Emoness At Christmas


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Dec 20, 2009
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21 December,2009 6:04 PM

Hi.Welcome To Emoness At Christmas:DarkEarth's sister Log!.

My current Tamagotchi's are :



My currently running one is the V6.She is a Makiko Called Sakura.She hasnt passed auditions,and is in a band called Ahhhness.I will post details,later,tomorrow,or...I dont know,2min?Bye!


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22 December 2009 7:36 AM

GoodMorning Readers!Santa Claus is coming in 2 sleeps!Happiness!I hope I get another musicstar!I love them.

I remember black skies the lightning asll around me... I remember each flash as time began to blur...

Ahem...can we get back to the log now?

*pretends she didnot hear*and your voice was all I heard that i get what I deserve...

*a mametchi and kuchipatchi come in*

Mametchi:Hallo Sakura!

Kuchipatchi:Daniels my name,and cheering at you is my game.tchi.

Hallo David, daniel,how sweet *kisses*but now since you have come,you need your own colors!...Danel,how do you feeel about chocolate?

Daniel:Oh,Its yummy,I always have a bar somewhere next to me at night,so I dont have to take 24 steps to the kitchen,open the fridge,grab something ourt,cook it,and eat?And take 24 steps back and then-

David:She meant the color!

Daniel:Oh.Well then yes

Great,and I suppose you will be blue?

David:ROYALblue :]

Gr8!Lets practice!!!

*they practice*

Well done!!! Bye!!!

Dear Diary

2 boys that love me.I dont want to break davids heart into tiny peices. But daniel,so sweet,utterly romantic...ugh!Changing the subject...Im getting a bro or a sis!V3 ofcourse...

~Emoness[Fanmail please!]

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22 December,2009 7:56AM


Hiya i absolutely love your blog. Tell your tamas you have me as thier fan!But i just noticed, On your blog, your posting a  day after the day it is now.

I'll explain clearer:

> Emo_Gurl2010

Posted: December 21, 2009 12:32 pm

22 December 2009 7:36 AM

GoodMorning Readers!Santa Claus is coming in 2 sleeps!Happiness!I hope I get another musicstar!I love them.
I live in NZ,and here,we are the "future"of america.So your today,was our yesterday.Oh,if you live in america,ofcourse.And sureZ!Illl tell sakura!

^^^^^^This part from me!Oh sakura!Did you here That?He loves your life!

*strokes hair*Well,do I look suprised?

23 December 2009 8:07 AM

Eeeeep!How exciting!SantaClaus comes tomorrow!Ahhness[sarcasm]

The Spoilt Brat is at Auditions.Ugh.I hate to say so but I hope she passes.Nope.She didnt pass.Stuff her.Screw her.Kill Her.Hehe....Im not a statty person but here goes


Age 3




All hearts max





3790p[thanx alot stoopid turky]



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Ok this is a quick post but I changed the time to 5:00!Concert!Today Ahhness was asked by EA Games to sing Chemicals React by Aly and Aj-In simlish!So Ummm well heres the link to the song!:
