Evelia's v4, v4.5, and v5 Log!


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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
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Hello everyone and welcome to my NEW and IMPROVED log! My old one died out, so... time for a new one!


Current Tamagotchis:

Cotton Candy v5=Candy Family

Cookie Dough v5=Cocoa Family

Spiderman(?) v4

Yellow Mood v4.5


Okay! So that is the color scheme for this log. First, let's talk about the newest addition to my collection, the Cocoa family.


[SIZE=14pt]Cocoa Family[/SIZE]


I just recieved the Cocoa family today when my dad took me to WalMart. I was ecstatic that WalMart still had v5's on the shelves. Eagerly, I picked out a Cookie Dough design.

When we got into the car, I ripped open the packaging(not easy) and untabbed my new tamagotchi. After doing the usual birthday, time, date and such, three little eggs appeared on the screen.

After the eggs hatched, I realized I had two sons and one daughter! I decided to name them the Cocoa family.

Shortly after I filled the happy & hungry hearts, it was time to name the tamas. The eldest is named Chocolate. The middle child is named Vanilla, and the youngest is named Cream. Notice how they all relate to the shell design? :furawatchi:

After their baby hour was over, they evolved into toddlers! Chocolate is an ahiruku-tchi, Vanilla is a sakura-motchi, while Cream became a mattari-tchi.


Stat Check!

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bondage: 30%

Family Type: Blended Family

Generation: 1

Points: 500


[SIZE=14pt]Candy Family[/SIZE]


Now, the Candy family is already teenagers. The eldest of the three is named Bella, a chamametchi. The middle child is named Mouse, a mamekatechi. Finally, the last but not least child is named Squirrel, an ichigotchi.

The Candy family is evolving into adults today, I believe. If not today then tomorrow!


Stat Check!

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bondage: 100%

Family Type: Blended Family

Generation: 1

Points: 450




Hope is my v4, which I also just got today. Surprisingly, WalMart still has v4's! I was so happy. After untabbing my new v5, I moved on to my v4.

After the usual stuff, a small egg appeared on the screen. A few minutes passed and out comes a little girl! I decided to name her Hope.

Hope is a Puchitchi. She is so cute! Anyway, let's move to stats.


Stat Check!

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 1/9

Intelligence: 6

Funny: 4

Beauty: 3

Age: 0 years

Weight: 36 lbs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Points: 500 gp




Nick is the eldest of my tamagotchi collection. He is already an adult, and is a uratogetchi. Him and my friend's tamagotchi are going to mate later today! :)


Stat Check!

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 2/9

Funny: 6

Gorgeous: 3

Spiritual: 28

Age: 3 years

Weight: 79 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 5

Points: 38,770 gp


As you can see, I need to get his skill points up and his weight down! Haha.


Now, this was certainly a VERY LONG POST. Don't expect future posts to be this long! This post was only this long because it was my starter post to introduce you to my tamas. Normally, I'll only talk about one of them per post. Lol. Bye for now!





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Good news everyone! About half of my tamagotchis EVOLVED!! Let's start with my Cotton Candy v5.


[SIZE=14pt]The Candy's[/SIZE]


All right! They evolved into adults!!

Bella is now a chantoitchi, Mouse is a mametchi, and Squirrel is a hotteatchi. They are all SO cute!! I especially love that now that Mouse is a mametchi, I can get the... MAME FAMILY! YAY! Okay well other then evolving nothing else really happened. :angry:


[SIZE=14pt]Cocoa Family[/SIZE]


The Cocoa's are great! They should be evolving soon. I'm not sure when but hopefully soon... lol. Nothing else has really happened.




Hope evolved also! She is a young memetchi. So adorable! She is now 1 year old. ^_^


Nothing new with Nick. He is 4, though.


Okay, no stats now. I will post some stats either later today or tomorrow. Thanks for reading!



The Cocoa's evolved! Chocolate is a koroktchi, Vanilla is a shelltchi, and Cream is a bakutchi. They are so cute!


The Candy's can use the dating show either tomorrow or Thursday. YAY!!


Nothing new with the v4.5 or v4.



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Hey! So sorry for not posting, but I got bored of my v4.5 and v4. But, Nick left his baby and I named him... Zach, dedicated to... someone. :ph34r:


Anyway, I think I'm just going to talk about my v5's for now. And... I have AWESOME news!!!


[SIZE=14pt]The Candy's[/SIZE]


THE CANDY'S GOT MARRIED! I married Squirrel, and after a LOT of unsuccessful tries... I landed on a Planetchi, but I accidently pressed cancel!! So, determined to find either the Planetchi again or the perfect mate for my little Mametchi, I kept searching until I came across one that I had read will get me the Mame family. Ecstatic, I pressed 'MARRY'.

Fireworks displayed as the lovely couple evolved to their parent formed and two eggs were born. A few minutes later, the eggs hatched! A baby girl and baby boy. After their baby hour, I had the complete Mame Famiy! Now I have a mametchi and a chamametchi. My mametchi will be getting married tomorrow, to *hopefully* a Planetchi, if I can find one! Okay, let's move to stats.


Stat Check

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonds: 50%

Family: Mame Family

Generation: 2

Points: 870 gp






[SIZE=14pt]The Cocoa's[/SIZE]


The Cocoa's are now adults! Chocolate is a kuchipatchi, Vanilla is a hotteatchi, and Cream is a mametchi! I plan to get Chocolate married to a... yonepatchi, I believe is the correct mate to get a Kuchipa Family. That's what I'm aiming for. The Cocoa's also get married tomorrow. Okay, stats!


Stat Check

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonds: 100%

Family: Blended Family

Generation: 1

Points: 500 gp





I think that's just about all. Thanks for reading!! I'll update tomorrow when the two family's get married.



Hey! The Cocoa's got married, as did the Candy's. The Candy's had one little baby girl which I named Luna, and she is a hoshitchi!!

The Cocoa's are now a pure family-Kuchipatchi Family!

So sorry for such a short update. I'll update later today or tomorrow with a names and stats!


-quick ad- Also, check out TamaLove! A great site for tama fans.

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