ever wanted something you cant have?


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I want my mom's cat to get used to the idea of actually using a cat litter. She is working on being 10 years old or something like that... HOMG right? Sometimes I like her, but most of the time I can't stand her because I am the one cleaning up after her.... And we've tried multiple litter boxes, different types... We have my cat which didn't effect her at all. I clean up after that thing so much its totally annouying. Stuck up persian squnch nosed fluffy cat born probably in a barn and not littler trained for 5 minutes... Except with us... for maybe 10.... She doesn't like the box and it is always clean. Prissy walk too, doesn't like the feeling on her paws on alot of things.... including the box.

i want my bunnies to be litter trained already, i've tried everything!!! saving up to get them fixed so hopefully that will solve the problem of them pooping and peeing everywhere but their litter corner. they do good when i first change the litter, but then when they start eating their hay they poop and pee where they sit. one of them sticks her butt up to the side of the cage and pees OUTSIDE her cage. she's silly but my room smells bad and i can't get them to use their litter boxes. :( and i cant' move in with my boyfriend because of them. (i refuse to give them away)


I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY want to win this club penguin viking plush auction. i've been dying for one and finally one has come up cheap enough that i might be able to get it. i'll have to spend money from my bank account and then pay it back when i get my paycheck. *crosses fingers* sell angelgotchi! sell!!!

Oh yes.

I want to dye my hair an unnatural color, I want some form of an aquatic mammal, I want to have cuter eyebrows, I want colored contacts.......

I want a lot. And when I get it, finally, it makes me feel bad because I feel spoiled and stuck-up. Ugh.

I want to visit France, so badly.

But I don't have enough money, and saving up for that would take a lifetime.

I want one of the original Aibos. Too bad I'll never have that much spare cash.

I wish i had a Soon to be relesed Wii U

hopefully its as good as Nintedo claims it to be.

Also it will have a controller with a screen. Nintendo thought of something first again!

i want my bunnies to be litter trained already, i've tried everything!!! saving up to get them fixed so hopefully that will solve the problem of them pooping and peeing everywhere but their litter corner. they do good when i first change the litter, but then when they start eating their hay they poop and pee where they sit. one of them sticks her butt up to the side of the cage and pees OUTSIDE her cage. she's silly but my room smells bad and i can't get them to use their litter boxes. :( and i cant' move in with my boyfriend because of them. (i refuse to give them away)


I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY want to win this club penguin viking plush auction. i've been dying for one and finally one has come up cheap enough that i might be able to get it. i'll have to spend money from my bank account and then pay it back when i get my paycheck. *crosses fingers* sell angelgotchi! sell!!!
How old are the bunnies? Mine finally got it when he was around three years old. He rarely goes outside of his box anymore (he rarely peed outside his box, but he completely stopped that when he got fixed. I don't know if getting them fixed will help female rabbits). I just kept putting him in his litter box whenever I saw him go outside of his box. He also (when he was little, I've rearranged his cage since) used to have his hay rack next to his litter box. So he would sit in his litter box and eat his hay at the same time, haha. I hope they eventually get litter trained!

Right now I mostly want to get accepted to the universities I would like to go to. I won't be applying until this fall, but I know that I won't get into the ones that I really, really want to go to. I also wish that my bunny and dog could come live with me at my boarding school!

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