Factfile Of Yourself~


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Name: Esther/Ezzie

Date Of Birth: 7th jan

Age: 13

Location: UK, Devon.

Height: No idea xD

Weight: To afraid to check

Shoe size: UK size 6-7 o: Big feet!

Hair color: Blonde~

Eye color: Icy blue.

Skin tone: Lightly tanned.

Favourite band/singer: Tokio hotel.

Favourite animal: Fox.

Favourite book: Outside beauty.

Favourite movie: Why do you aks me these thingss??

Lucky number: 13 and 483.

Dream job: Writer?

Favourite color: Blue.

Hobbies: Photography, Uhmm and other stuff xD

Favourite food: Muffins, skittles dude I could go on all day!

Favourite TV show: BTR, Doctor who.

Favourite drink: Does coffee count?

Favourite music genre: Anything really.

Favourite actor: David tennat?

First language: English.

Pets: Doggyyy~

Loves: look on my profile.

Hates: Backstabbers, people who lie to cover up a lie, Homophoibic people and other stuffs.

Fears: China dolls, cats, Barbie dolls, LARGE spiders, Clastraphobic (sp?) trusting people.

Weaknesses: Bill kaulitz, if you poke my sides, stubborn and a perfectionist.

Theme song: I have plenty....

Personality: Sarcastic, outgoing, loud, friendly and I have one big temper.

Best friend: You.

Strengths: Determination.

Favourite school subject: English, Music and History Hetalia

Least favourite subject: Maths.

Accent: German and Australian and American.

Ethnicity: Half Welsh Half English

Siblings: None.

Favourite possession: Ipod, Camera phone.

In a relationship?: No.

Religion: Christian.Going into year 9.

Weird habits: Randomly tapping out drum beats.

Can't cope with: Going without my thyroid tablets.

Comparable to: Who knows.

Name: Kristin

Date Of Birth: May fourteenth

Age: Thirteen

Location: Prince Edward Island

Height: 4'8

Weight: 106 pounds

Shoe size: 5

Hair color: Light brown

Eye color: Chocolate Brown

Skin tone: Slightly tan

Favourite band/singer: Oomph

Favourite animal: Penguins

Favourite book: I dunno

Favourite movie: The Ringer

Lucky number: 5

Dream job: Teacher

Favourite color: Black / Orange / Purple

Hobbies: Photography, story writing, Eh... I dunno

Favourite food: Bagels

Favourite TV show: Big Brother / Man vs. Food

Favourite drink: Root Beer

Favourite music genre: I dunno

First language: English

Pets: Dogs and fish

Loves: I dunno

Hates: A lot of stuff

Fears: Balloons, bugs that fly

Weaknesses: I dunno

Theme song: I dunno

Personality: Psh. I can't describe

Best friend/s: TT people, my friend from camp and my IRL friends

Strengths: ...I honestly have no clue

Favourite school subject: History, Geography, Social Studies

Least favourite subject:

Accent: Cross between a Edmonton accent and a PEI farmer's accent

Ethnicity: 60% Scottish, 30% English, and 10% Italian

Siblings: Nope.

Favourite possession: My laptop

In a relationship?: Nah

Religion: Protestant

Gender: Female

School year/grade: Eight

Weird habits: Chewing on stuff

Can't cope with: Complete morons

Comparable to: Eh... I dunno

Name: Grace.

Date Of Birth: 18th November.

Age: Fourteen.

Location: Scotland, UK.

Height: 5'5''

Weight: 115-120 lbs. ._.

Shoe size: UK size 5.

Hair color: Dark brown, almost black.

Eye color: Green-ish blue. Mostly green.

Skin tone: Too pale for my hair colour. xD

Favourite band/singer: Oomph!. -glomps Kristin-

Favourite animal: Either penguins or seals. I can't decide.

Favourite book: No idea.

Favourite movie: "Schindler's List"

Lucky number: 7.

Dream job: Something to do with psychology, but I don't really want to set my heart on something until I know it's possible.

Favourite color: Green.

Hobbies: No idea.

Favourite food: Pastaaaaa~.

Favourite TV show: I don't really watch TV unless "Hetalia" counts. If not, "The Simpsons", I guess.

Favourite drink: Milk and Nescafé coffee sachets.

Favourite music genre: Rock/metal, I guess.

Favourite actor: Either Johnny Depp or Robert DiNiro.

First language: English.

Pets: Four cats: Pink, female, Turkish/Van Angora mix, four; Floyd, male, same breed and age as his sister; Peppa, female, British shorthair, two; Georgina (George), female, same breed and age as her sister. There's also two snails which have been in my Gran's garden for the past three years (we put nail polish on their shells), so I kind of count them as pets.

