Factfile Of Yourself~


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Name: Tamsyn.

Date Of Birth: 4th of February.

Age: 12.

Location: British Columbia, Canada.

Height: I'd say... 5'0"? EDIT: Measured myself earlier, I/m about 5'5".)

Weight: 90lbs?

Shoe size: Woman's size 4.

Hair color: Very dark brown. Almost black.

Eye color: Dark brown.

Skin tone: Extremely pale.

Favourite band/singer: The Beatles.

Favourite animal: I've taken a liking to Jacanas.

Favourite book: Can't choose.

Favourite movie: Can't choose.

Lucky numbers: 8 and 12.

Dream job: Not sure, perhaps artist or author.

Favourite color: Black, gray, green, purple, blue.

Hobbies: Video games, reading, drawing, reading, sleeping, reading.

Favourite food: Mien. (Noodles in Chinese.)

Favourite TV show: Don't watch TV.

Favourite drink: Gingerale. Is a hero when I get a sudden stomacheache.

Favourite music genre: Rock I suppose.

Favourite actor: Don't have any.

First language: English.

Pets: 2 guinea pigs.

Loves: MSPA, video games, reading, drawing, good grades.

Hates: Homework, irritable bowel syndrome, school overall.

Fears: Vomiting.

Weaknesses: Irritable bowel syndrome. HATEITHATEITHATEIT

Theme song: I'm not sure.

Personality: Obsessive, too honest, helpful but an egotist.

Best friend: Real life: Sara. Internet: All you kind-hearted people here on Tamatalk.

Strengths: Stamina, wits, can actually tell the time on a clock.

Favourite school subject: Art, Grammar, Science, L.A.

Least favourite subject: Gym, Math, H&C.

Accent: Don't have one but can do a very convincing British one.

Ethnicity: Canadian, Ukranian, Chinese, Australian, British, Icelandic.

Siblings: One sister.

Favourite possession: Watch.

In a relationship?: No.

Religion: None.

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Six.

Weird habits: I shake my hand and bite my hand.

Can't cope with: Obnoxious things.

Comparable to: Everyone.

I am a very strange kid.

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Name: Jenn

Date Of Birth: 25th of March.

Age: 25.

Location: Orem, Utah.

Height: 5'4 1/2"

Weight: 139 lbs

Shoe size: Woman's size 8.

Hair color: Light blonde.

Eye color: Green, with blue and gold.

Skin tone: Pale.

Favourite band/singer: Colbie Caillat.

Favourite animal: Koalas.

Favourite book: All Dragonriders of Pern, and Tsubasa mangas.

Favourite movie: Mulan.

Lucky numbers: 4 and 16.

Dream job: Artist (oh ya, I already am :) )

Favourite color: Cerulean Blue.

Hobbies: Video games, reading, drawing, writing, cooking.

Favourite food: Japanese. (sushi included)

Favourite TV show: The Office.

Favourite drink: Dr Pepper.

Favourite music genre: Soft Rock.

Favourite actor: Have no preference.

First language: English.

Pets: 1 Tama-go.

Loves: My Husband.

Hates: Migrains (too bad I get so many).

Fears: Falling. Not heights, just when those heights are no longer under my feet.

Weaknesses: I'm a fool for chocolate, babies, and kittens.

Theme song: Unwell by Matchbox Twenty.

Personality: Quiet, hate confrontation, very absentminded and I can come across as disinterested and uncaring. But I'm not.

Best friend: My Hubby Adam.

Strengths: ...I can draw...

Favourite school subject: Art, English.

Least favourite subject: Math.

Accent: People say I have an accent...I guess I must have a mix of Californian, Washingtonian, Wisconsinite, and Utahan.

Ethnicity: White.

Siblings: Three brothers, two sisters, one pseudo-sister.

Favourite possession: My wedding ring.

In a relationship?: Yup.

Religion: Latter-day Saint (Mormon).

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Already graduated, skipped college.

Weird habits: I'm obsessive compulsive, so I have A LOT of weird habits.

Can't cope with: Lots of people in a small, closed area. They're stealing my air.

Comparable to: If there is anyone I can be compared to, I feel sorry for them.

I've done what, 3475873489574896749859485035035903489 of these? xDD

Name: Ella, :V

Date Of Birth: 24th of April

Age: 11, soon to be 12

Location: NZ :)

Height: 5'5

Weight: Don't care ;P

Shoe size: Size 7/8

Hair color: Light brown

Eye color: Green

Skin tone: Pshhh, don't pay attention

Favourite band/singer: Muse, Coldplay, Gorillaz, Foo Fighters and Them Crooked Vultures

Favourite animal: Fish

Favourite book: Anything funny

Favourite movie: Scary movie franchise

Lucky number: 7 and 15

Dream job: Guess.

Favourite color: Orange

Hobbies: Stuff?

Favourite food: I like a good Jam sandwich :)

Favourite TV show: BAKUGANNNNNN xD

Favourite drink: Coke

Favourite music genre: Rock and Alternative. I also like Accoustics :)

Favourite actor: They suck. The end.

First language: English :x

Pets: A dog. :)

Loves: Ice cream, Music, the good life, games, bakugan and writing.

