ever wanted something you cant have?


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Oh dear. I have a long list..

For one, I want more bras. My parents are horrible about it and have purchased me 5, but 2 are WAY too TIGHT on me and 1 makes me look like I put padding on.. So I have to divide 2 bras between 7 days. Horrible, isn't it? Sometimes I can't even wear one.. And my family isn't poor; but it's just that they're horrible about buying things...

For two, more light jackets. My parents like to buy me the thick, ones that do not work for running because you sweat like crazy. So I also have to divide TWO light jackets between five days (I don't run two days of the week). It's a huge pain, and they won't buy me any specific running apparel because they claim "You'll outgrow it" and, "You can't buy anything not on the clearance rack"

And finally, I want a pair of Vibram Five Fingers.. But my parents will throw a fit about how thin and expensive they are, so...

And yet, they ALWAYS come home with something like sweets at least once a week, like $5 a cake slice kind...

D: Parents suck when it comes to fulfilling the actual needs of kids..

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I'd like for my Tamagotchi iD to come from HLJ already but it's currently on backorder. Hopefully they get more soon.

I really really really want a collie dog (and have for like a year or more already o.e) but the landlord doesn't allow any bigger animals, just small dogs and other small pets, so we have to wait until we move, and I have no idea when we're doing that, and it would be hard to find a place to rent that allows larger animals. I have 2 rabbits but they don't like being touched or held and I love them but I really really want a dog. An animal to actually keep me company when I'm lonely and be my companion, to play with, take care of, walk, etc. And since all the neighbors have dogs or cats (there's 3 other apartments in the building) and we already have 2 rabbits, I don't think we'd be allowed to have even a small dog.. Plus, I really want a larger dog anyway, and collies are like my dream breed.. </3

I want to go to a normal school with normal school hours. I want to start at 8.45 and finish at 3.15.

I don't want to start at 12.35 and finish at 5.30. Epic grrrr.

Out of the many1 things I want, I want another cat.

Not to replace my darling precious Kitty2, but as a playmate for the cat I already have and sometimes my cat goes hunting and she will be gone for hours.

I can't because Kitty would think I'm replacing her because she tolerated rabbits, chickens and dogs. She would be furious. And my parents would say NO because of the cat food, vet fees, etc.

1 come to think of it...I don't really want much, just what I said above, to be with my friends, become a famous writer....stuff like that

2Yeah, that's my cat's name

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Out of the many1 things I want, I want another cat.

Not to replace my darling precious Kitty2, but as a playmate for the cat I already have and sometimes my cat goes hunting and she will be gone for hours.

I can't because Kitty would think I'm replacing her because she tolerated rabbits, chickens and dogs. She would be furious. And my parents would say NO because of the cat food, vet fees, etc.

1 come to think of it...I don't really want much, just what I said above, to be with my friends, become a famous writer....stuff like that

2Yeah, that's my cat's name
Scratch that.

I wanna stay in New Zealand! With my friends! In the same school!

I have to go to Australia because of my dad's work. :(

Ugh mine are extremely shallow.

I wish I was thinner & lighter, to start with. I wish some of my features were different, and I wish I was born with a better name. I've kind of acted on that last one, I don't call myself Maria anymore, but I haven't told many other people.

I just wish I could be happier with myself, and the way I see it, being different from how I am now is probably the only way.

I wish that I had super curly hair. D: It is so pretty.

butno, I have wavywithsomecurl hair.

I would trade with Anya any day.

I also want a fishy.

and a 27 in. Imac.

I want to have a different life. Be someone people actually want to be friends with, be attractive and have a good mother. Can't though.
YES YOU CAN!!!!!! if no one wants to be friends with you, be friends with them! You can change. But the hard part is, that you have to make it happen. If your mother is bad to you tell her that you love her, that nothing she does cant hurt you. If your mother is always in her room, not paying attention to you, always out with friends. Tell her that you have payed attention to your love for her, that your love has always been in your heart. No matter what she is like tell her that you will never let go to the love you have for her, even if it brings you pain.

I would like another shot at life; starting over with my memories of this life would be very, very great. Sadly, due to the fact there is a God, I can't. Sad.

I want all my robot dogs back. The ones I sold several years back. My Poo-Chis, My Teknos, Shadow, Rocket The Wonder Dog, Dog.com, all of them. I also want all the FurReal dogs I missed in the years I wasn't collecting virtual pets. And speaking of virtual pets I missed, I also want an IDog and a Giga Pet digital doggie. This is of course an impossibility due to my hatred of Ebay.

I want to not be depressed, not be constantly anxious and not to live life wondering when the next time I freak out with an anxiety attack or sink into despair due to the depression will be.

I want for people to leave me alone, stop talking shizz about me and stop making rumours.

I want to live my life to it's fullest and having to correct rumours and deal with bullying is not life to it's fullest.

Asides that, I have everything I want for the moment.

1. I want a pet hedgehog, they're so cute! But:

- I have a cat

- I see no pet stores selling hedgehogs

- I'm moving to australia

- my friend tells me they're expensive :p

2. to be less socially awkward, my friends don't seem to like me very much. But:

- The damage has been done

I'm semi-allergic to dairy, wheat, and eggs. It really sucks because it's hard to eat a lot of my favorite foods. So what I really want is to be able to eat as much as I want of whatever I want. And although I have one now, I still want another cat (or perhaps a dog). But there are several reason why I couldn't get one. I'm moving away to college in a couple years meaning I couldn't take the pet with me, my parents are against it, and I'm also allergic to cats. It really sucks. :C

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That does stink. Think about it though, when you get older and are able to get your own place you can have all the animals you want. Even if you are allergic there are animals you can have that are less likely to cause an allergic reaction compared to others. There are dogs and cats that are like this too. I understand how you feel though in a way. I can't have any dog or cat while I live with my parents or they will take the animal away from me and say the cat or dog is only theirs and manipulate them. It sucks, but I try to think positively and think "well at least when I'm able to afford my own place I can have whatever animal I want and not worry about anyone doing anything to them."

I wish my parents would let me have a youtube account, actually post things on the internet, let me have a website(already accomplished l:3), buy all of the Final Fantasy games at once, and I think this would be my last one. LET ME HAVE A BROTHER. OH WAIT. I ALREADY HAVE MY WHITE AND HISPANIC BRO'S FROM OTHER MOTHERS. xD

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