Loves: Different languages and cultures, European/Russian history, the internet, being Scottish and...Uh...

Hates: Don't get me started or I'll never stop.

Fears: Heights, anything with more than four legs (except ladybugs and bumblebees. I find them really cute), feet, any form of nudity, vomit/vomiting, what people think of me.

Weaknesses: I don't know.

Theme song: When You're Evil - Voltaire No idea.

Personality: Obsessive, sarcastic, bxtchy, dishonest, high-tempered, somewhat violent.

Best friend: No idea. I have friends in real life, obviously, but I don't like most of them that much.

Strengths: Uh...I'm strong-willed when it's called for, I guess.

Favourite school subject: English,

Least favourite subject: Maths and P.E.

Accent: Posh Scottish, apparently.

Ethnicity: Mostly English/Scottish, but there's some Sicilian from my Dad's side and Spanish from my Mum's side.

Siblings: Two sisters; Abbey, eleven and Lucy, seven and one brother; Angus, two.

Favourite possession: Laptop.

In a relationship?: No, and I don't plan to be in one for a long, long time. Or at least until I'm out of school.

Religion: Protestant. I'm thinking of converting when I'm older, though.

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: 3rd Year. I think that's the same as 9th Grade.

Weird habits: I need everything to be extremely neat and organised or I feel really weird for the rest of the day and I have a habit of correcting grammar/spelling/punctuation, even in schoolbooks and worksheets.

Can't cope with: Spoilt brats and complete morons. I don't care what age they are, if I ever encounter one they're absolutely screwed. Just ask Lucy.

Comparable to: Hitler No idea.

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Name: Nicola.

Date Of Birth: 30th January

Age: 13

Location: Scotland.

Height: 4'9/4'10

Weight: 82lbs.

Shoe size: UK size 4 or 5.

Hair color: Brown.

Eye color: .. Idk.

Skin tone: Pale.. idk.

Favourite band/singer: The Beatles.

Favourite animal: Koala. derp.

Favourite book: The Perks Of Being A Wallflower.

Favourite movie: Toy Story 3.

Lucky number: 27.

Dream job: I want to save lives. Influence them. I'd like to solve puzzles, find out /why/. I'm not exactly sure of anything else.

Favourite color: Green. Or blue.

Hobbies: I have no hobbies.

Favourite food: I.. Don't know.

Favourite TV show: Criminal Minds. House. Friends.

Favourite drink: Cherry Tango.

Favourite music genre: ... Idk.

Favourite actor: Oh man oh man. Idk.

First language: English.

Pets: Shep, border collie. Garfield, cat. Coalmine, canary.

Loves: A lot of things.

Hates: A lot of things.

Fears: A lot of things.

Weaknesses: .. A lot.

Theme song: .. Idk.

Personality: .. Idk.

Best friend: ... Ginny. x:

Strengths: ... Idk.

Favourite school subject: PE.

Least favourite subject: English.

Accent: Scottish. x.x

Ethnicity: Irish/Scottish.

Siblings: Two older siter, one older brother.

Favourite possession: My iPod. Or laptop. Both. x:

In a relationship?: No.

Religion: .. I don't know.

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Uh. Uh. Tenth year of schooling?

Weird habits: I dunno, I dunno.

Can't cope with: .. I dunno.

Comparable to: Me.

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Name: Skadi

Date Of Birth: 12/11

Age: 14

Location: NJ

Height: 5'0"

Weight: too much

Shoe size: 61/2 or 7

Hair color: Blonde~

Eye color: Left: Green Right: Gray, hazel or brown...

Skin tone: Lightly tanned.

Favourite band/singer: SUFJAN STEVENS

Favourite animal: Dolphin

Favourite book: The Outsiders

Favourite movie: Judgement Night, YOUNG GUNS II jkasjhg'asdjagh'sd

Lucky number: 7

Dream job: Criminal Psychologist

Favourite color: Blue

Hobbies: Making outfits on polyvore, fan fic (forever alone) marching band...

Favourite food: Sushi~

Favourite TV show: The Outsiders LOLjk I wish. :( Two and a Half Men.

Favourite drink: COFFEEEEEEEEEEE.

Favourite music genre: Folk/Electronica

Favourite actor: EMILIO ESTEVEZ.

First language: English.

Pets: 3 cats

Loves: look on my profile.

Hates: Rude people

Weaknesses: GONGS LOLWUT

Theme song: To be alone with you.