Hates: Anything girly or pink, Haters, Trolls, Zenoheld, Half of the gundalians, Long Feng and Brienden Mango (It's actually Magno, but we say Mango)

Fears: Blood, Gore, Fears, Dolls, Clowns, Clown dolls and the Grudge

Weaknesses: I'm weak under pressure, Doritos, and I have a soft spot for anything accoustic.

Theme song: You tell me :X

Personality: Fun loving, Often tired, Slightly lazy, Random, Short tempered

Best friend: I have a lot :T

Strengths: Writing, but it's boring

Favourite school subject: Woodwork/Electronics, Foods, PE, Music

Least favourite subject: Everything not above^

Accent: Kiwi ;P

Ethnicity: Half Maori, Half NZ European

Siblings: One 15 year old brother, 28 year old brother.

Favourite possession: I have lots

In a relationship?: Nope

Religion: Don't know

Gender: Femaleee

School year/grade: Year 8, form 2

Weird habits: Rolling my eyes xD

Can't cope with: Like I've said 5479385389589358 times, stress

Comparable to:

The guy in the background (What is Dave Grohl doing there O: )

Sure, why not? XD

Name: Shhhh! It's a secret!

Date Of Birth: December 29th.

Age: In my early 20s.

Location: Somewhere in the vast world. :D

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 130

Shoe size: 8

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown.

Skin tone: Um...light tan?

Favourite band/singer: Too many to list. Ones that come to mind now are Jason Mraz, Muse, Switchfoot, and Josh Groban.

Favourite animal: Dog

Favourite book: A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. I actually have a lot of favorites, it's just that this one comes to mind.

Favourite movie: Inception

Lucky number: I don't think I have one.

Dream job: I'm on my way. :)

Favourite color: Blue

Hobbies: Violin, Surfing the web, Ebay-ing, reading, and singing.

Favourite food: Sushi!

Favourite TV show: Lots. Glee, House, Smallville, and Boy Meets World, to name a few.

Favourite drink: Sprite

Favourite music genre: More than one. Classic/alternative/soft rock and classical, mostly.

Favourite actor: Tony Leung, Jet Li, Jackie Chan, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

First language: English and Vietnamese.

Pets: None.

Loves: Lots of things. Life, mostly. :)

Hates: It's such a strong word. Traffic, for one.

Fears: Spiders. Blech.

Weaknesses: I'm a sucker for good deals on Ebay. :p

Theme song: Hmmm...maybe "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen or "Dare You to Move" by Switchfoot. Anything inspirational.

Personality: Compassionate, listener, determined, sometimes shy.

Best friend: Family, boyfriend, and Mandy. Come to think of it, I don't have just one best friend.

Strengths: Compassionate and determined.

Favourite school subject: Chemistry (inorganic, organic, doesn't matter), anything to do with the health sciences, music (orchestra)

Least favourite subject: Probably math, though I wasn't too bad at it.

Accent: Umm...not sure?

Ethnicity: 100% Vietnamese.

Siblings: One younger sister. She's fantastic.

Favourite possession: Toughie. It changes.

In a relationship?: Yes. For 4 years now. It's my first relationship and most likely will be my last. :)

Religion: Buddhist.

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Post-baccalaureate degree in nursing, in progress. This will be my second Bachelor's degree before I move on to my Master's. My first Bachelor's degree is for Human Biology.

Weird habits: I tend to not eat with metal spoons or forks anymore. It's just uncomfortable for me for some reason. :p

Can't cope with: Discriminatory behavior.

Comparable to: No one. I'm my own person and proud of who I am. :D

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Name: Ashley

Date Of Birth: May 27th

Age: 13

Location: Texas

Height: 5'5

Weight: 101 - 105?

Shoe size: US size depends...

Hair color: Naturally dark brown with some light brown streaks.

Eye color: Brown.

Skin tone: teehee... I'm African American... So how do I say it and be politically correct? I'm colored.

Favourite band/singer: Corinne Bailey Rae/Paramore

Favourite animal: Cheetah!

Favourite book: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Favourite movie: ... ? ... Don't remember.

Lucky number: 7

Dream job: Oh... A multi-millionaire world-acclaimed Pastry Chef with my own shop in Times Square

Favourite color: Ice Blue

Hobbies: Eh. Reading, Writing, Acting, Babysitting, Surfing the Web, Baking, et cetera, et cetera.

Favourite food: I LOVE food. Hot Cheetos, Boston Baked Beans, Nerds, Snickers, Pasta Alfredo, and some more.

Favourite TV show: Criminal Minds!

Favourite drink: Dr. Pepper, Big Red and Monster!

Favourite music genre: Rock, Classical, Indie, Gospel and Jazz.

Favourite actor: Shemar Moore

First language: Englirsh! (Just kidding, it was straight English, you guys)

Pets: Two dogs, a girl pit-bull/wiener bull mix named Brownie and a boy Mexican Chihuahua named Scraps

Loves: Wouldn't you like to know? (Just ask xD I could possibly list them all here)

Hates: Math, Sleeping, Math, Not having any food in the house, Math, Cleaning up, Math, singing, oh, did I mention Math?

Fears: Imperfections, Failures, Personal Contact (I HATE being touched), moldy food, ugh... And so many more.

