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May 9, 2009
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Hello, and welcome to my log, which is about my V4. First off all, the egg hatched this morning. :unsure: So, the tamagotchi that hatched from the egg was a girl. :furawatchi: I decided to name her Lili, after a girl at my school named Liliana. So, to let you know, Lili stands for Liliana. I right away wanted my tama to be happy, so I tried to play games. So.... I feed Lili and she was just fine. I was going roller blading at a skating rank, so I shoved my tamagotchi into my pocket and we left. I brought her because I didn't want Lili to die while I was away...! On the way to the roller blading place, I quickly played plenty of games and gained 4000 gotchi points (Yay!) While I was doing this, Lili was getting happier and gaining more hearts in the Happy thing. So, she gave a gift to me back by turning into a toddler! (Super yay!) She's now a star shaped thing and I guess it mean I took good care of her...? But anyway, at the roller skating rank, my sister has her tama in her pocket and she falls. Before we started skating, my sister's tamagotchi went on pause and we couldn't figure out to unpause it. My sis got up and ran to me in a panic. 'Is my tamagotchi okay?' She asked me. I grabbed it and smiled. It had become unpaused when my sister fell down. 'Yeah, it's okay,' I had said as I handed my sis her tama. 'It's unpaused!' My sister had squealed and thanked me. I wonder how it got unpaused? Maybe a few buttons got pushed...? That's what I think happened, but that's just me.

So any way, Lili has been acting strangly since she turned into a toddler. In happiness and hunger, all her stars zoomed down to a zero, and she turned her back to me. I punished her, but she still was strubbon even after I fed her and played games with her. I don't know whats going on with her, but I should post her stats.

Name: Liliana

Nickname: Lili

Hungry: Five stars

Happy: Five stars


LBs: 10

Gender: girl

I would like to share an idea I had. A Tamagotchi Thanksgiving. Yes, we all wish our tamas could give thanks with us. Well, they can! You see, you can feed your tama lots of food and play games with them. I found a turkey in the shop on my tamagotchi, which I got. I have lots of food and fun things planned so my tamas can give thanks.

Good bye,

| T H E F A B F R O G G Y B E B E|

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Hello again! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Lili became a toddler last night while I was sleeping. I'm so, so happy! Any way, she turned into a teen today! She became a Ura Young Violetchi. I was so happy when I saw her on the screen. I'm really hoping for a good adult... but I guess since Lili is a good teen she'll become a good adult? And if you don't know what a Ura Young Violetchi is, you can search it up on google. Just search Tamagotchi V4.5 growth charts. :D Any way, not much has happened since she evolved. But, tomarrow, if Lili becomes an adult I have decided to mate her. :( It was a hard choice to make, and I might not do it right away. But this doesn't mean this wonderful log will be over! Lili's children's lives will be contuined on this log, and so on. :D It seems too soon and Lili is growing up really fast! :mellow: If you want to know who she'll be mating with, it's Lilystar's tamagotchi, Aaron. They were born on the same day at the same time. :) Lili is such a well behaved tama...

I was pleased when I saw that 18 people had veiwed my log. Thank you! ;) I really like all those veiws, so thank you! This log wouldn't be fun without veiwers! It's amazing how much people veiw my log, its pretty new and I didn't expect this. :eek:

Thats it!




No, don't worry, Lili didn't die, but last night, when we were driving home from Thanksgiving dinner, my tama flew out of my hands. It landed somewhere in the car and I can't find it... Then Lilystar's tama got lost this morning. You know, Aaron? Yeah, he got lost too. It was horrible. I don't know if my tama is still alive. :) I'm so upset. I will so surely update when I find her, if I do, and if she's dead when I find her, I'll have to restart. :D Which is horrible, after all my hard work.

I guess I could update on what happened before Lili's dissaperence. All day Lilystar and I (we were having a sleepover) were walking around holding our tamas. I guess I'll update later, I have to find Lili.