Personality: Sarcastic, quiet.

Best friend: A few people

Strengths: Band?

Favourite school subject: History

Least favourite subject: Finacial Lit and.... sometimes band.

Accent: Southern?

Ethnicity: German American

Siblings: One sister

Favourite possession: I dunno lol

In a relationship?: No.

Religion: I dunno. Scientology sounds pretty cool, if it's actually based on science..

Weird habits: Fixing my hair

Can't cope with: MESSED UP EYEBROWS!!!

Comparable to:

Name: Alexandra

Date Of Birth: July 6th, 1995

Age: 15

Location: Pennsylvania

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 140 lbs.

Shoe size: 9

Hair color: brown w/ natural reddish highlights

Eye color: light brown

Skin tone: olive

Favourite band/singer: BTR

Favourite animal: penguins

Favourite book: City of Bones

Favourite movie: currently it's Inception

Lucky number:11

Dream job: being in a famous orchestra or in a band for a broadway musical

Favourite color: purple

Hobbies: playing oboe, saxophone, singing, sewing, crocheting, video games, computer

Favourite food: pasta

Favourite TV show: glee!

Favourite drink: tea

Favourite music genre: rock or classical

Favourite actor: idk

First language: English

Pets: Fish

Loves: life

Hates: uh, death. x_x

Fears: being buried alive, drowning, evil clowns...

Weaknesses: extremely easily distracted

Theme song: don't stop believin' journey/glee

Personality: nice in that i'm a good friend, but mean as in i like to torment people for no reason except to amuse myself. but in the long run i mean well.

Best friend: so many friends. don't choose favorites.

Strengths: music

Favourite school subject: band, orchestra, chorus

Least favourite subject: world studies

Accent: american

Ethnicity: half italian/half german

Siblings: one 11 year old sister.

Favourite possession: oboe

In a relationship?: no

Religion: sucks


School year/grade: 10th grade (sophomore)

Weird habits: i laugh at everything. xD

Can't cope with: friend drama

Comparable to: idk

Name: Claire.

Date Of Birth: May 24th.

Age: 12.

Location: Ontario, Canada.

Height: 5'6”

Weight: Last time I checked, 135 pounds.

Shoe size: Um… Size 8.

Hair color: Brown.

Eye color: Green.

Skin tone: Caucasian, basically.

Favourite band/singer: Lady Gaga.

Favourite animal: Kittyyyyyyy.

Favourite book: Misery by Stephen King.

Favourite movie: Um… Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Lucky number: 16.

Dream job: Historian.

Favourite color: Red.

Hobbies: Writing. That’s… it.

Favourite food: Can I just say “Vietnamese food” as a generalization?

Favourite TV show: TV sucks.

Favourite drink: Coke Cola.

Favourite music genre: Alternative and Pop, I can choose two, right?

Favourite actor: Alan Rickman, especially in No Country For Old Men.

First language: English.

Pets: I used to have a cat.

Loves: Anime, music, history, geography, tumblr, writing, my computer, sleeping.

Hates: School life in general, mathematics, trying to draw, when the teacher misses a spot on the whiteboard when they erase it.

Fears: Failure, imperfection, not being accepted, death.

Weaknesses: I really don’t like the fact I scare easily.

Theme song: Don’t You Know Who I Think I Am? - Fall Out Boy.

Personality: Cynical, smartass, pleasant when I’m friends with you, overall a snob.

Best friend: I’m everyone’s “on-and-off” friend. But, the one I love the most is Grace.

Strengths: I’m a history-buff.

Least favourite subject: Mathematics and Science.

Accent: Eastern Canadian.

Ethnicity: Scottish-French-Canadian.

Siblings: One 12 year old sister.

Favourite possession: Writing binder.

In a relationship?: No.

Religion: Protestant Christian.

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Grade 8. Year 9 for some.

Weird habits: I don’t dot my ‘i’s , I make them little circles.

Can't cope with: Idiots.

Comparable to: What?

Name: Ella

Date Of Birth: 24th of April

Age: 11

Location: New Zealand

Height: 5'5

Weight: Don't know

Shoe size: Size 6.

Hair color: Walnut brown.

Eye color: Olive green.

Skin tone: Pale?

Favourite band/singer: Foo Fighters, Them Crooked Vultures, Muse

Favourite animal: Fish

Favourite book: Any

Favourite movie: Anything funny.

Lucky number: 15, 7

Dream job: Too many

Favourite color: Green

Hobbies: Drawing, writing, reading, listening to music. The usual

Favourite food: Ice cream. But I can't have any right ow, because I have a chest infection.