Weaknesses: I want to be accepted, but, I don't... I have a hard time trying to get acceptance from the right people.

Theme song: "Be OK" by Ingrid Michaelson

Personality: Slightly Dishonest, Controlling, Obsessive, Determined, Slightly Compassionate, (Not-Really) Empathetic, Lazy, and more...

Best friend: Emmett, Noelia, Rebbecca, Elizabeth and Jordan

Strengths: I love passionately. And, I hate to brag (No I Don't), but, despite all of my flaws, and, fears, I'm a great person... I'm just difficult to swallow at once.

Favourite school subject: French, Theater Art, Language Arts and History.

Least favourite subject: OH MY GOODNESS... MATHS! I hate Maths! And, I guess, by extension, Science, but, I like my Science teacher, so.. Eh.

Accent: Bloody American... Goodness, how we sound so unsophisticated sometimes.

Ethnicity: African American, Native American, French, Caucasian, Dutch, German and Hispanic.

Siblings: One 11 year old sister.

Favourite possession: MP3 Plater

In a relationship?: Yes. I think. I'm too young to be in one, but, I think that's what I would call it if I had to give it a name.

Religion: Christian - Baptist, through and through.

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Going into 9th grade

Weird habits: Whenever I'm given things, I must feel it directly in the back of my hand. And, if one hand touches something, the other must also. I do things in pairs.

Can't cope with: Personal Failures and Imperfections

Comparable to: Whoever out there that can be compared to me...

I'm very later, but, here it is!


- Nae

Name: Skadi

Date Of Birth: Dec. 11th

Age: 15

Location: NJ

Height: 5'0

Weight: Atleast 150lbs

Shoe size: 6 1/2

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Green

Skin tone: Pinkish pale

Favourite band/singer: Crystal Castles/ Sufjan Stevens

Favourite animal: Dolphin

Favourite book: A Good Man Is Hard To Find

Favourite movie: Up!

Lucky number: 7

Dream job: Cosmologist (NO, not cosmetologist...)

Favourite color: Teal!

Hobbies: Band

Favourite food: Anythin, really...

Favourite TV show: Daria or King of the Hill!

Favourite drink: Coffee

Favourite music genre: Christian folk!

Favourite actor: Emilio Estevez

First language: English :x

Pets: Two Cats

Loves: Food and band

Hates: People

Fears: Going deaf/blind

Weaknesses: Dunno

Theme song: You're Standing On My Neck - Splendora

Personality: Mean. Sarcastic.

Best friend:

Strengths: I dunno lol

Favourite school subject: None

Least favourite subject: Gym, English, Math



Siblings: A sister

Favourite possession: My owl locket a friend gave me

In a relationship?: Nope

Religion: Don't know

Gender: I like to think I'm a male

School year/grade: Freshman

Weird habits: Making weird faces

Can't cope with: People

Comparable to:

Name: Blah blaherstin :)

Date Of Birth: June 24

Age: 13

Location: The USA

Height: 5'1 3/4 (;

Weight: Fat. :( haha.

Shoe size: 7 or 8

Hair color: Brownish red.

Eye color: Brown.

Skin tone: darker then pale.

Favourite band/singer: Kenny Chesney and JUSTIN BIEBER.<3

Favourite animal: Cow

Favourite book: Itch or the last song.

Favourite movie: Grease, Titanic, Forrest Gump and lots of kid movies :3

Lucky number: 3 and 24

Dream job: Photographer or Baker.

Favourite color: Purple

Hobbies: Photography, swimming.

Favourite food: beef and noodles and broccolie. :) Yumm

Favourite TV show: JERSEY SHOREE

Favourite drink: Water. Pop is gross.

Favourite music genre: Country and Pop

Favourite actor: Don't really have one.

First language: English.

Pets: 3 dogs 3 cats 1 bird and a fish named Jimmy. :)

Loves: Photography, making people smile and laugh, making friends, my family and friends ect

Hates: I try not to hate.

Fears: needles, spiders, and heights

Weaknesses: Im not sure.

Theme song: Nor sure.

Personality: Funny, Nice..

Best friend: Chels, and Sarah.

Strengths: I don't know.

Favourite school subject: French and Health. (;

Least favourite subject: Math, Science, Social Studies, Lang arts. :)

Accent: English.

Ethnicity: American.

Siblings: 2 Older.

Favourite possession: Camera.

In a relationship?: No


Gender: Female.

School year/grade: 8th

Weird habits: Too Many.

Can't cope with: Rude, Immature, snobby people.

Comparable to: I don't know

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Name: Alanah

Date Of Birth: 15th November

Age: 14

Location: Australia

Height: 5'5ish...

Weight: Like, 45 kg or something?

Shoe size: Australian adults size 5-6, and the occasional faulty seven. :p

Hair color: Blonde, but a lot darker than it used to be.

Eye color: Blue.

Skin tone: Pale...

Favourite band/singer: Ermm... I love showtunes (MUSICAL THEATRE ROCKS!), Motion City Soundtrack, Panic! At the Disco, My Chemical Romance, uh... Evanescence... I hate choosing.

Favourite animal: Llama, or pig...

