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Jul 7, 2007
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have you evert talked in your dream, or cried? I've never talked but ive cried many times! ie had nightmares where im stabbed or my fathr dies. :D so sad

have you evert talked in your dream, or cried? I've never talked but ive cried many times! ie had nightmares where im stabbed or my fathr dies. ;) so sad
i had a dream that a snake was chasing me :) and i was trying to run to my parents and yell to them but i couldnt yell and then i took one deep breath and screamed at the top of my lungs... the next moment i was sprawld out on the floor(my bed) screaming and it woke everyone up :kuribotchi: :furawatchi:

Well, I've cried in my dreams before. Sometimes I try to scream to wake myself up, but I just can't do it. It's like being "trapped" inside a dream.

have you evert talked in your dream, or cried? I've never talked but ive cried many times! ie had nightmares where im stabbed or my fathr dies.  :( so sad
I've had The Same Dream nightmare almost every night (Sometimes I cry when I have that Nightmare, not all the time, but sometimes) About My Father's Death (Like, How he died, He was Just about to sit down to eat supper then he just had a heart attack and collapsed. He was Already Dead within half an hour. Ugh, Replaying that Scene Where he Collapses/Dies Just Sickens me. I Hate it) Ever Since He Died in May 2004. The Dream nightmare.

They're only a few minutes Long, But I Cant Stand Them

Yeah, it was very sad -.- Especially the ones were my little brother was kidnapped. Thank god it was a dream

Yes, I actually had two of the exact same dreams when I was four, and I talked (or rather yelled) in both of them.

I used to have a basket of my stuffed animals in the corner of my room when I was little, and my brother would take them and throw them around my room sometimes to make me angry. I liked to have a very clean room. I had a dream that he was doing that and woke up to myself screaming "NO! SAM STOP! MOMMY, he's being mean!"

I think I've had too many nightmares about my dad dying. Like there was one where is tripped and got really hurt, one where he was being attacked by a tiger (I was too, after I tried to scare it away from my dad, it started chasing me), and one where he got this shot and it killed him. I really think I'm crazy sometimes.

I don't know but my grandma said I was talking in my sleep once she said that I said shut up in my sleep lol!!

I remember once when I was little I woke up screaming about I don't remember and like as soon as I woke up the power went out.

(I was really scared of the dark back then)

Yea, I talk a lot and sleepwalk. Once, my mom found me trying to drink an *unopened* bottle of peroxide . o.o' scary.

iv once cried...

Me and my sister alex (this is how i like fergie now :wub: ) we were on stage wiht BEP. and Alex was like dun wory! Cause i was scared to go on stage with them. any way we were post to do flips. so i did and i felland broke my neck. So i died and then every one was blameing fergie! so then fergie murderd alex! so thats why i woke up crying...

I've talked over 40 times in my dreams. XD I remember "Go, Pikachu! Kill the caterpillar!" When I was 6... my sister told me that.

I sleepwalk too; my mom is scared I'm gonna walk down the road (stupid) one of these days.

i used ta talk in mi sleep and i did cry 1 time in mi dream! and when i have realy scary dreams (like when i die in it or sumthen) i freeeeeeeeeeeek out and fall off mi bed(its happend a lot!)

I've cried in my sleep because of my dreams a couple times, actually..

Mostly because someone dies in my dream. Or I lose someone close to me somehow..

I've talked over 40 times in my dreams. XD I remember "Go, Pikachu! Kill the caterpillar!" When I was 6... my sister told me that.
I sleepwalk too; my mom is scared I'm gonna walk down the road (stupid) one of these days.
When My Mom was younger (like, 10 or 11 Years old), She used to sleep walk. One time she walked Out of the house, And Walked to the Cemetary. o_O. Her StepDad Had to Follow her to see where she was going.

Lol, That Pokemon Dream is Pretty funny Zoriia. xD. I remember One Time..(i was about 8 or 9) I fainted at the Dentist. When i woke up i yelled at my sister "Professor Oak! What the heck are you Doing in the Real World?.....Where did you Take my Pokemon?"


I had a dream where my dad died trying to save my cat. I think I tried to scream but I couldn't because I was really trying to scream like in real life. But you can't scream while your asleep so it was a silent sound...

And I sleep walk sometimes, lol. I used to sleep in my brothers room on the top bunk of his bunkbed. It was around when sometimes I would sleep in my room, and sometimes I would sleep in his room. Well I decided to sleep in his room that night and some how I got up, went down the ladder of the bunk bed, and out of the room without waking my brother. So then I walked to the end of the hall where the living room is, and I remember seeing a blue flashing light. It my was my computer of course but thats all I remember. Then I walked into my parents room, woke them up and said, "Imkf Go slgh roo.." Then I walked out of there and into my room and slept in there. My parents told me about it the next day and it brought the memory of the blue blinking light. xD


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