Favourite TV show: Avatar and South Park

Favourite drink: Coke and Milk

Favourite music genre: Rock and Alternative

Favourite actor: Don't care

First language: English

Pets: A dog called Jen

Loves: Sweet foods, candy, video game music, internet, anime, good shows, cosplay, christma and special Club penguin events

Hates: Mean girls, girly girls, veggies, cream cheese, not being able to have Ice Cream, waking up in the middle of the night, most mainstream and maths

Fears: DENTISTS, heights, clowns, dolls, clown dolls, death, curses, death curses, gore

Weaknesses: I'm a softie

Theme song: Invincible - Muse

Personality: Generous, Sometimes annoying, random, funny, having an out of control temper sometimes, sometimes having a good idea, sometimes bad ideas

Best friend: I'd rather not pick people out D;

Strengths: Sticking up for myself/others, arguing xD

Favourite school subject: Foods/PE/English

Least favourite subject: Math/Art/Woodwork

Accent: New Zealand

Ethnicity: Maori/European

Siblings: One 15 year old brother, 28 year old brother, and sister (deceased)

Favourite possession: Stereo

In a relationship?: No

Religion: Not sure

Gender: Female

School year/grade: Form one, year 7

Weird habits:When I'm nervous, my left leg shakes

Can't cope with: Pressure or Stress

Comparable to: No one

Name: Luke

Date Of Birth: 15th December

Age: 13

Location: Norwich, United Kingdom

Height: 5'8/5'9

Weight: Ummm. 10st 5lb...

Shoe size: UK size 10.

Hair color: Blonde. :D

Eye color: Blue.

Skin tone: Pink. :3

Favourite band/singer: Bloc Party

Favourite animal: Dog.

Favourite book: ...I don't read...

Favourite movie: Johnny English.

Lucky number: 15

Dream job: I don't have a clue.

Favourite color: Purple.

Hobbies: Uhh. Gaming. :3

Favourite food: PIZZA.

Favourite TV show: Family Guy

Favourite drink: Monster :D

Favourite music genre: Alternative.

Favourite actor: Robin Willliams?

First language: English.

Pets: 1 Dog. 1 Cat.

Loves: German, My Xbox 360, My Phone, ...this girl. >.<

Hates: Maths, Art, Your mum

Fears: Being scared of nothing...you know that feeling where you're scared of something thats not going to happen...?

Weaknesses: I'm a douche to everyone. I generally don't care about anything and take nothing seriously.

Theme song: The Wombats - My Circuitboard City

Personality: Laidback, Funny, Intelligent, lulzy?

Best friend: Toby, Ollie, Ellie, Jordan, Eloise.

Strengths: I don't give up...that often.

Favourite school subject: German, Geography, IT, Food Tech.

Least favourite subject: MATHSSSSSSSS

Accent: English.

Ethnicity: British...lol jk I'm English.

Siblings: Harry, 9. Ella, 18

Favourite possession: Laptop. x3

In a relationship?: I wish.

Religion: No.

Gender: Male.

School year/grade: Year 9.

Weird habits: Opening crisp packets the right way up. All the time. No exeptions.

Can't cope with: Saying 'like' every other word.

Comparable to: Your mum.

Name: Shi-Anne.

Date Of Birth: December 12th.

Age: 18.

Location: Calgary, Alberta.

Height: 5'2".

Weight: 143 LBs.

Shoe size: US size 8.

Hair colour: Dark brown.

Eye colour: Brown.

Skin tone: Er... I'm rather pale.

Favourite band/singer: Kiss Kiss & My Chemical Romance are my top two.

Favourite animal: Cat.

Favourite book: Stand alone? Let the Right One In.

Favourite movies: Grave of the Fireflies & Coraline.

Lucky number: 4, I guess.

Dream job: I don't know...

Favourite colours: Red, black, & purple.

Hobbies: No hobbies.

Favourite food: Bacon!

Favourite TV show: I don't know... The only ones that are currently airing that I like are Chuck and Phineas & Ferb.

Favourite drink: ... I don't know.

Favourite music genre: Ska, rock, punk, post-hardcore, emo (Rites of Springs, etc.), screamo (Saetia, etc.).

Favourite actor: I don't know. I don't really care about that sort of thing.

First language: English.

Pets: One cat (Bart), two dogs (Herman & Sally), five rabbits (Splot, Dirty Snowball, three have no names).

Loves: Reading, my friends, my cat, interesting & funny trolls, my music, MSPA.

