Fall Out Boy


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Why can't my plane land earlier? D:
I sorry. ;-; Oh, but if you wanna see the pictures, you can just browse through my Photobucket. 8D Clickers for pictures~

I would've gotten more but my camera died... ._. Oh, and I got a poster. 8D [it's in my Photobucket, too. It has two sides, the big picture of bunny FOB and then the other ones on the back.] I've had up up on my wall where you can see the multiple pictures on the back. :p Imma see about ordering a shirt off of the internet someday...

And yes, Dead On Arrival is pwn. They sang it at the concert, it sounded ahmazing. 8D But my favorite live performance was What A Catch, Donnie because almost everyone, including myself, ripped out their phones and started waving their cell phone lights in the air... it was purdy. <3 And FOB had their lighting up guitars on I Don't Care, so when the lights went out during it, the only way you could tell where they were was because of the lights from their guitars. xD

Also, the fingernail paint thingy failed, so I just repainted them purple. They matched my shirt, and I didn't even notice until after I had gotten ready. XD

IT'S PATRICK'S BIRTHDAY. I told him happy birthday on his profile on FOB's website. X3


^ NAWT FAIR. They didn't do Dead On Arrival here. ):

And the I Don't Care lights were like--the tightest thing in the world.

Was Pete wearing red shoes?

Nice, Wildcat_Gal. XD

In Target, it was right after school got out and almost no-one was there, and I passed this dude who looked exactly like Patrick... Only he had a beard. If it wasn't for that beard, I would have glomped him and screamed, "PATRICK!" ... XP

And yes, Diva, Peter was wearing red shoes. Wasn't he wearing them at your concert, as well? o_o

Man. He likes those shoes, apparently.


^He was. That's why I was asking. I was like spazzing out jumping screaming "OHMAGAWD. MATCHING SHOES. PETE WENTZ AND I HAVE MATCHING SHOES!"

I like mine too. I'll be sad if I outgrow them.

Red shoes <3.

I want that America's Suitehearts--remix album off iTunes.

^ LOL. Yeah, I have a pair of red shoes. I was thinking about wearing them, but I decided to wear my brown ones. xD

The Mark Happus [sp? ._.;] remix? Oh, that reminds me, I need to download the Cobra Starship remix of I Don't Care and Pavlove. . . -goes to download-


^ LOL. Yeah, I have a pair of red shoes. I was thinking about wearing them, but I decided to wear my brown ones. xD
The Mark Happus [sp? ._.;] remix? Oh, that reminds me, I need to download the Cobra Starship remix of I Don't Care and Pavlove. . . -goes to download-


I didn't know there were Cobra Starship remixes of those.

-goes to Limewire-

^ Well, there is. I forgot the actual remix name... Starts with an S. Hang on, Lemme find it on YouTube and I'll link you guys. And they didn't remix Pavlove, I just had to download it all together, the original. I should have worded that differently. . .

And I spelled it wrong, it's Hoppus, I believe. xD And there's a remix of America's Suitehearts that I like, but I forgot which one it is. It's not the one on the bonus CD, or the candy shop whatever one... or was that for I Don't Care? Man, I forget too much. D: -shame-

Oh, loves, here's that remix: Click please~


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In Target, it was right after school got out and almost no-one was there, and I passed this dude who looked exactly like Patrick... Only he had a beard. If it wasn't for that beard, I would have glomped him and
One of the instructors at the hockey camp I go to looks like Patrick @.@

Lol. A boy at my school, John, at times, depending on his expression, he sometimes looks like Pete. XD

Diva, I wore those red shoes of mine at school today. :p

...Uh. There was something I was gonna say, but I don't remember. . . Seriously, I forget too much. I'm surprised that I even remember you guys' names. >_> OH. I know. In a Beethoven video my class watched in music there was a guy in it who looked like Patrick. He had the sideburns and in most of the movie, he was wearing a hat. The only difference was that his hair was darker. XD

I've had Me & You and Pavlove stuck in my head all day. ._.


EDIT: Typo.

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^ Well, there is. I forgot the actual remix name... Starts with an S. Hang on, Lemme find it on YouTube and I'll link you guys. And they didn't remix Pavlove, I just had to download it all together, the original. I should have worded that differently. . .
And I spelled it wrong, it's Hoppus, I believe. xD And there's a remix of America's Suitehearts that I like, but I forgot which one it is. It's not the one on the bonus CD, or the candy shop whatever one... or was that for I Don't Care? Man, I forget too much. D: -shame-

Oh, loves, here's that remix: Click please~


I heard that in November XD


I wish there was someone around here that looked like one of them.

Though, at the airport in the Dominican, I saw this one guy that looked like Joe. But I have absolutely no idea where he was from. xD

OHYEAH. And I said in TC that apparently I look like brendon Urie when I make a certain face. It's random, I look nothing like him any other time. xD

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Lol, Kelsey.

My favorite member is Patrick, but I love them all. And they will have more skill than I ever will have. XP

My avvies/siggies are generally randomly pictures with FOB lyrics on them. -pokes avatar- Like now. The lyrics are from Tell That Mick He Just Made My List Of Things To Do Today, AKA Tell That Mick. I'm currently obsessed with that song, along with Pavlove, Do You Know Who I Think I Am? and XO. xP


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Lol, Kelsey.
My favorite member is Patrick, but I love them all. And they will have more skill than I ever will have. XP

My avvies/siggies are generally randomly pictures with FOB lyrics on them. -pokes avatar- Like now. The lyrics are from Tell That Mick He Just Made My List Of Things To Do Today, AKA Tell That Mick. I'm currently obsessed with that song, along with Pavlove, Do You Know Who I Think I Am? and XO. xP

I don't really have a favourite member now.

But I love the song XO.

But you couldn't tell that, really.

Though, at the airport in the Dominican, I saw this one guy that looked like Joe. But I have absolutely no idea where he was from. xD
I think I might've saw Koren Tom Cruise driving to the airport. Cause his Twitter said he was in Orlando, and I was in Orlando, and I saw a guy excatly like him driving to the airport. XDDDD


I'd have to yell at him or something.

I don't really have a favourite member. I love all of them. Today my friend said she saw 'the ugly one in Fall Out Boy' on Cribs last night, and she was referring to Andy. x3


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