I found Lili. Want to know how? Well, I was sadly looking around in the car, when I fell down. I saw something shiny on the ground. 'Hey,' I thought. 'That looks like a key chain...!' Thats when it hit me. The key chain was my tamagotchi. I squealed and hugged my tama. She, luckily, wasn't dead and was still sleeping at the time I found her. Now, she's right next to me, still sleeping. I don't now what time today or tomarrow Lili will become an adult, but I'm really taking care if her so she can be a good adult. And Lilystar's Tama, Aaron? He was found too. Any way, for Christmas I'm planning on getting a lot of tamagotchi stuff, even a tamagotchi color because my mom said it was okay. (Thanks, mom!) I might get a tama watchi... I don't know. I guess I'm just really excited. But some bad news... When I found Lili, she was super hungry I guess because she become hungry in her sleep and was not all that happy. Its super, super, super, super, super, super cold outside. My feet are still frozen from walking out there. (I don't have to wear shoes...) I also noticed in my past posts, I forgot to post her stats. Well here they are.

Name: Liliana

nickname: Lili


weight: 6 LBs

hungry: 2 HEARTS (better feed her when she wakes up.)

Happy: 3 hearts, and I will play game with her.

Thats all!



I might be getting a Music Star today so... so Lili might be sharing this log. When Lili talks, her color is red.

My color is a christmas color! By the way, I'm Lili, The Ura Young Violetchi. I got lost last night. It was scary and cold. I was beeping and squealing. But then my owner found me! I'm so happy! Back to you, owner!

Er... thank you Lili. Lili wants to be a news reporter one day. She is always acting like one and talking like one. And Lili, they know your name and they know your an Ura Young Violetchi.

Was I on TV?

No, but I better get on with telling them about you and your latest news. Lili is a very happy tama lately. She isn't an adult yet, and I hope today or tomorrow it'll happen. Lili needs to be an adult soon. I just want her to be because I've never had an um.... how should I put this... had an adult tama. ;) All my tamas are very cheerful but they never make it to adult hood.

I just had to tell you thta for some reason.




November 27th, 2009

Wow.... FAN MAIL TIME! Yes, you can send fan mail and I will post it here... B) It's your chance to be featured in MY LOG! ;) I mean, who doesn't want to be featured in a log. I most likely choose 3 or 2 fan mails a day to be featured in the log. I just got fan mail from.... LILYSTAR! Yahoo, everyone give a clap for her. Here is her message.

:D Oh my gosh! Your log is the best. You can call this fanmail, I guess. I kind of copied you... is that okay? I love this log :blink: ! It hasn't much spelling mistakes, unlike some other logs. Write more! 
Well, thank you, Lilystar. Yes its find that you copied, but no one else may copy. Everyone who wants to copy must, and I mean must ask me or I will mail them or maybe report them. Now lets get to the log part. I have another fan mail that I will post soon, in another entry.

Yes, I'm going to post very soon.

I just need to copy and paste the other fan mail and post it here.



November 27th 2009

Hello, again everybody. It's time for our next mail from... SHELBYSAUROUS!

hai! im shelbythis is i guess fanmail

how many logs have you made so far?

i hope you stick with this one

read my log too


Well, Shelby (is that okay if I call you that?) I have made three logs. And yes, I will read your log. I have heard many great things about. Now everybody give a clap for Shelby for her great log that I just read and for her fan mail getting posted!

Lili hasen't done anything so bye!



November 27th, 2009

Okay... so... LILI WILL BE SHARING THIS LOG WITH A TAMA NAMED... Joy. Okay... so Joy is a V3. And Lili is a V4.5. Joy is still a toddler and I will probably be updating. I am also glad to inform you that Joy and Lili are going to be sharing this log with my tamagotchi + color and music star, which are being shipped here. Yes, a tamagotchi + color. :furawatchi: I am so excited. Okay, time for stats!


Name: Joy

Version: V3

Weight: 10

Age: 1 year

Happy hearts: 0 (am working on it)

Hungry hearts: 0 (Have to work on that too)




Name: Lili

Version: V4.5

Weight: 3 LBs (wow...?)

Age: 2

Gender: girl

Points: 10456


That all for,



Well hey again.

288 views! :furawatchi: :mellow: :angry: :( :D :D :D :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I mean this is a short post because I just had to post how shocked I am.

My topic is a hot topic....

Any way, I played some games... but I'm still wondering how 50 views went to 288??????????? I'm shocked. I have to go now.



I am very proud of this log. Joy was my little sisters tama........ and well, its not very well taken care of. :p Soooo..... This entry will be short, I guess.

I just am shocked that my log has so many posts. Its amazing.... I mean... Its shocking. Any way, who wants me to post some stats? Okay. :( I'm very excited about my log, so I'm sorry I keep saying it. But most people get this many posts when they have more entries. :D I guess I just have a lot of friends and fan. Thanks everyone who read my log!