Hates: Twilight, xkcd, stupidity, rude people, hateful people, bigots, unfunny & uninteresting trolls, duckface.

Fears: Most bugs, people & society in general...

Weaknesses: I'm emotionally unstable, I don't work well under pressure...

Theme song: Hmn... "Superman" by Goldfinger I guess.

Personality: I'm rather apathetic most of the time, but when I care about something, boy do I care. I'm quite nice unless you upset me, but I don't hold grudges; I'll probably forget about it an hour later. I'm also really quiet and shy. Part of that has to do with the fact that I suffer from social anxiety disorder. I lack empathy/sympathy for most people. Uh... I don't know what else to say.

Best friends: Jocelyn & Kevin.

Strengths: Uh, I don't know.

Favourite school subject: None.

Least favourite subject: Every one of them.

Accent: Er, whatever you call western Canadian.

Ethnicity: Chinese, Cree, French, English.

Siblings: Okay, so I was put up to foster care by my mother. When I was 18 months, my grandmother (birth mother's mother) took legal guardianship of me. (I'm not officially adopted.) Since I've lived with her most of my life, I grew up with the idea that her children were my siblings even though they're really my aunts/uncles. There's three: Debra, Matthew, Rachel.

Now, my birth mother had two more kids. All three of us have different fathers, so they're only my half siblings. Sabrina and Jaykob. I've never met them.

Favourite possession: My iPod, I guess.

In a relationship?: No.

Religion: None. I'm an atheist.

Gender: Genderfluid genderqueer, but born and present as female.

School year/grade: High school dropout.

Weird habits: I do not know.

Can't cope with: Idiots, bigots, repeating myself, drama, duckface.

Comparable to: Myself.

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Name: Ceci

Date Of Birth: July 14

Age: 11

Location: Illinois

Height: 5'3 and a half

Weight: ~106

Shoe size: US size 7.

Hair color: Light brown.

Eye color: Blue.

Skin tone: Uhhh normal?

Favourite band/singer: Most anything Vocaloid.

Favourite animal: Cat.

Favourite book: ???

Favourite movie: Haven't watched enough movies to tell.

Lucky number: 413, duh.

Dream job: Hm, not sure yet.

Favourite color: Light purple.

Hobbies: Computers. And drawing.

Favourite food: Waffles.

Favourite TV show: Don't watch enough TV.

Favourite drink: Orange soda.

Favourite music genre: J-rock/J-pop

Favourite actor: I can't even name a single actor.

First language: English.

Pets: 2 sweet kitties.

Loves: Too many to count.

Hates: Too many to count.

Fears: I have a recurring fear of zombies.

Weaknesses: Not sure.

Theme song: Our 16bit Warz

Personality: Uncaring to anyone but who I'm close to.

Best friend: Don't have one.

Strengths: Computers and drawing.

Favourite school subject: Art/Language Arts.

Least favourite subject: PE.

Accent: ???

Ethnicity: 1/4 European, German, Italian and Australian.

Siblings: 2 older brothers.

Favourite possession: DSi.

In a relationship?: Nope.

Religion: ??????

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Grade 6.

Weird habits: I sing in my head.

Can't cope with: Bad grammar.

Comparable to: ???????????????

Name: Rita

Date Of Birth: 6th December

Age: 11

Location: New Zealand

Height: Short

Weight: between 34 - 36 kg (I dunno)

Shoe size: My school shoes say 36 (made in NZ)

Hair color: Black, turning brown

Eye color: dark brown.

Skin tone: Olive.

Favourite band/singer: My V6 tamagotchi, Attikol

Favourite animal: Felines of all shapes and sizes

Favourite book: 1st Place: Warriors, 2nd Place: Harry Potter, 3rd Place: Emily the strange novels

Favourite movie: Don't have one

Lucky number: 3 & 7

Dream job: A successful writer/illustrator

Favourite color: Greeeeeeen :lol:

Hobbies: Reading, Tamatalk-ing, eating, etc.

Favourite food: Almost anything with chicken in it;Butter chicken, chicken and cheese pie, KFC, Chicken soup

Favourite TV show: I don't have one

Favourite drink: Iced Chocolate

Favourite music genre: Anything but pop and Classical

Favourite actor: Emma Watson

First language: Cantonese

Pets: One toroishell she-cat; Kitty.

Loves: Tamagotchi's

Hates: errr....Mostly things/people who annoy me(i.e.alarm clocks, phones, sunlight, unecessary noice)

Fears: disease, zombies (no real dead bodies coming back to life; not in a movie), natural disaster

Weaknesses: ????

