Eating Disorders D:


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^ Most people should eat about 2000 calories in a day, and that's even less calories a day than I ate when I was anorexic. I would try to eat more, if you can't eat more, then see a doctor. I understand that you're fine with your weight, but you probably should eat more if you want to maintain it. You need 1400 calories every day even if you do no activity, that's just to keep your blood pumping and all.
I eat between 200-600 daily, well, approximately. But not on purpose , I just only get round to eating that amount of food.

I have an eating disorder that has nothing to do with my weight but it is that I don't eat vegetables :p .I try and try to eat some vegetables but I always feel like I am about to through up :p . All the vegetables I eat in 2-3 weeks are 3-6 pieces of broccoli. :(

@Love = eating THAT much less doesn't always make you lose weight. :[ It is probably slowing your metabolism, and causing you to gain. If you need to lose weight, exercise and eat a little less at each meal. Don't eat nothing. :0

okay. i have alot so sorry :( okay personal story time :)

okay. i wouldnt say i have an eating disorder but i really only eat 1 meal a day and dont even eat all of that. which is lunch. i sometimes eat dinner and i never ever have time to eat breakfast. i know its bad to not eat breakfast but i cant be late for the bus considering the bus is the only way i have to school. both my parents work and blah blah blah.

anyways. ive been bullied since 6th grade about my weight. going into 6th grade i gained about 8 lbs during that summer. then goin to 7th i gained prolly like 20 cause i was depressed and everythin. i know its not healthy... but i was teased all the time cause i gained weight. my parents noticed and everyone else did. i have flubber. everyone says im not fat. but i think im fat. im like obsessed with losing weight. i wanna be like a size 2. and weigh like 110-112 lbs. im tryin to get there by the summer. i wanna wear and feel good in a bikini. i shouldnt judge myself as harshly as i do but i do anyways. i look in the mirror and im like eww thats me. its horrible. ive thought about anorexia. my friends have gone anorexic and bulimic. its sad. i hate watching. my friend even almost commited suicide over it. she cuts and everything. shes gotten help. shes better.

we just learned about anorexia in health. its a fact that you do lose alittle weight from anorexia. but once ur metabolism slows, any little thing you eat will be stored as fat cause your body is in starvation mode. even the good things. your body will take muscle and try to store it as fat. but muscle does weigh more than fat. but still. if you really have to lose weight, do it the healthy way and not risk your life.

im gonna pray for the anorexics and bulimics and the ones recovering. pray for them too. they need it. :)

Nothing's got better since April.

Since I last posted in this topic I've gained mild bulimia and I've taken diet pills I'm not qualified for.

I'm a mess.

A few years back I was struggling with clinical depression and chronic anxiety. I was so, so worried about what everybody thought about me that I didn't want to eat in front of others out of fear that they would think less of me, call me a pig, call me fat, etc. I was really confused because in elementary school, I didn't care at all. I ate breakfast, I ate my entire lunch while surrounded by my classmates, and I ate dinner with my family every night. Right after entering middle school, though, things changed.

About a quarter into the 6th grade, I really got paranoid about what others thought about me. Now, I normally didn't eat breakfast in the morning, just because I didn't have time, and that continued. But I stopped eating lunch - I would only drink about half a bottle of water and go without for the rest of the day until dinner. I would eat about half of my dinner so that my parents wouldn't notice smaller portions. Some days I didn't eat at all and went on only a diet of water, because I would come home and fall asleep almost immediately because I was so exhausted. Such an unhealthy diet started to cause migraines and fatigue, and that's when people started noticing. To keep people away for a while, I would started bringing a small snack size ziplock bag full of dry cereal and eat some of that for lunch. I then ate a snack after I got home and went straight to bed, usually sleeping through dinner.

Eventually someone took notice. I didn't eat all day while on vacation with my best friend at her grandparents' lakehouse. I nearly passed out while in the water, but quickly got back in the boat. I had a splitting headache. Nicole had somehow hurt her elbow, so we went back into the house, I grabbed a bottle of water, and we went to the hospital to get her checked out. We were about to leave when I passed out in the waiting room. My blood sugar was dangerously low, and the nurses made me eat and call my mother to tell her what happened. Everybody assumed that I had just been too busy having fun and had forgotten to eat, but they still watched my eating habits closely after that, which I'm thankful for now because I got a lot better. Throughout 7th grade I had a fairly normal diet, full breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Unfortunately, things took a bad turn when I moved and transferred schools. I was just as paranoid as before about what people thought about me, so again, I tried to stop eating. No breakfast, dry cereal or a granola bar for lunch, and a full dinner on most nights. About halfway through 8th grade, I passed out in the middle of class, and hit my head on a desk, and then the ground. I was taken to the nurse, who threatened to make me eat lunch with her so she knew that I would eat if I didn't fix things myself. I was watched closely at lunch by the monitors and my diet slowly became more normal, despite the fact that I was still extremely self-conscious.

