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Little Artist

Active member
May 20, 2008
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Since i was being kind of dumb, I drank milk (ROTTON milk) and then went on a roller coaster. Then i had to upchuck. Ughhhhhhhhhh. Did anything like this happen to you?

SK: Euw. Thank god you caught that or people would be sick. Blegh.

But once at Wild Adventures (Amusement park in GA) I rode this baby ride (A Airplane like ride) 3 times, then this ride called Yo-Yo (Like you sit in a swing, and it goes up in the air and swings ya) Like 6 times in a row.

Then went with my mom and brother on this one ride that went really fast in circles. I puked.

SK: Euw. Thank god you caught that or people would be sick. Blegh.
But once at Wild Adventures (Amusement park in GA) I rode this baby ride (A Airplane like ride) 3 times, then this ride called Yo-Yo (Like you sit in a swing, and it goes up in the air and swings ya) Like 6 times in a row.

Then went with my mom and brother on this one ride that went really fast in circles. I puked.
It was in the back room in one of our totes.

Like someone broke a few gallons and dumped them in the tote, then left it there for us.

We put it outside the receiving door and then it disappeared o.o;

It was in the back room in one of our totes.
Like someone broke a few gallons and dumped them in the tote, then left it there for us.

We put it outside the receiving door and then it disappeared o.o;
Weird. The rotten milk eventually gained life o.o'

I don't even wanna know...

No, actually, I like to use common sense and avoid those situations. Really, if I'm throwing up, it's because I have the stomach flu.

I did slip once when I ate dog food, though, on a dare..

Uhm... No
My manager and I did find a tote full of curdled milk earlier though x.x
Yum! xo

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SK: Euw. Thank god you caught that or people would be sick. Blegh.
But once at Wild Adventures (Amusement park in GA) I rode this baby ride (A Airplane like ride) 3 times, then this ride called Yo-Yo (Like you sit in a swing, and it goes up in the air and swings ya) Like 6 times in a row.

Then went with my mom and brother on this one ride that went really fast in circles. I puked.
off topic I know: I love Wild Adventures!! I lilve like an two hours away though

on topic: no that has never happened to me...I don't get sick easiley.

[SIZE=7pt]Oh no.[/SIZE]

That must have sucked. :lol:

Quite sorry to hear that.

Before I go on a crazy ride, I make sure that I have an empty stomach..just in case. ;)

I barely ever get sick. I was sick earlier this year, but before that I haven't been sick since 2005. And I haven't even thrown up since 2002.

The only time that happed to me is when I was in the car playing with my Tama(I get car sick if I focus on somthing to hard in the car)and thats when I trew up. :lol: ;) :p

Good Idea! Drink rotten milk then go on a ride? Lol

I get sick from them anyway, it stinks.

Ah...my family has a problem withh the whole 'put groceries away' thing, so sometimes I find a rotten loaf of bread that we didn't know we had. o_O One time, somehow someone had shoved some bread WAY WAY on the back of the fridge, and we go to clean the fridge off a while later and there was a bag of penicillin because none of our short selves could see it and I, the tall one in the household, don't bother going on wild bread searches, so I didn't see it either. xD

Hm.. I usually check the expiration dates whenever I drink milk.


But once I drank expired orange juice. D:

I drank a sip of sour milk and swallowed it, blech! It was a new gallon too :D

I almost upchucked but i didn't, usually i puke when im sick. Wich isn't that offten.

I haven't thrown up because of that kind of situation. I usually get the stomach flu like once a year though. xO I got the stomach flu this year while I was at Disney World... T_T

Yet another reason why I hate rides.

No, I've never threw up on a ride, luckily. I really hate rides :[

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