Electreon's Familitchis (The Log)


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OK, my Tamas aren't awake for another 50 minutes, but I HAVE to tell you this!

I've been busy planning a trip for Michaela, Michael and Michelle. They chose a theme park made of Lego! That's right, my Tamagotchi is coming with me to Legoland. This is because I bought a Kagoul with a pocket! Michaela says she wants to go on all the fun rides, but doesn't wanna fall off! Michael will love the Lego workshop, but all of the fun rides. Michelle, well, she wanna go on all of 'em!

They all said they hated water rides, but I really want to go on them. They said they'd die if water goes on to them. I just replied with "I'll put you in my Kagoul,"!

So, I wish you a good day, I'll be back with you around 6pm. I'm guessing all those Americans and Sixth Formers will be on Summer Vacation/Holidays. I hope you all have a brilliant day. Here's one more bit.

Michaela: Lets go to Legoland!

Michael: Now!

Michelle: Get the car!

Me: Michelle, I can't drive.

Michelle: Oh.

Michael: Still now!

Me: I can't.

Michaela: Why?

Me: It's a school trip, it'll be about 10:30am when we get there.

Michelle: Huh?

Me: 4 hours 10 minutes. Remember, patience, you'll be played with on the coach.

Michael: Really?

Me: Yep.

Michaela: No pausing?

Me: Yep.

All: Hooray!

Me: Bye.

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Oops. Sorry, I forgot to post. I have remembered that my Tama beeps at the worst times. When a "training" video was showing for the Diggers at Legoland (I have no idea why we were on it), my Tamagotchi made the beeping sound. It was midday and it needed training. No-one cares about Tamagotchis in my school anymore...

It needed training once again while I was on the queue to a rollercoaster. My "friend", well, I'll show you through a script!

Friend: You're obsessed with Tamagotchis.

Me: And you're obsessed with fighter jets (he is, he actually is).

Friend: Well... erm... yeah, but...

Friend: You're obsessed with Tamagotchis.

Friend: You're obsessed with Tamagotchis.

Me: Shut up.

Friend: No.

Friend: You're obsessed with Tamagotchis.

Friend: You're obsessed with Tamagotchis.

Me: Shut up.

Friend. No.

Friend: You're obsessed with Tamagotchis.

Friend: You're obsessed with Tamagotchis.

Me: Shut up!

Friend: No.

Friend: You're obsessed with Tamagotchis.

Friend: You're obsessed with Tamagotchis.

Me: Well... I am, and I'm proud.

Friend: You shouldn't be proud of an unhealthy obsession.

Friend: You're obsessed with Tamagotchis.

Friend: You're obsessed with Tamagotchis.

Me: There's people who are sixty playing with them!

Friend: You're obsessed with Tamagotchis.

Friend: You're obsessed with Tamagotchis.


He obviously has no idea what TamaTalk is.

My Tamagotchi also somehow developed a new animation where you see Michaela zoomed in. It did that after it pooped on the coach.

Also, I'm putting Michaela, Michael and Michelle Gower to sleep instead of pausing! I'll be in the dating show MUCH earlier then!


I just thought of a really cool idea! I've put some headphones on and now can strangely hear my Tamas speak!

They also turned into Teens!

Michaela = Itchigotchi

Michelle = ChaMametchi

Michael = Bakutchi

Random Person


Woohoo! I'm an Itchigotchi

I'm a ChaMametchi. Not what I expected, but I forgot I couldn't be cheerful. Guess I'll be Smart then.

Woohoo! I'm a Bakutchi

Matthew the Mametchi is our Random Person.

Oh great...

My brother!



I'm Michelle, Matthew.


You can say that again, doofus...


It was a figure of speech!


What's wrong with him?


Nothing. He always acts like this.


Yeah, a big bye-bye from the Gower Family.


Yeah bye! *pulls lever*






We need to count the seeds on Michaela!

No, no, no, don't...

1... 2...

Aaaaarrrrggghhhh! *Michaela turns into an evil strawberry*

Help! Help! *gets burnt*

Few hours later...


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Get away from me, Michelle!

Help, Michael! I'm gonna die!

OK, guys, cut it out. I need a poo anyway *poops*.

Nice... but our owner isn't here.



I thought I killed you, Mametchi.

Oh. Toodles. Get out Chantotchi!

By-, wait, you spoke?

