exactly something they can help, and it doesn't always have to do with body image. It could be a divorce, abuse, or any number of things that trigger it, and it's not their fault. Eating disorders are scary because they deal with physiological issues more than they deal with physical issues.

I could go on and on about this. It's a very personal subject to me.

My nan has bullima or something.

She's scary now. Thank God she lives hours away from me.

I also tend to never eat at school. Lily's always like "Layla are you trying to get on an eating disorder again? You know it's never going to work." and why yes, I am really skinny.

My teacher who I had for Term 1 last year...I think I almost tried to commit suicide because he made my life a misery..but thats another story

I do not know anyone with a serious eating disorder. I've never really experienced it myself either, so I can't really say anything

about it.

Oh but 2 years ago at my summer camp, there was a girl who was like perfectly normal weight, but she was bullimicccc. At mealtime, she would always cry, and you could tell that she was hungry, but she wouldn't eat, like not even two spoons of spaghetti.

And in our bunk beds, she would always cry at night, and like talk to her stuffed animals and stuff about how sad she was, and she talked to her friend about how fat she thought she was... but she wasn't even, really.

I felt bad for her. :/

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-Raises hand-

I used to have bulimia.

I still throw up sometimes, when I feel really bad.

It's bad to mix eating disorders with other stuff, like I did.

I was bulimic, I'm still a cutter, I did drugs and had an alcohol addiction all at the same time.

I think last year a had kind of an eating disorder. I used to be kind of chubby when I was younger, and from the age of 13 or so I would occasionally try to "diet" by cutting out junk food and exercising but it'd only last a day or two at the most before I'd give up. Around the end of 2008, I'd started eating healthily (but allowing myself the occasional treat) and exercising daily. I lost a few kilos by 2009. As 2009 progressed, I began to limit my "junk food" intake more and more until I wouldn't touch anything that I even remotely considered to be "unhealthy". I was also not very happy at school because I'd gone to a different school to my usual group of friends, and the people I was hanging out with, well we didn't really have anything in common. I often felt like I was invisible and I was pretty lonely, and decided to concentrate on losing weight to take my mind off this problem, even though by that point I was at a perfectly healthy weight. So I continued eating "healthily" - well, now that I think about it, my diet was very healthy, and I got a good amount of exercise, but the problem was, I was too strict. I wouldn't even have one day a week where I'd eat dessert, or have a little chocolate bar, or a lolly or anything.

After a while, though, I started making some new friends at my school and felt a lot happier. Gradually I began to be less strict with my diet too. I decided I'd have one day a week where I allow myself to have "junk food", like when I went out with my friends on the weekend and we'd eat out or whatever.

Since the end of 2008/beginning of 2009, I lost about 15 kg, and now my clothing size is Small or Xtra Small instead of Large.

Nowadays I still eat healthy meals and exercise regularly, but I also have an occasional treat when I feel like it and I don't feel guilty after eating something I would have previously deemed "unhealthy" or "junk food". I don't become worried that I'll "get fat" from eating certain things because I know that I live a healthy lifestyle and there is no harm in having "junk food" as long as it's in moderation - I don't have to cut it out altogether.

I'm sorry to hear all this guys, but I'm glad most of it had improved! :) You're all amazing.

I mean, I joke around with my good friends and say things like "God move over fatty!" and stuff, but they know I'm joking. And I have like sort of chubby cheeks so they joke about that too.

And yeah, I've dieted and said no to junk food when I've felt fat and really down about my weight, lol because we all have our fat days, you know? But my brother's an excellent cook so I eat well and if I don't eat he'd force it down my throat.

I don't think I could ever do that to myself, I like my body and I sure as anything hope it likes me loooool.

I don't know anyone that has a disorder, but there is this real cow of a girl, who 'eats' lunch with my group and we hate her. She doesn't a thing at school and then goes home and stuffs her face. Itr's not a healthy way to eat because you're not eating regularly and your body can't figure out when to pile on the kilos or shed some. I am really skinny, not unhealthy skinny, but skinnier than most girls in my grade. It doesn't bother me, because my small build makes me an excellent dancer. I get called fatty by my friends because I eat like a bloody horse and then scab food off my friends. But they think it's funny. Although I'm pretty good at guessing who is going to get eating disorders further on through high school.

Nope, I've never had an eating disorder, and I don't know anyone with one. Even though I am 5'1" and only 80 pounds, I eat like a normal person, but I always seem to stay skinny. I guess I'm just lucky that way.