Favourite book: Umm... Love Marley and Me, reading The Looking Glass Wars at the moment, fantastic and very interesting take on Alice in Wonderland... :)

Favourite movie: I love Movie Musicals, and Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World rocks too!

Lucky number: 2 and 37.

Dream job: I would love to be a performer, primarily in professional musical theatre, but also on screen.

Favourite color: YELLOW!

Hobbies: Acting, singing, attempting to become a better dancer, reading, writing, procrastinating.

Favourite food: PISTACHIOS, pasta, pizza, Maccas and KFC. :p

Favourite TV show: Uh... I don't have one, though I love Modern Family, McLeod's Daughters, Glee, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Southpark...

Favourite drink: I don't drink all that much at all, but I love coke.

Favourite music genre: Musical Theatre, rock, alternative.

Favourite actor: Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Michael Cera, Alan Rickman, Johnny Depp, Elle Fanning... I like anyone who demonstrates high levels of talent and/or versatility, really.

First language: English.

Pets: I have a dog. His name is Digby. He is a Jack Russell cross Corgy, and he's really pathetically stupid.

Loves: Correct grammar, 'big words' and people who use them...

Hates: Incorrect grammar, incorrect use of homophones, especially 'your' and 'you're,' mathematics, insomnia...

Fears: Death, drowning,

Weaknesses: I tend to change my opinion to in the hope that the new person I've met that shares my false opinion will like me more...

Theme song: Umm.... I guess it would be Capital M-E - Taking Back Sunday?

Personality: Sarcastic, generally hyperactive, intelligent when it comes to English, unintelligent when it comes to maths, I tend to befriend people who are either a couple of years younger than me or a great deal (a lot of the time 6 years or more) older than me... :p

Best friend: Liv (Olivia) (14) is my BEST friend, but my other best friends include Emily (12), Shona (12), Crystal (12), Jessie (13), Jess (17), Britt (17), Jaz (17) and Leigh. (22) And Liv is the only one of those who is my age... proving my previous point.

Strengths: Uhh... Understanding complicated English, accepting people no matter their colour, religion, sexual orientation or whatever... :p

Favourite school subject: English/Drama/Photography/Film

Least favourite subject: MATHS. Ew.

Accent: Austraaaaalian. :D

Ethnicity: True blue white Aussie... (Caucasian. :D )

Siblings: No... :(

Favourite possession: Microphone, recording studio.

In a relationship?: Yes.

Religion: Atheist.

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Year 9.

Weird habits: I crack my knee, toes and everything every time I stand up, I whistle through my teeth, I absent-mindedly sing songs containing explicit words in public which luckily, as yet, hasn't gotten me into trouble... :p

Can't cope with: People who smoke near people, or selfishly go outside and leave the doors and windows open, or smoke inside. Ew.

Comparable to: I've been told a few times that I look like Christina Aguilera...

Ooh, one of these!

Name: Danni

Date Of Birth: 15/10/1991

Age: 19

Location: Worcester, UK

Height: 5'4''

Weight: I actually don't know...

Shoe size: UK size 7

Hair color: natural dark blonde

Eye color: blue

Skin tone: very pale ;__;

Favourite band/singer: An Cafe, SuG, Alice Nine

Favourite animal: cats

Favourite book: Watership Down <3

Favourite movie: Bruce Almighty (♥) and One Piece: Strong World

Lucky number: 1, 2, 4

Dream job: Mental Health nurse on a psychiatric ward (honestly)

Favourite color: red, blue and purple

Hobbies: enjoying everything!

Favourite food: noodles, pizza, fijitas, mango

Favourite TV show: One Piece (subbed, not dubbed!)

Favourite drink: Co-op tropical juice, Malibu & coke mix

Favourite music genre: a little bit of almost everything

Favourite actor: I don't pay attention to any actor other than Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow ♥

First language: English

Pets: 2 cats, 2 running Tamagotchis xD

Loves: anime, cats, Tamagotchis, parties, drinking, sleeping, my boyfriend ♥

Hates: drunk flatmates waking me up at 4-5am, slags, chavs, waking up early

Fears: rejection, both social and personal

Weaknesses: too giving, lack of self control when it comes to money, and naturally lack empathy

Theme song: Innocence by Avril Lavigne

Personality: it honesty changes based on who I'm with

Best friend: my flatmate Dan

Strengths: ridiculously good at English as an academic subject

Favourite school subject: DT Food, P.E., English

Least favourite subject: French, geography and science

Accent: West-midlands english

Ethnicity: english

Siblings: 17 year old sister, 6 year old brother and 3 year old sister

Favourite possession: my laptop which cost £1150

In a relationship?: Yes ♥

Religion: none

Gender: Female

School year/grade: University fresher (1st year)

Weird habits: constantly tap my foot in time to the drum beat of whatever song is playing, only smoking when drunk

Can't cope with: stupid people. Seriously.

Comparable to: most other uni freshers?

Name: Darius

Date Of Birth: try and guess

Age: 12

Location: U.S.A

Height: 4'10"

Weight: 125-130

Shoe size: 7.5?

Hair color: black

Eye color: brown

Skin tone: ......

Favourite band/singer: .....

Favourite animal: doggie!

Favourite book: Harry Potter: Deadly Hallows

Favourite movie: .....

Lucky number: ....