Theme song: "My Neibor Totoro" Opening song thingy

Personality: Sarcastic, annoying, different, lazy

Best friend: Summer, Kate, Jessica

Strengths: Drawing, Pointing out facts

Favourite school subject: Hard Tech, Art

Least favourite subject: Maths, Social studies

Accent: Kiwi

Ethnicity: Pure Chinese

Siblings: One half brother

Favourite possession: Tamagotchi's, small container of silver crystals, my witch's staff

In a relationship?: No.

Religion: Catholic

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: finishinf year 7

Weird habits: I ruing the corners of a piece of paper if I hold it for too long.

Can't cope with: Repeating myself.

Comparable to: my friends Summer and Kate

Name: Kean

Date Of Birth: 16th of May

Age: 14

Location: Saskatchewan

Height: 5'8

Weight: mid 100's

Shoe size: Men's size 12

Hair color: Naturally medium brown, but currently a mosh of colours

Eye color: blueish-greenish-grey

Skin tone: tanned pinkish colour

Favourite band/singer: My Chemical Romance!!!

Favourite animal: Cat

Favourite book: The 1st warrior cats series

Favourite movie: Sorcerers Apprentice

Lucky number: none

Dream job: Tattoo artist

Favourite color: Black

Hobbies: Computer

Favourite food: It's hard too choose

Favourite TV show: How I met Your Mother

Favourite drink: Swamp Water

Favourite music genre: Pop/Techno/Punk-Rock

Favourite actor: Can't choose.

First language: English

Pets: A doggy

Loves: like a people person? or like just something?

Hates: Math, failure-ing, perfection

Fears: rejection, silence, lonliness, being in a dark pit of despair, and spiders

Weaknesses: I have lot's, just cant think right now.

Theme song: Dont Let Me get Me~Pink

Personality: Relatively upbeat, sarcastic, I have a strange sense of humour, creeper-ish in a good way.

Best friend: Shae/Gena/Bailey

Strengths: I suppose I can draw well?

Favourite school subject: Band, Art

Least favourite subject: English and Math

Accent: my own little slurred type thing.

Ethnicity: Half German, Half Lithuanian-Jew, Half Islamic, Half Prussian, Half English, Half French, Half Spanish

Siblings: One sister and possibly a half brother.

Favourite possession: Laptop

In a relationship?: No

Religion: Wiccan

Gender: Male

School year/grade: Grade 9, so year ten in UK?

Weird habits: I have a lot of OCD's, I tend to be doing some odd thing every moment im bored, and I tend to "decorate"

Can't cope with: Stress, failure

Comparable to: Me...


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Name: Jasmine

Date Of Birth: 3rd March 1999

Age: 11

Location: London

Height: 4'9 - 5'0 ???

Weight: 35 kg

Shoe size: UK size 4-5

Hair color: Naturally Black but I dyed it alot so its turn dark brown but I didn't dye it that colour.

Eye color: Brown.

Skin tone: Naturally tan but very tan nearly light brown.

Favourite band/singer: My Chemical Romance

Favourite animal: Dogs or Zebras

Favourite book: Jinx or The Graveyard Book

Favourite movie: Dude, wheres my car :D

Lucky number: 3

Dream job: Interior Designer or Fashion Designer

Favourite color: Red and black

Hobbies: I really don't know.. If I say I don't have any would that just be sad.. :/

Favourite food: Rice,Noodles,Egg and Lychee

Favourite TV show: Friends,Britons Got Talent and I'm a celebrity get me out of here

Favourite drink: Lemonade,Ribena or Tropicana Juices

Favourite music genre: Errr... rock? Alterative...Punk Pop??

Favourite actor: David Tennant

First language: English..

Pets: One cat called Finlay and I used to have dog called Lotto but he died :[

Loves: Nothing.. JOKES! I don't know.. Can't explain what I love :/

Hates: Stupid people.. Getting woken up in the morning, being hungry.

Fears: Dieing, murder, the horrible things people do. Getting picked on.

Weaknesses: Urm I don't know...

Theme song: Na na na na na BATLADY XD I don't know actually

Personality: Sarcastic,Odd,Random erm can be really mean.. Urm

Best friend: Charlotte,Dania,Andrew and Josh

Strengths: I won't back down or give up.

Favourite school subject: Maths/Art/DT.

Least favourite subject: Dance/French

Accent: English to American people but American to English people...

Ethnicity: Thai

Siblings: None

Favourite possessions: Camera, I-Pod and Laptop

In a relationship?: No

Religion: Buddist

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Year 7.