Since Cinderpelt posted her life story, I might as well post mine. :] Btw, what is Scleroderma?

Well, I had anorexia a few years ago. I was really depressed, so it made me eat more. Then I gained weight, which made me even more depressed, so I was like I have to do something. So I started cutting back different foods and trying to push how much I could restrain myself. I used to overeat, so I was trying not to. I started losing weight.

I was happier with my weight since I lost some, but I couldn't stop eating so little. I felt like if I ate the foods I cut out, I would gain weight again. My parents made me count my calories one day, and I only ate 500, and I'd been doing that for like a month. They took me to the doctor, and I got a blood test, but it said my blood was ok. I was getting really depressed and my parents were making me drink Ensure after that. It probably saved my life.

I told my dad I want to see a hospital visit because I couldn't take being so depressed anymore. I was like that for a long time though, and it was gradual, so no one really noticed anything. The hospital was sent my medical crap and turns out at my last doctor visit, my heart rate was so slow, they took me in the next day. I stayed at the hospital for a week.


Man I could go on forever, but I'm great now, so don't worry about it.

Since Cinderpelt posted her life story, I might as well post mine. :] Btw, what is Scleroderma?
xD Yeah well I figured if there was a time and place to share what I went through, it would be here.

Scleroderma is a rare (app. one in every 2.7 million) autoimmune disease that causes skin (and sometimes muscle, but not in my case) atrophy. It's on my back where you can't really see it though, and I'm in remission now. -_-

I've never had an eating disorder, and can't recall anyone that ever had one.

Although, I'm quite skinny. I, still to this day, am called anorexic. I can't help it. I don't gain weight. I simply cant help I'm skinny. Two years ago I was only 70 pounds. Now, I'm fourteen, and 95 pounds. So yes, I did gain a lot more weight. Still called anorexic though..

It doesn't really bother me.

I don't know anyone who has an eating disorder of any sort. I know people who are skinny, and some people who are rather overweight, but as far as I know it's not an eating disorder that causes that, it's the person's body structure in general. People come in all different shapes and sizes, right?

I don't have one either, nor have I ever had one. Like Katie above, I am pretty skinny for my height (I'm awfuuuuully tall) and get somewhat insulted for that occasionally, though it doesn't bother me. I weigh in at 105lbs/48kgs, stand at 170cm, and have been alive for twelve years. I consider that healthy and I hope medical practitioners do too :)


I have a tendency to over eat sometimes, but as I'm still growing it doesn't effect my weight at all. I'm happy with my eating cycle and weight right now, I don't worry about body image, and I hope everything will stay the way it is :)

i don't know. i mean, i barely eat. and i know there is something wrong with my eating. i am a freak about what i put into my diet and have become a vegetarian because of it. and i never eat more than a few hundred calories a day. but i wouldn't consider myself anorexic. mainly because i am still fat. i look so huge. i am five seven and weigh 157 pounds. and i cant get over how much that is. i don't know :\ i just wish i could be comfortable with myself and my body. :'(

^ I used to feel like that too, tamagotchis rock! It's terrible! And a few hundred calories a days is terrible also! You're supposed to get a couple THOUSAND!

Let me get a few things straight. Anerexic means you eat very little and you still feel and think you look fat. You're not fat. Everybody gets a puberty pudge. I'm always uncomfortable with my body, and then it clicked. I'm not fat. I focused on my GOOD qualities, not my bad. And it really doesn't matter what you look like. No, I'm serious. It. Doesn't. Matter.

If you would like to be healthier and lose some weight, learn how to eat. Go to and go to the menu planner. I started using that, and I feel great and even lost a couple pounds. : )

If you ever need help or would like to talk, I'm always here.

I used to have Anorexia, It was horrible, I hated it and I had to go to the doctors.....Nearly all my family were crying when they saw my stomach!!! I felt so sorry for myself and nobody fellt sorry for me much because I had been obsessed with my weight for ages. I used to make myself sick......I was so obsessed....I'm so happy I recovered and Good Luck to everyone recovering...........Its horrible to have xxxxxxxxxxxx

I had a minor case of anorexia.

I was depressed, and I couldn't eat. I was disgusted with what I saw in the mirror, so I tried to change it.

After about 2-3 weeks, I realized that what I was doing was pointless, and started to eat healthier again.

I was a lucky one.

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