Endless Sleep?


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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2005
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Okay, mines been sleeping for about 30 minutes now, and when he was a baby, he evolved like 2 minutes after he woke up. If I let him sleep will he evovle into a teenager shortly? I hope he evolves into an ichigotchi!

A tamas usual amount of sleep is 12 hours or so. And yeah, if you dont let him sleep, hell take longer to evolve

k thank you! but 12 hours is long, but I can wait 12hours, if it wakes up to be a ichigotchi :D or a furawatchi! :eek: (but mostly ichigotchi) :eek:

Oh darn. I just made a topic like this like 5 seconds ago.

Mines been alseep for hours, and it's a Hitodetchi (spelling?)

so will it become a adult when it wakes?

Oi this is confusing stuff.

Thank god it's not a real child o_O

It takes 24 hours from the time they became a toddler to the time they become a teen. Unless you pause it, then it takes a bit longer (the number of hours or minutes you pause it for gets added on).

k thank you! but 12 hours is long, but I can wait 12hours, if it wakes up to be a ichigotchi :( or a furawatchi! :furawatchi: (but mostly ichigotchi) :)
1. furawatchi is an adult.

2. would u have it sleep or u care for it all night?

not trying to sound rude, but if u cared for a tama all night and day u would get so sick of it and throw it in a trash can! (and if u want to see requirements for ichigotchi, then u might find some material in my log, i had an ichigotchi, but it evolved into a mimitchi.)


You are only Generation one, but sorry, you can't get a Ichigotchi on G1. Only on even generation's!

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