Weird habits: I don't think I have habits in genreal

Can't cope with: I don't know what you mean



Name: Teri

Date Of Birth: 6th September 1995

Age: 15

Location: New Zealand

Height: 149.5cm

Weight: 39kg

Shoe size: It varies...

Hair colour: At the moment blue-black but it's naturally a very light brown/dark blonde colour

Eye colour: Blue

Skin tone: Slightly tan, I think

Favourite band/singer: Taylor Swift

Favourite animal: Cat

Favourite book: My Sister's Keeper

Favourite movie: -refer to "Favourite book"-

Lucky number: 16

Dream job: Either a paediatric nurse or a teacher of English as a second language to kids in Thailand

Favourite colour: Pink and green

Hobbies: Computer, Tamagotchi, Scrapbooking, Drawing, Singing, School, Music

Favourite food: Can't decide

Favourite TV show: Survivor and Glee. But probably Survivor overall because I just CANNOT miss Survivor. I have to be up to date each week.

Favourite drink: Grape soft drink.

Favourite music genre: Undecided, but probably country because it's Taylor Swift's music style.

Favourite actor: None

First language: English

Pets: 2 cats Pedy, silver tabby, female, 3yrs; Smelly, white with tabby patches, male, 2yrs; 1 rabbit Sparkle, black, male, unknown age (he's actually my sister's My rabbit (Twinkle) died on Christmas 2008); 2 turtles Murtle, red-eared slider, female, unknown age; Murtz, red-eared slider, male, unknown age

Loves: School, Tamagotchi, Music, SURVIVOR, Computers, Drama, Thai Student exchanges

Hates: Kaycee My sister being annoying, people who pick on others (sometimes me) for fun. It's not fun for the person being picked on!

Fears: BEES, injections, missing Survivor. But mainly bees.

Weaknesses: I get upset easily due to the fact I have Asperger's Syndrome

Theme song: None

Personality: Nice, quiet, and according to my mum "insociable"

Best friend: My tamas. No seriously, I have no human best friend. It used to be Kaycee until she turned into a liar/thief/copycat person

Strengths: I'm very intelligent, in all the top set classes at school

Favourite school subject: Drama, Food, English, Maths, Science, Music, French

Least favourite subject: P.E.

Accent: New Zealand. But according to someone *coughKayceecough* my accent sounds a little bit Scottish.

Ethnicity: Mainly NZer with a tiny bit Scottish (from mum), English and French (from dad)

Siblings: One little sister, 11. Also one brother, deceased (miscarriage, I think)

Favourite possessions: My tamas

In a relationship?: Definitely not. I'm not interested in anyone that way.

Religion: None

Gender: Female

School year/grade: Going into Year 11 this year.

Weird habits: I always have to fix spelling mistakes (if you look closely you can see I fixed every "colour" in this form to be spelled the NZ way) and as I have said twice now, I MUST NOT miss Survivor.

Can't cope with: People like Kaycee Mean people

Comparable to: No-one, I am an individual.


BTW: There's a hidden message somewhere (;

Name: Ella

Date Of Birth: Guess.... 24th of April

Age: 11

Location: A magical land of rainbows..... ;P

Height: 5'4

Weight: Dunno D:

Shoe size: NZ size 7/8

Hair color: Dark brunette ;3

Eye color: Green

Skin tone: Lightly tanned :)

Favourite band/singer: Them Crooked Vultures

Favourite animal: Fish

Favourite book: Any

Favourite movie: Still any

Lucky number: 7

Dream job: I have alot of dreams. Possibly an Artist or an Author. Although, it will definitely be an Author

Favourite color: Green

Hobbies: I don't have a life.... Jokes, mainly living life.

Favourite food: Anything sweet

Favourite TV show: Bakugan... Gus is hawt

Favourite drink: Coke

Favourite music genre: Rock/Alternative/GOOD rap

Favourite actor: They all suck

First language: English

Pets: A dog, A cat and now two puppies (temporary) . The other five got sold and are at new homes. I nearly cried when one left

Loves: Um.... Anime, Video games, Sleeping, Writing, Drawing, Some fluffy or funny stories. :3

Hates: Enemies, traitors, backstabbers (Oh my gosh, I'm an Azula O_O ), Girly things, Gore, Veggies

Fears: Gore, Horror movies, Gore, Dolls, Clowns, Gore, Gore, Scary stories at NIGHT, did I mention gore?

Weaknesses: I'm a softie..

Theme song: Eh.... There was this song by Fall Out boy but I forgot the title, so, Ignite - Shihad

Personality: Soft, Friendly, random.

