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I had exams a soon as I came back from Christmas vacation.

So I've been done with them for about three weeks.

Yes, they suck.

Our English one was SO HARD.

I studied for at least 7 hours.

I was one of the only A's in ALL of the Honors English 9 classes.

And I got a 93% (My school's A cut off). ._.

My Japanese exam was EASY.

I got like, a 98%. :]

The Biology one was pretty easy, too.

I got a 96%.

Then again, I just get Biology.

History was easy,

But only because our teacher gave us tons of study sheets and we reviewed a lot. x3

I love her. <3

I got a 95%.


Ugh. D:

I hate that class.

I got my first B EVER there.

My first grade that wasn't an A. ]:

I got... an 84% on the final.

The questions were all worth 2 points each.

I had a 91% at the end of the semester.


But yeah. I had to cramcramcram for English, days in advance.

Memorizing Greek mythology, the Odessey, and Romeo & Juliet is not fun. D:

Good luck on your exams~! :p

I only had three.

A math one yesterday, and an englishand 1 mikmak one today.

MY CAPS LOCK IS BROKEN - Allow me to current that for you then :p - TigerLily013

not really

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I know what you mean; exams are horrible. :[

And most of the time I forget to study, anyway. We've had a few tests recently.

Spanish, French, Science, Maths. . . I did okay in most of them, but in a lot of them I think I could have done better. I can't remember my exact scores - but I do know what my results for my 2 Spanish tests were.

In the first , I got a 100%! I was really proud. :]

But in the second, only 85%.


I don't remember what the second one was on. (Probably explains why I didn't get full marks, really.) x3

My exams were 2 weeks ago. I failed 5 classes out of 7... not fun... But I'll average pass this semester. :]

I failed an exam once... if was horrible! But my most recent scores are high:


Science:4 mistakes

English:1 mistake

History: 8 mistakes

I hate exams a bit even if I just failed once...Ugh.

Exams stink they take so much off of your grade if you get like one question wrong that's totally unfair. Then again it's to make sure your paying attention :lol: how could you pay attention when your teacher won't shut up for 2 seconds? Try telling that to my 5th period teacher and my 2nd period teacher >_<. Ok I'm off topic bye bye.

We don't have full-on exams yet, but we have tests almost every week x.x

[Like the end of math unit stuff].

We had our mid-year math test yesterday.

Cecib :)

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I hate tests. D:

I just got my band mid year test back. 86%, some people got a 63%. ._. But luckily, the concerts are the overall grade. :]

Once I got a 5/25 on my science test. O_O I can't wait to get my Atmoic History test back! =] I hope I did good.

LA tests are easy. :lol:

I love spanish tests. Idk why.. I just do, I do good on them [Either 86%,90% or 100%]

And we rarely get SS tests. Which is GOOD because then I have time to study.

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