Dream job: Animator

Favourite color: blue

Hobbies: drawing, VGs, and CPUs

Favourite food: Ribs

Favourite TV show: Spongebob

Favourite drink: Dr. Pepper

Favourite music genre: :l

Favourite actor: :l

First language: Guess

Pets: Snake

Loves: >:l

Hates: :l

Fears: spiders

Weaknesses: I'm emotional so......

Theme song: Danger Zone

Personality: can't describe

Best friend: Ethan,Clayton,JRome,lots.

Strengths: ....... don't know

Favourite school subject: Science

Least favourite subject:

Accent: English.

Ethnicity: >:l

Siblings: sis

Favourite possession: :l

In a relationship?: Yes.

Religion: :l

Gender: Look on profile

School year/grade: going to 7th

Weird habits: Licks lips when busy

Can't cope with: .......

Comparable to: NO ONE. > :D

Name: Runner. Not my real name, but too bad.

Date Of Birth: 2nd of July


Location: Seattle, WA

Height: 5'0

Weight: 85 LBS

Shoe size: Woman's size 5

Hair color Black

Eye color: Dark brown.

Skin tone: Tanned from constant outdoor activity.

Favourite band/singer: The Fray. The Swell Season(Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova) is a close second.

Favourite animal: Black Panther.

Favourite book: Miracle on 49th Street.. It may appear to be a book about basketball, but basketball is super minor compared to everything else. Molly, the main charrie is a lot like me. :)

Favourite movie: Once. Music is kick-@^!

Lucky numbers: 2.

Dream job: Athlete, Author or High School Teacher.

Favourite color: Black, teal, light shaymin like green, navy and silver.

Hobbies: Running, exercising, Video games, reading, sleeping and internet.

Favourite food: Piroshky. Yum.. Then there's that Cheese fondue made of Emmentral cheese and sauerbraten.. Yumm.

Favourite TV show: Don't watch TV... Does the news count?

Favourite drink: Chocolate milk or milk. 100% Grapefruit/orange juice with ice is good too.

Favourite music genre: Rock.

Favourite actor: None.. But MATT DAMON. MWAHAHAHA.. Okay he's only cool for the fact his name is epic sounding when it's in CAPS and yelled.

First language: English.

Pets: Beagle and cat.

Loves: Running, exercising, pokemon, grass, internet.

Hates: Homework, sideaches, stomachaches, soda, candy and anything else unhealthy

Fears: None. I'm not fazed by anything, except maybe being hated.

Weaknesses: None. Well, I suck at singing. And

Theme song: Over My Head by The Fray. Love lifewise, it's Falling Slowly- Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova.

Personality: That's hard to say...

Best friend: A kind girl who is like my sister lol. And maybe this other dude who's like my older brother. and my actual big sis.

Strengths: Stamina, running, any sports, school, social studies in general, and european culture.

Favourite school subject: Social Studies, P.E, and Language Arts.

Least favourite subject: Math and Science. Can be fun at times, but mostly dreary.

Accent: Regular.

Ethnicity: American. I have another but that's hidden info.

Siblings: One sister.

Favourite possession: Two bracelets.

In a relationship?: No.

Religion: Atheist.

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Seven.

Weird habits: I drink a glass of water in the same cup every night. And with a computer.

Can't cope with: Annoying little middle schoolers, flamers flaming my stories..

Comparable to: I dunno. I'm unique..

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Name: Kristin-Laurin

Date Of Birth: May 14

Age: Thirteen

Location: Prince Edward Island

Height: 4'9

Weight: 110

Shoe size: 5 or 6

Hair color: Sandy brown

Eye color: Brown.

Skin tone: Kind of tan

Favourite band/singer: Nephew

Favourite animal: Emu

Favourite book: ...none?

Favourite movie: Men in Tights

Lucky number: 11

Dream job: ...Not sure

Favourite color: Orange

Hobbies: Cosplay [[ derp ]] and writing

Favourite food: Blackberries, pasta, and tacos

Favourite TV show: Either Jersey Shore or Deadliest Warrior

Favourite drink: Rootbeer and 7Up

Favourite music genre: Either rock or Opera

Favourite actor: None :l

First language: English

Pets: Dogs and Fish

Loves: Music, flags, foreign stuff

Hates: A lot of stuff. :l

Fears: Balloons, blood, pretty much every animal, death, heighs, getting an illness, getting hurt, bugs

Weaknesses: I get scared too easy, I don't talk to people unless they talk to me first, I'm constantly wanting people to pay attention to me

Theme song: ...I have no idea

Personality: Shy, seemingly optimistic, immature, anger problems, lacks major common sense

Best friend: Online friends--- Grace, Carmen, Krystl. IRL friends--- Allison

Strengths: I can play piano, I'm stronger than people think I am, I'm one of the top in my class

Favourite school subject: Math and Social Studies

Least favourite subject: Science, French, and Phys Ed.

Accent: -derp- I can't be bothered explaining, but it sounds like a mix of a lot of accents. But mainly a PEI accent

Ethnicity: [lives in Canada], Italian, German, English, Scottish, Dutch. [[but mostly Scottish~]]

Siblings: None

Favourite possession: iPod

In a relationship?: Nope~


Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Eight

Weird habits: I freak out if the TV volume isn't like 50, 55, 60, 66, 70, 77, etc... if I see a smudge on the window I go out of my way to get rid of it, I never use pencil because I hate how I can still see it a bit when it's erased.

