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NeverEnding A.B.Y.S.S.

Well-known member
Oct 14, 2008
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In an abyss of emptiness
I like Nick, as half of TT knows by now.

Last night, I had a dream about this guy in my class, he's good a guitar, I had a dream I was his Girlfriend. He was always cuddling me, and being so nice (Unlike him.) Then we got to his concert, and I was in the front row, with his ex-girlfriend (apparently...) and she was giving me dirty looks the whole time, and then he called me on stage, and like, picked me up like it was so easy, and just gave me this huge, long, hug. Then I had a *flashback* to me running at him, and him hugging me, like, picking me up and swinging me around.

The sad thing is, no matter how much this kid gets on my nerves, all of this felt good, coming form him. Lord knows how it would feel with Nick in my dream...

It's so sad, that all I want is to be swept up like that, so easily, so tightly.

What do I do about this?

Have you had dreams like this?

Please, only post *ROMANTIC* dreams...


Yes. So.

My last dream consisted of me, climbing up a tree. Suddenly, the bottom fel out of the tree, and the world around me became black. In my hands were two pick-axes shapped like music note, and for all my life I held on as words swam around in the black abyss.

So, it was only me and the tree in this black space.

And then I looked up, and this young kid, he looked middleeastern, reached down for me, and told me to hold on to him and he would help me up.

And then it ended.

....it was so weird.

I had a dream about Will (<3) once.

Here's how it went.

Will was working in this store that sold food. It wasn't a restaurant but it wasn't a grocery store either. It was kinda wierd and hard to explain. The store was designed exactly like my house.

So, I went in the kitchen to get a drink and I saw Will out of the corner of my eye. I didn't look at him though. I just poured my drink and went in the pantry to get a snack. That's when Will saw me. He pulled me aside into the den and told me how much he loved me.

And after that, I realized in my dream that I was in a dream and woke up. Then I was sad

I had a dream a few months back that I still remember.

Nick had come back from Wichita and when we decided to get back together, he told me that he loved me to my face and hugged me. He was apparently in almost all my classes, we sat near eachother, and at the end of the day, he kissed me. ._.

And, continued in the dream, I went to bed, but woke up in the middle of the night to Shane calling me to tell me that Nick had committed suicide.

Then I actually woke up and cried for two hours.


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