Here is Joy's stats... Lili is sleeping...

Name: Joy

Age: 1

weight: 10

I really have to go and I'll post something really long tomorrow.



November 28th 2009

So, today my mom took me to Toys R Us. I have lately been losing all my Tamas and my mom got me a Tamagotchi Leash and a charm. Their so cute! On my leash it shows Kutchipatchi's family. There's a mom. (She's yellow with the same mouth and eyes as Kutchipatchi and her she has pink blush and her hair is in a bun, making her look rather old.) There's a dad. He looked the same at Kutchipatchi but with leaf like hair. Then there's a mole looking like creature, which I think is the families pet. Then there's twins. They look like small Kutchipatchi's. And Kutchipatchi! We all know what he looks like! :lol:

I think that the only real tama you can get on the game is Kutchipatchi, and not his family. I wonder if Bandai is planning to release the family, it would be cool. Any way, Lili had evolved into a grown up. She is not an Ura Violetchi. She is a ballerina looking thing which is very, very rare! (I saw so on a Bandai site!) I'm happy because from what I hear, you get her when you take very, very, very good care of your tama. I am going to mate mine to Aaron, Lilystar's tama when Lili is 6 years old. She is 3 years old now.







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Fan Mail time again!


Heyy!Im Mckenna and I think your log rocks!

I hope you read mine and say Hi to Lili for me!

P.S:I dont get it,what is their to copy?



Well, Mikki, thank you! I don't really know what she meant by coping me, but I just didn't want anyone to do it without asking. Maybe if someone wanted too fro some reason they could mail me about what they wanted to copy and I could answer. Here is an example. Pretend theres a member name FroFroFluffy.

Dear Froggybebe

I want to copy how you

you space out words



And so....


November 29th, 2009

I found out what Lili is! A Purimatchi! She's sooooooooooooooooo cute. But something weird happened. Well, I was at the art fest and I had two alerts. One of them, she went to work and started like, opening her mouth really wide (yelling?) at the guy (boss?) and then the guy backed away and Lili went back home. The second alert, she went to a TV filming place or something and just stood there, then went home. I had the sound on, but she didn't make a sound nor did anything else during the alerts. It didn't harm the tamagotchi or Lili but it was weird. Apparently, all her hearts were down to one.

I didn't really care cause I fed her and everything plus I played games with her to make her happy. But... I don't get it. My tamagotchi is not very glitchy at all. My tama has never done anything like it and had always been a very well made toy. It seems that my tamagotchi is just made really good and stuff, because all my other Tamas are very glitchy.



Super long entry time! I vowed that when I had over 600 views I would post a super long entry. :( Brace your self for some reading. First, I want to tell you about tamagotchis I have before we talk about Lili.

Well... When I was six (I'm nine now) I was in first grade I had a very best friend named Chloe. She was held back and was going to turn seven, and I got invited to her birthday party. Boy, was it fun. Chloe used to talk to me and my sister about tamagotchis and how her cousin had one. I clearly knew that Chloe wanted one... Anyway, this was back in 2007.

I didn't think Chloe was going to manage to get one for her birthday, and her parents didn't know she wanted one. There was big tama craze back then...

So, anyway, at the party Chloe was super disappointed because she, for one, thought she wouldn't manage to get a tamagotchi because I had told her about the craze... and the well, price. Chloe mostly waited for her dad (he was late for the party) to get here. When it was present opening time, her dad got there with a small package. I had never seen a tamagotchi wrapped and I thought it was something else. When Chloe got the package from her dad, I noticed she was smiling really big. That's how I knew what it was. It was a V1, and it was plain white.

For the rest of the school year, Chloe collected more Tamas while I got my first. Chloe got a gold tamagotchi off Ebay and I got a very special tamagotchi that still is special to me. A V3. Man, was it fun. I had the blue with butterflies on it V3.

I got one more V3, and pretty much just kept getting more Tamas.

Now, my collection number is 12.

I got some more during the Thanksgiving weekend.

Any way, Chloe lives far away and her Tamas are now gone.

She left them all at a mall and they were stolen... :(

I am very excited because in 24 days I get a T+C!

T+C stands for Tamagotchi Color.


So, Lili had been on pause all day because of school. :( :mellow:

She's almost able to mate and I can't wait.

I have am very glad that Lili had became an adult.

Thanks every one for getting me over 600 views!







Remember, it might get posted!


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