Can't cope with: People who aren't smart but say they are, non-popular people who say they're the best

Comparable to: ...I don't know xD

Name: Kenza

Date Of Birth: 2nd April

Age: 15

Location: London- United Kingdom

Height: not sure unless I measure myself xD

Weight: 8.5 stone

Shoe size: UK size 5 and a half.

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Brown.

Skin tone: Lightly tanned?

Favourite band/singer: I have alot xD

Favourite animal: Arctic Fox

Favourite book: Marked

Favourite movie: I can't chooosee.

Lucky number: 7

Dream job: Some kind of illustration work- or actress. If not probably a drama teacher xD

Favourite color: Pink

Hobbies: Horseriding, Archery, Fencing, Drawing :)

Favourite food: Pizza, Sweets xD.

Favourite TV show: cant choose xD

Favourite drink: Cream Sodaa xD

Favourite music genre: Lots of different types ^_^ pop, rock, RnB...

Favourite actor: Can't choose.

First language: English

Pets: I had a tree frog- but it died -_-

Loves: Go look on my profile.

Hates:Maths!!! xD


Weaknesses: I definately have them- just cant think what at the moment xD

Theme song: Umm.... I guess it would be Capital M-E - Taking Back Sunday?

Personality: Friendly, Talkative,

Best friend: Nilab, Sly, Michael, Oscar and Kim.

Strengths: I dont have any real strengths- but Im quite good at drawing.

Favourite school subject: English, Drama, Art and History

Least favourite subject:Maths xD

Accent: English- British

Ethnicity: Half English, quarter Moroccan and quarter Italian ^_^

Siblings: One 7 year old brother and one 13 year old brother.

Favourite possession: Laptop.

In a relationship?: nope.


Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Year 11.

Weird habits: None I cant think of at the moment

Can't cope with: stuck up people and Liars :L

Comparable to: Not sure :)

Name: Sarah.

Date Of Birth: July 7th.

Age: 14.

Location: Sunny California.

Height: Tall enough.

Weight: None of your buisness.

Shoe size: 7 1/2.

Hair color: Golden blonde.

Eye color: Brown.

Skin tone: Light, dark enough.

Favourite band/singer: Justin Bieber. Yup, I said it whether you like it or not.

Favourite animal: The cute ones.

Favourite book: Percy Jackson and the Olympians.

Favourite movie: 9, currently. It'll change in about a week.

Lucky number: None.

Dream job: Too many to list.

Favourite color: All of them, especially pastel shades.

Hobbies: Reading, singing, hanging out with my BFFs.

Favourite food: Strawberries and chocolate, but I've never had a chocolate-covered strawberry.

Favourite TV show: Shake It Up!

Favourite drink: Pink lemonade.

Favourite music genre: Pop.

Favourite actor: The good ones.

First language: English and bad English.

Pets: Small animals.

Loves: Look on my profile, please.

Hates: Math, rude people, and missing school. (Missing school is losing a perfect time to see my friends!)

Fears: Spiders, and any scary bugs.

Weaknesses: Rude insults.

Theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpT3t-mZAgg

This is also some of my friends' theme song.

Personality: Funny, kind, likeable, outgoing.

Best friend: Go to the best friends topic for the huge list.

Strengths: Music, arts, literature.

Favourite school subject: Music, Language Arts.

Least favourite subject: Math. Please take it out of existence, and everything will be fine.

Accent: I've got a slight southern accent from hearing Country music when I was little (my dad's favorite music), And I sometimes have a bit of british from too much acting, and several other stuff all mixed into one.

Ethnicity: Irish, American, German, slightly Native American.

Siblings: 12 year-old sister.

Favourite possession: Several things...

In a relationship?: No.

Religion: Christian.

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Freshman, almost (finally!) a Sophomore.

Weird habits: Biting my nails...

Can't cope with: Singing randomly...

Comparable to: No one.

And that's me. :)

Yay! I love these things, they're perfect for someone who is as bored as I am right now haha.


Name: Lara

Date Of Birth: 7th of February

Age: 18

Location: Australia

Height: 5'6 (169 cm)

Weight: 49 kilos (108 pounds I think)

Shoe size: 3 - 5. I have little feet D:

Hair color: Brown with blonde dyed into the fringe.

Eye color: Blue

Skin tone: An olivy kind of colour?

Favourite band/singer: Hawthorne heights :D

Favourite animal: Cats

Favourite book: The Harry potter series, Hetty Feather by Jaqueline Wilson

Favourite movie: Harry Potter 7, Sydney White, 10 things I hate about you.

Lucky number: 7 and 11

Dream job: Published Author and Psycologist

Favourite color: Purple

Hobbies: Writing, Internet, reading, making collages, Making videos, taking pics.

Favourite food: Mcdonalds!

Favourite TV show: Gossip girl :D

Favourite drink: Milk, pepsi, vegetable juice

Favourite music genre: I like a bit of everything

Favourite actor: Tom Felton, Emma Watson.