That IS weird?

Our Random Person is Chantotchi!



Wait, we're only on the first Generation. Ah well.

Hello darling!

Screaming in 3. *puts earpplugs in his ears and hands over Michaela's ears*


*takes out earplugs and puts hands to side* And we're clear.

What are you doing Michael?

I just always wanted to try that.

So, how-

Training time!

Time to shine!

With a bit of Training Time!

It's... erm... half past nine? Nevermind. *hides while I give them training*

Can I come out yet?

Oh. You just blew our cover!

He didn't have his headphones on. Now go away, Mummy.

You're groun- *gets hit by Michael until she goes*

Ok, you have some SERIOUS problems, brother...


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Good Morning.

Good Morning.

Wh.. Wha.. huh?

You're supposed to be awake, Michael!

What? With a bit of Training Time!



Wake Up!

Aaaaarrrgggghhhh!!! You shouldn't do that, my leaf was growing.

Today's random person is...

Dr. Donna from Doctor Who?

What the hell?


Don't go crazy on us, woman!

Yeah, hi, hello, hola, bonjour!



こんにちは。 Sorry, bonjour.

You know you can fix that by putting in the...









I'm fine!

OK! *does it*


Do no... それをしてはいけない! Oh神! それをした!

バイナリ バイナリ バイナリ バイナリ バイナリ バイナリ バイナリ バイナリ I' mの罰金!





*hears something come through mailbox* Mail?


We have a mailbox?

Random person for today is the Mailman!


Thanks mailman!

We have a mailbox?

Gah! A bomb!

That's a Bakutchi, sir.

Just because I have an unextinguishable flame doesn't mean I'll explode!


Anyway, I'll read your first letter!

Hey! I love your log! What times do you usually post because I love to read your log. Keep up the great work! :wub:
Who was it from?


Thank you mcdougri!

Lets make a reply!

Ahem.. I'll write the main one!

Who are you?

I'm electreon2005, your owner. You write a letter for her aswell!

Oh, fair enough.

Hey mcdougri,

                    Thanks for the PM! I don't have a pattern of posting, but I usually post more than once everyday. It's brilliant that you love my log, you're the first one to stand up to it! Anyway, Michaela, Michael and Michelle would like to send you a short message :wub: .


Hi McDougri,

                 You are the best.


Michaela Gower

Michael Gower

Michelle Gower

P.S. (from electreon2005) See how I mean by short :D ?
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I'd better be posting that! *goes away*

Wait... I feel my Trainy senses tingling...

Me too!

Lets do it!

Training Time!

It's time to shine!

With a bit of Training Time!

You do that?

Yeah. Now give us training!

I like balloons!

We did it!

Your bonding is 40%!


Me and Michaela are one step closer to the Mumutchi and Memetchi!

Erm... you may turn into adults tomorrow. Toodles!

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I need to talk, guys.

This is our log!

It's important!



Sorry about that slight hold up. Michael finally let me talk.

Anyway, this may well be my last post. Why? Well, this is my story...

My sister was "tidying" (rearranging) her room, so was picking up what was rubbish and what was not. She found my 2 year old Tamagotchi Version 3 I lost ages ago. After inspecting the V3 to see if it is in useable condition, I decided to take a closer look. I went downstairs and got my Dad's screwdriver set. My V5 was still upstairs. I took off the back. It was a seethrough colour, so I looked through it. Everything seemed fine. I took out the battery and had an idea. I went upstairs and unscrewed my V5. I took out the battery from that and went downstairs. I found it hard putting it in, but I heard random beeps. That was until I put it in and looked at the screen. It had what I had been waiting for:




The Tama worked! I selected 'Download' and saw some baby Tamagotchi called Gdawj :mimitchi: . It looked like a tiny Mimitchi. I then saw it transform into a child Tama which I didn't know the name of.

Long story short, I remembered I had a broken V2 in my box. I looked in it, and instead I found my old V4! It worked so I put them in my 'Tama Hospital'. I'm really looking foward to getting new batteries!

So, I may do another log with all three in them, with a ink to this one. I won't do another post until I get batteries for my tamas. Goodbye.

UPDATE: I've bought 10 CR2032 batteries for £4.22 off Amazon! They should arrive by next week. The price is amazingly low!

Huh? Not another post?

Is he crazy?

Find out soon!

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