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Well-known member
Dec 5, 2006
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(GA is a gaurdian angel...)

Im tired of so many topics that are supposed to be scary and about ghosts, i wanna talk a bout angels and guardian angels.

Any stories about that?

Yeah I have, but it ws kinda linked to ghosts,

Well my mum told me this -

My mum was going out with this guy ages ago and she was woken up in the middle of the night by a woman standing at the foot of her bed, and when she told this guy, this woman had gone, and this happened for all the other girlfriends this guy had until he met one person, and they married, and on a trip, they saw a kind of gypsy fortune teller, they told them about her and they said it was some sort of Guardian Angel, but now that this guy had met and married this person she would no longer wisit as he was with the right woman.

Weird, but I don't like talking about stuff like that ....


I haven't found my guardian agel yet. I will find him/her soon I hope. :wacko:

I haven't either, I been trying though.

I do have a guardian angel... It stopped me falling. Even though my Dad's friend was holding me I swear my guradian angel was there helping him.

Well, I personaly don't believe each person get their own angel because there is nothing Biblical that says it.

I believe angles are God's helpers. If He wants an angel to follow someone, the angel will.

Personaly, I have somthing better than an angel next to me- I have the Creator of the Universe.

Well, I personaly don't believe each person get their own angel because there is nothing Biblical that says it.I believe angles are God's helpers. If He wants an angel to follow someone, the angel will.

Personaly, I have somthing better than an angel next to me- I have the Creator of the Universe.
Agreed. We are all watched over under the eye of God.

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