Emo Poems


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I have one. Well,actually I found one:

I sit in the park where I dwell,

For this boy I love so well.

He took my heart away from me,

Now he wants to set me free.

I see a girl on his lap,

He says things to her he never said to me.

I ran home to cry on my bed,

Not a word to mother was said.

Father came home late that night,

He looked at me from left to right.

He saw me hanging from a rope,

He took his knife to cut me down,

And on my dress a note was found.

"Dig my grave. Dig it deep.

Dig my grave from head to feet,

And on the top place a dove,

And remember this: I died for love.

Yeah kinda depressing. I liked it personally.

I found one:

She chose to walk alone.

Though others wondered why.

Refused to look before her,

Kept eyes cast upwards,

Towards the sky.

She didn't have companions.

No need for earthly things.

Only wanted freedom,

From what she felt were puppet strings.

She longed to be a bird.

That she might fly away.

She pitied every blade of grass

For planted they would stay.

She longed to be a flame.

That brightly danced alone.

Felt jealous of the steam

That made the air its only home.

Some say she wished too hard.

Some say she wished too long.

But we awoke one autumn day

To find that she was gone.

Some say she wished too hard.

Some say she wished too long.

But we awoke one autumn day

To find that she was gone.

The trees, they say, stood witness.

The sky refused to tell.

But someone who had seen it

Said the story played out well.

She spread her arms out wide.

Breathed in the break of dawn.

She just let go of all she held...

And then she was gone.


I don't think it's emo but it's kinda sad.

I don't like "emo poems" because it just seems to bring you down even more which isn't a good thing. D:

I don't like emo poems...they don't make me sad, they just don't affect me. After I read them and I'm like oookaaaay.....you're sad aand.... :D I don't mean to sound like "okay they're dumb." It's not that, I understand that they might mean a lot to some individuals...I'm just not into them *shrug*

They're kind of like stretching out something that could simply be said in one sentence like:

"He was sad" instead of "He was lonely and forlorn in this pit of bitter despair that is our unkind molecular universe"

I'm more into silly Shel Silverstein poems :p

If you are "emo" (I hate titles like "jock and "prep" so I choose to use quotes...) as some people say, but you don't WANT to be sad, I would reccomend you download a happy soundtrack full of songs that are bouncy that just make you feel good. For me, that would definitely be the song Ocorino Flow. :angry:


most of the poetry is written for pity. Even if I wrote it, I wouldnt show it.

Its horrible to waste on love when, for the love of all that is holy, to many people have to live through things worser still. I personaly think that the way people waste on things like a girlfriend/boyfriend who wasnt good anyways left you.

and by the way,

" Girls make Boys cry."

[SIZE=7pt]Wow. Let's all drown in selfpity and complain how much our life sucks. >.> [/SIZE]

A lot of Emos are Emo because they're parents are abusive or something so they get all sad and depressed, others are posers or Emo rockers. Anyway I don't like Emo poems they're all...Depressive

Tee-hee. Those aren't emo! They're just depressing. Emo is a cheap rip off of goth, and people who cut their wrists. Its not just being sad.

[SIZE=7pt]Wow. Let's all drown in selfpity and complain how much our life sucks. >.> [/SIZE]
People like you wouldn't understand. You're too busy fixing your hair and dreaming of your "wonderful future". Let's face it, life isn't wonderful.


People like you wouldn't understand. You're too busy fixing your hair and dreaming of your "wonderful future". Let's face it, life isn't wonderful.

People like you wouldn't understand. You're too busy fixing your hair and dreaming of your "wonderful future". Let's face it, life isn't wonderful.
How sterotypical...

I ain't a girl, but I don't give a flyin' rat's y'know what about Emo poems or much of anythin'

We know life isn't perfect.

You gotta suck it up and move on, 'stead of goin' on how life sucks and how your day was "horrible".

People like you wouldn't understand. You're too busy fixing your hair and dreaming of your "wonderful future". Let's face it, life isn't wonderful.
Compared to the dying/starving children in Africa, I'm sure your life is just peachy.

Ehh. Nah, I don't really 'do' emo poems. Like I'm not always smiles and giggles, but I don't think we should whine over our lives.

I felt him there,

He was there with me,

But I let him go .. .

Thats mine

Tama 3445521508 :D

People like you wouldn't understand. You're too busy fixing your hair and dreaming of your "wonderful future". Let's face it, life isn't wonderful.
First of all, there are people MUCH worse off than you. You know, those homeless, maimed war veterans living in the streets of Toronto during a freak snow storm with nothing but a hole-riddle coat and a linen blanket? That guy who just got diagnosed with heart cancer? That mom who just learned her kid got killed in Iraq?

Let me tell you a story. I started high school this year, after spending my entire life being home schooled. And you know what that did to me? It got me diagnosed with clinical depression. I was reduced to tears DAILY. And you know what? I worked through it. I worked through it and I found some release. Friends, music, games... whatever. I made it through without ever becoming some sort of wrist-cutting loser.

What gives YOU the right to wallow in your own self pity and need for attention? You didn't get Guitar Hero III for Christmas?

But I'll cede this. Everyone has their rough patches. No one can live life normally without breaking down and just wallowing about in self-pity for a bit. But you can work through it! You work through it and work for a better tomorrow! That's how life WORKS!

Because despite how hard life can suck sometimes, there is no such thing as a dead end. You just need to be stupid enough to not surrender and smash that wall of hopelessness until you break it down Berlin-style. Brick by brick.

So, what gives you the right to judge? There are those worse off with you who've dealt with it.

*binary: edited out parts that could be flame.*

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Agh. Some of your people's impressions of emo keep burning my knowledge.


It is a dress style including cutting wrists.


Half of these are barely regognizable verse styles, I mean, seriously...

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