I'm much better now, but I still have issues with my blood sugar. I'm actually eating a lot more now, and I'm at a healthy weight. x3

I'm not really sure if you could say that I was anorexic - I wasn't unsatisfied with my body or my weight, and I wasn't not eating in order to lose weight. I was just nervous about what people thought about me, as most middle schoolers are, and I got into the habit of hardly eating. But I'm still thankful that that part of my life is over with and I'm much healthier now.

About a quarter into the 6th grade, I really got paranoid about what others thought about me. Now, I normally didn't eat breakfast in the morning, just because I didn't have time, and that continued. But I stopped eating lunch - I would only drink about half a bottle of water and go without for the rest of the day until dinner. I would eat about half of my dinner so that my parents wouldn't notice smaller portions. Some days I didn't eat at all and went on only a diet of water, because I would come home and fall asleep almost immediately because I was so exhausted. Such an unhealthy diet started to cause migraines and fatigue, and that's when people started noticing. To keep people away for a while, I would started bringing a small snack size ziplock bag full of dry cereal and eat some of that for lunch. I then ate a snack after I got home and went straight to bed, usually sleeping through dinner.
That sounds a lot like me. It's nice to hear you're better now. <3

My doctor is threatening to send me to an eating disorder clinic far out of town. So I keep doing this stupid thing were I'll try and maintain my weight one week, then the next let it fall significantly.

I went through a reaaaaaaally rough point with all this in September - November. I think I'm eating a bit more, but nowhere near what I should. I don't feel any better, though. I'm not sure if it's messed with me mentally, because my mental health seems to not be at it's best right now either.

I don't have an eating disorder.

I eat too much candy though.

Too much.

Sometimes I get kind panickey if I eat too much, I'm very skinny because I'm cautious of my weight, my ribs are visible and stuff, but I eat healthily enough :3

I'm not anorexic or trying to be, I'm just not hungry.

I guess it's a result of what's been going on. I know there's something wrong with my eating habits but I just don't want to eat. I go through these stages where I'll eat like a pig for a few days and then not eat anything the next. Most of the time though, I don't. No one really notices, so I'm not going to see a doctor or anything.

I have a really quick metabolism. And I'm a REALLY picky eater. I eat only foods I like. It isn't a good thing... Here's a typical day's food schedule:

Breakfast: If we don't have cereal, usually nothing.

Lunch: I usually find SOMETHING to eat.

Dinner: Small dinners. If mom or dad make food that I like, I'm a pig. XP

Snacks: Not very often lately. Probably because there's no good snack foods.

I'm such a picky eater.

No eating disorder here. Just normal really, fast metabolism means I don't gain weight easily. I eat more than I should but I don't care. I like food.

I mean, these nachos are pretty flipping good and those chocolate biscuits I had as part of dinner were pretty nice.

I don't have a disorder currently, but, I was once bulimic.


I'm 13. - _ - Bulimia at the age of 11 and 12 is... Eh.

I mean, now, I'm a picky eater (I always was), and, I have a REALLY high metabolism, but, yeah. I did have an eating disorder. (When you're younger, hearing one of the cutest boys in school call you a fat cow does wonders for your self image) I wasn't even fat...

I remember writing fat ***** over and over on a sheet of paper and forcing myself to repeat it whenever I felt good about anything. I think somewhere in me I knew I wouldn't do something like purging unless I forced myself to believe there was a reason, so, that's what I did. I became my own worst enemy.

Oh well. On to bigger and better things, right(?)!


- Nae

I don't think I'll ever be able to stop. I keep fasting for days. But even so, at this stage right now, I don't want to stop.

People used to always call me anorexic because of my weight but I'm actually not. I love eating, and I'm happy with my body. If anything, I wouldn't mind gaining a few kilos.



I went through one stage where my appetite was really low so I lost a lot of weight by accident, and it was pretty bad because I'm already naturally skinny and tall.

But yeah, I've never intentionally starved myself.



A girl I know has an eating disorder and it's actually really bad. SHe posts all these photos on facebook of herself trying to suck in and making her bones stick out.

She always pops up on MSN and asks how much I weigh, and I feel bad because I'm really skinny and I know she will try and get skinnier than me but she shouldn't because it's unnatural.

She overexercises and takes all these tablets... it's scary :( I wish I could do something about it but she won't listen to anyone.

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