First language: Engish

Pets: Too many cats, and a litter of kittens

Loves: Life, Harry Potter, Gossip girl, food, understanding people, kindness

Hates: Homophobia, closed minded people, bullies, liars, snails, fleas, leeches.

Fears: Falling, having to be in crowds of people I don't know, being bullied, dogs, snails.

Weaknesses: I'm really shy in real life and it's hard for me to talk to new people, because they get the impression that I don't want to talk. (But I do!)

Theme song: I don't have one D:

Personality: Understanding, Truthful, Shy, Talkative around people I know, Stubborn, Random, Strange.

Best friend: Nicki, Alicia, Tess, Luke and Danny.

Strengths: I'm a deep thinker and I can always understand people and their points of view, even if I don't agree with them.

Favourite school subject: I graduated High School in 2010 :D But when I went to school it was probably Drama.

Least favourite subject: Ancient History for sure!

Accent: Australian.

Ethnicity: Born in Australia, Half Polish.

Siblings: None (Unless you count my 37 year old half-sister that I've never met)

Favourite possession: My gold necklace with a lion on it. Havn't taken it off since I was 14.

In a relationship?: Nope.

Religion: I don't have one.

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: I've finished school :D

Weird habits: Chewing my lip, cracking my toes, Holding my necklace when I'm nervous.

Can't cope with: Nasty people, Liars.

Comparable to: You tell me?



Well, that was fun :D

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Name: Bekah

Date Of Birth: December 2

Age: 13

Location: Hluboka nad Vltavou, Czech Republic

Height: 5'5

Weight: about 100-105

Shoe size: 8

Hair color: caramel colored with blonde and brown highlights...hard to describe lol

Eye color: green-grey

Skin tone: pale

Favourite band/singer: sara bareilles

Favourite animal: sloth, tamarin

Favourite book: The Hunger Games, Gone series

Favourite movie: ??? idk

Lucky number: 12

Dream job: Actress, Artist, Author

Favourite color: Depends on my mood....rainbow!!

Hobbies: Drawing, Making music videos :D , tamagotchis

Favourite food: Mac & Cheese with ketchup!

Favourite TV show: The IT crowd

Favourite drink: Sprite, Strong Ginger Soda

Favourite music genre: ehhhhh.....depends on the singer

First language: English

Pets: Cat (scriffers!) some stick bugs...

Loves: Music, Books, Randomness, Epicals, Tamagotchi, Japan, Kawaii stuff, Saying 'cheese' for no apparent reason

Hates: Disney Singers, The Little Fockers, Bikinis

Fears: Vomit, Hornets

Weaknesses: Gullibility

Theme song: F**kin' Perfect - P!nk (clean version, obviously haha)

Personality: Dramatic, Random, Kind, Over-analyzing, Daydreamy, Funny, Shy

Best friend/s: Some epicals at my school, my old friends in the US (sniff....i miss you guys!!)

Strengths: Can keep myself from getting bored

Favourite school subject: Art, Drama

Least favourite subject: History, English

Accent: Rebekish (my own personal accent :lol: )

Ethnicity: Half French canadian, Quarter german, quarter scottish-american

Siblings: 9 year old sister

Favourite possession: iPod, tamas, lucky charms (not the cereal)

In a relationship?: never in my life!!!!

Religion: Christian

Gender: Female

School year/grade: 7 1/2

Weird habits: saying 'cheese' for no reason, gagging myself to make sure i don't barf

Can't cope with: wanna-be cool girls, perfect people, violent people

Comparable to: myself

Name: Dalya (DOLL-yah)

Date Of Birth: November 10, 1991

Age: 19

Location: NYC

Height: 4'11"

Weight: 155 (Don't call me fat. I have health issues.)

Shoe size: US 7 (Women's)

Hair color: Dark auburn

Eye color: Medium brown

Skin tone: Pretty pale

Favourite band/singer: Rammstein/Kris Kross

Favourite animal: Frog

Favourite book: The dictionary

Favourite movie: Mallrats

Lucky number:96

Dream job: Pediatric nurse

Favourite color: Black, purple, green

Hobbies: Video games, music, bass guitar

Favourite food: Flamin' Hot Cheetos

Favourite TV show: South Park

Favourite drink: Anything grape

Favourite music genre: Industrial/metal

Favourite actor: Steve Carell

First language: English

Pets: None

Loves: Animal Crossing

Hates: Mean people

Fears: Dying

Weaknesses: I am a junk food junkie.

Theme song: Don't really have one.

Personality: Sweet, caring, eccentric, slightly ill-tempered

Best friend: Krystal

Strengths: I am extremely musically inclined

Favourite school subject: Anything artsy

Least favourite subject: Math, English

Accent: A mix of Valley Girl, Pacific Northwest, and Something Else

Ethnicity: Ukrainian and Russian

Siblings: Older brother, 21, and little half brother, 5.

Favourite possession: My iPod

In a relationship?: Not yet...

Religion: Agnostic

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Incoming college freshman.

Weird habits: I'm sure I have them, I just don't notice them.

Can't cope with: Stress.

Comparable to: Nobody

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Name: Andrew/Skadi (Andrew is my preferred name)

Date Of Birth: Dec. 11th

Age: 15

Location: USA

Height: 5'0

Weight: A lot.