Best friend: I don't have one, I like all of my friends ^^

Strengths: English, but english at school is boring.

Favourite school subject: Music/Foods/P.E.

Least favourite subject: MATH/Everything not above

Accent: New Zealand

Ethnicity: New Zealand maori. Even though I'm white, doesn't mean I'm not a maori (;

Siblings: Two brothers.

Favourite possession: MP3 player

In a relationship?: Nopeeee~

Religion: I don't know at the moment ):

Gender: Female

School year/grade: Year 8, form 2, when I start school again.

Weird habits: None.

Can't cope with: STRESS

Comparable to:

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Yes, Im like SugaryGoesRAWR. I change too much

Name: Rita

Date Of Birth: 6th December

Age: 12

Location: New Zealand

Height: 145cm

Weight: between 34 - 36 kg (I dunno)

Shoe size: My school shoes say 36 (made in NZ)

Hair color: Black, turning brown

Eye color: dark brown.

Skin tone: Olive.

Favourite band/singer: Care Bears on Fire

Favourite animal: Cats and Tigers

Favourite book: Real hard to decide, maybe Bluestar's Prophecy

Favourite movie: Don't have one

Lucky number: 13

Dream job: A successful writer/illustrator

Favourite color: Lime Green, Red, Black

Hobbies: Reading, eating, blogging, looking after my tamas

Favourite food: Almost anything with chicken in it;Butter chicken, chicken and cheese pie, KFC, Chicken soup

Favourite TV show: I don't have one

Favourite drink: Iced ChocRolate

Favourite music genre: R&B, Rock, Hip hop

Favourite actor/actress: The lady that played Bellatrix in Harry Potter

First language: Cantonese

Pets: One toroishell she-cat; Kitty

Loves: Lots of things

Hates: errr....Mostly things/people that wake me up in the morning(i.e.alarm clocks, phones, sunlight, unecessary noises)

Fears: disease, zombies (no real dead bodies coming back to life; not in a movie), natural disaster, thieves

Weaknesses: ????

Theme song: 'My Neighbor Totoro' theme song

Personality: Sarcastic, annoying, different, lazy

Best friend: Summer, Kate,

Strengths: Drawing, gymnastics, pointing out facts

Favourite school subject: Hard Tech, Art

Least favourite subject: Maths, Social studies, R.E

Accent: Kiwi

Ethnicity: Pure Asian

Siblings: One half brother

Favourite possession: Tamagotchi's, small container of silver crystals, my book collection

In a relationship?: No.

Religion: Catholic

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Starting Year 8

Weird habits: I ruing the corners of a piece of paper if I hold it for too long.

Can't cope with: Repeating myself.

Comparable to: my friends Summer, Kate and Kitty.

Name: Tess

Date Of Birth: 10 March

Age: 14..almost 15..sort of

Location: Canada

Height: 5'5... and a quarter;)

Weight: 120ish

Shoe size: 9

Hair color: Dirty blonde

Eye color: Changes from green to brown

Skin tone: Medium

Favourite band/singer: Hedley

Favourite animal: Bats

Favourite book: Harry Potter 6, The Giver

Favourite movie: School of Rock

Lucky number: 1

Dream job: Lawyer/international spy xD

Favourite color: Canari yellow

Hobbies: Reading, sports... don't have time for anything but homework x_x

Favourite food: Kraft Dinner

Favourite TV show: The Office

Favourite drink: Shirley temples

Favourite music genre: Altenrative, Rock, Pop

Favourite actor/actress: I'm not a fan of anyone in particular

First language: English

Pets: Doggeh

Loves: School

Hates: Cocky people, birds

Fears: Birds(ornithophobia!), being murdered..:\

Weaknesses: I tend to put people down withut realizing, it takes me a long time to understand things compared to other people

Theme song: er, none

Personality: Easygoing, sarcastic, creative

Best friend: Emily, Ruthie, Marianne

Strengths: Good at memorizing, Quick thinker

Favourite school subject: French, computers, geography

Least favourite subject: Science, math

Accent: Canadian eh

Ethnicity: 1/2 Canadian, 1/2 Dutch

Siblings: Littttle brother

Favourite possession: Everything in my bedroom ;D

In a relationship?: Nope

Religion: Catholic

Gender: Female

School year/grade: Freshman(High school)

Weird habits: Clciking my tongue all the time, I always eat dinner 10 minutes after it gets put on the table because I find it tastes better once it's been sitting for a bit xD

Can't cope with: Bad teachers

Comparable to: Idunno

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