Energy Drinks and Bump


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New member
Sep 26, 2006
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Fort Worth, Texas
~* Hello All *~


I just thought I'd share a trick that I found tonite.. I searched to see if it had been covered yet, but I didn't see it (hope I didn't just miss it)..


I gave my pet an energy drink and then went to play Bump.. I normally lose after about the first 2 rounds since I don't really keep my pet very plump.. Well, this time I went the full way and got 2400 points..


The next game of Bump that I played I lost after Round 3 (typical)..


Then I gave my pet another energy drink and voila!! Another 2400 points..


So, that's what I've learned tonite (my gotchi is nocturnal like me :huh: )



I don't want to spoil anything for you but I'm not sure that is the reason because sometimes you'll win the whole game and sometimes you loose just after one round.

Without the drink I made it to round 7. With the drink I made it to round 7 again.


I still think a lot of it lies in how much your tamagotchi weighs. Maybe the energy drink does help a little. I'll have to try it out.

It doesn't make sense for them to have an energy drink if it doesn't work, hah.

it could have just been a coincidence but maybe it really does work!!

seeing as its called an ENERGY drink

hmmm... that just might be crazy enough to work. THANX!!!

hi im a newbie i was just woundering where you get the energy drink from? :rolleyes: :nazotchi: :nazotchi: :nazotchi: :(

mametchifan, you can by the energy drink from the shop for around 120p (I think...) but you have to wait for it to appear. :rolleyes:

I hope this clears up any questions.


cool thanks :D






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where do u get the energy drink :rolleyes:
Tama22 answered, but you can get it in the shop on your Tamagotchi. It normally looks like a juice box with an 'E' on the outside of it.

mametchifan, you can by the energy drink from the shop for around 120p (I think...) but you have to wait for it to appear. :blink:
I hope this clears up any questions.

THANK YOU!!! :lol: :eek: :D :D :D

Hmm... I'll have to give this a try the next time I see a few Energy Drinks in the shop...

Are you sure it's not just a coincidence? Eh, I'll give it a try anyway! Thanks for the Tip!

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