Shoe size: 5/6 1/2

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Grey(l) hazel,brown or green ®

Skin tone: Pinkish pale

Favourite band/singer: My Awesome Mixtape or Crystal Castles

Favourite animal: Dolphins

Favourite book: The Outsiders

Favourite movie: Transamerica

Lucky number: Seven

Dream job: A DJ!

Favourite color: Blue

Hobbies: Band

Favourite food: foood

Favourite TV show: Family Guy

Favourite drink: Anything

Favourite music genre: Anythin really.

Favourite actor: EMILIO ESTEVEZ~

First language: English I guess

Pets: 2 Cats

Loves: Go look on my profile?

Hates: Homophobia and transphobia

Fears: Being hated for who I truly am

Theme song: Alice Practice - Crystal Castles

Personality: Rude, sarcastic.

Strengths: I don't have any real strengths...

Favourite school subject: Science

Least favourite subject: Lol all the rest

Ethnicity: German mix

Siblings: A sister

Favourite possession: Flute/picc.

In a relationship?: Ohohoho... No...

Religion: I don't want to upset anyone, but if you must know, you can pm me :3

Gender: Male (see profile)

School year/grade: 9th grade

Weird habits: I talk to myself a lot.

Can't cope with: Repeating myself.

Comparable to: Dude I dunno.

Name: Tamsyn. Woohoo.

Date Of Birth: February 4th.

Age: 12.

Location: Imaginationland British Columbia, Canada.

Height: 5'5".

Weight: 90lb.

Shoe size: 4.

Hair color: Extremely dark brown.

Eye color: Extremely dark brown.

Skin tone: Pale.

Favourite band/singer: The Beatles.

Favourite animal: Anything supernatural.

Favourite book: The Little Giant Book of 'True' Ghost Stories. The pictures accompany the stories perfectly. And there's 84 of them.

Favourite movie: Anything Studio Ghibli.

Lucky numbers: 42. :V

Dream job: To be an author. This is highly possible.

Favourite color: Purple.

Hobbies: Read my profile's 'About Me' tab.

Favourite food: I don't know.

Favourite TV show: Mister Maker. I am young at heart.

Favourite drink: Root beer.

Favourite music genre: Rock, Pop [but only from the 70's and 80's] and Game/Soundtrack.

Favourite actor: No. Just no.

First language: English.

Pets: Guinea pigs.

Loves: Read my profile's 'About Me' tab.

Hates: Read my profile's 'About Me' tab.

Fears: Read my profile's 'About Me' tab.

Weaknesses: I'm a cripple The 'What if' game.

Theme song:

//www.tamatalk.com/IB/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png many .Personality: READ. MY. PROFILE'S. 'ABOUT. ME'. TAB.

Best friend: You. :3

Strengths: I do not want to say it again.

Favourite school subject: Art and L.A.

Least favourite subject: Everything.

Accent: None but I can imitate many. Quite well, too.

Ethnicity: Canadian, Ukranian, Chinese, Australian, British, Icelandic.

Siblings: A sister.

Favourite possession: You.

In a relationship?: I have a fictional one. And I know a few boys who have crushes on me. >>

Religion: None.

Gender: Female. I act like a male.

School year/grade: Six.

Weird habits: Have you read my "Freak Like Me." post?

Can't cope with: Certain things.

Comparable to: No-one.

Name: Darius Nolastname. >:]

Date Of Birth: Sept. 22, 1998

Age: 12

Location: U.S.A

Height: 5'00"

Weight: You won't believe it. 130-135 0_0

Shoe size: 8

Hair color: Black. A little bit of Red

Eye color: Brown

Skin tone: Brown....

Favourite band/singer: Genesis.

Favourite animal: Dog

Favourite book: Percy Jackson Series.

Favourite movie: I can't decide.

Lucky number: one of them is 3

Dream job: Artist(with my skills, I already am!)

Favourite color: Blue

Hobbies: Drawing, Video Games, etc.

Favourite food: WHOPPER! Jk. Ribs

Favourite TV show: TV is no longer good.

Favourite drink: Water. Why? Because Gatorade gives you nothing, Red Bull gives you wings, and Monster gives you gas.

Favourite music genre: Pop and Rock. Mainly from the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's.

Favourite actor: Are you kidding me?! Not even Brad Pitt will make it to the top! Actor's are horrible these days!

First language: English

Pets: One Snake, another one coming.

Loves: For Privacy reasons, Morg.

Hates: I would say....Jarret.

Fears: I'm 12 and I have Arachnophobia.

Weaknesses: Puppies and Chocolate Milk.

Theme song: I would say........the Lazy song. By Brunno Mars. As a kid! :]

Personality: I don't know how to explain it. I have barely any self-esteem!

Best friend: To many.

Strengths: Um.......DOES NOT COMPUTE.

Favourite school subject: Science!

Least favourite subject: Math/LA reading.

Accent: English.

Ethnicity: I dunno.

Siblings: I sis.

Favourite possession: My DS...I guess....

In a relationship?: Yes.

Religion: Christian...

Gender: Male

School year/grade: 6th going on 7th

Weird habits: Check out Freak like me.

Can't cope with: Anyone who is mean to me.

Comparable to: Ask me and you will DIE!

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