Evolution Glitch?


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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2007
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The Internet
The strangest thing happened with my Music Star yesterday. My band members evolved, I went to the auditions, and I failed. So, later on, my Tama called me for the door. My tama went to the door, met with my adult band members, and they evolved... again! One of my band members was a Mametchi, and now it's an Androitchi! I don't remember what the other one was, but now it's Kuromametchi! Why did my band members evolve twice?


I really just think that is a glitch or maybe if you paused them they got confused and thought they were still teenagers.

I really just think that is a glitch or maybe if you paused them they got confused and thought they were still teenagers.
That would still be a glitch. :)

That's not so normal. I mean, I've done auditions multiple times, and they didn't evolve...

The strangest thing happened with my Music Star yesterday. My band members evolved, I went to the auditions, and I failed. So, later on, my Tama called me for the door. My tama went to the door, met with my adult band members, and they evolved... again! One of my band members was a Mametchi, and now it's an Androitchi! I don't remember what the other one was, but now it's Kuromametchi! Why did my band members evolve twice?
oh my god the same thing happened to me.

maby my sis debugged it.

Well, this thing happened to me today, my band members turned first into a Violetchi and what looked like a little ghost Tama, and then I went again to practice and got Robotchi and the girl was what looks like a little Panda in a maid suit.

I doubt that your Tama was debugged or anything of that nature, because mine isn't and I have the same glitch, plus my Tamagotchi is perfectly fine.

OMT!!! That happened to me too!!! :wub: :wub: :wub:

I was at school and my tama evolved into a Onputchi and I wanted to see my band members(Memetchi and Tosakatchi)and do pro debut and then it had the low battery sign until I put a new battery in and then the next day after I went swimming, I checked my tama while I was changing and it was Pro Debut time and my band members were Masktchi and Kuromametchi!!! :p B) :wacko:

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Well, this thing happened to me today, my band members turned first into a Violetchi and what looked like a little ghost Tama, and then I went again to practice and got Robotchi and the girl was what looks like a little Panda in a maid suit.
I doubt that your Tama was debugged or anything of that nature, because mine isn't and I have the same glitch, plus my Tamagotchi is perfectly fine.
The "little ghost Tama" is a Dorotchi and "the girl was what looks like a little Panda in a maid suit" is a Maidtchi. Just so you know.

But that problem is definately a glitch. Probably one of those things that Bandai overlooks and the consumers discover.

The "little ghost Tama" is a Dorotchi and "the girl was what looks like a little Panda in a maid suit" is a Maidtchi. Just so you know.But that problem is definately a glitch. Probably one of those things that Bandai overlooks and the consumers discover.
yeah when they were making it they must of forgot it will porbaly be fixed in the v6.6

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