Fallcon's Tamalog


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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2009
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Hi i'm fallcon i recently joined tamatalk, this is my log, it will contain my V3 , and two V6 tamagotchi's and my V4.5 ordered off ebay when it finally arrives

V3: Bunbuntchi with baby

Name: Max

Age: 8

Weight: 42 lb's

Training: 5/9

Gender: Boy

Gen: 2


Side Note: The matchmaker came and now bunbuntchi has a baby

V6 Black Headphones: Kikitchi

Name: Michael

Age: 1

Weight: 20 lb's

Gen: 2

Points: 25500GP

Skills: 517/517/527

Band: an Icihotchi and Nonopotchi

Genre:Rock 'n' Roll

Parent: Mimitchi!

V6 Red Guitar: Kikitchi

Name: Paul

Age: 1

Weight: 20 lb's

Gen: 2

Points: 11550GP

Skills: 399/399/408

Band: A Hinotamatchi and Chamametchi

Genre: R & B

Parent: Tarakotchi

V3 Info will be in Blue

V6 Black Headphones in Purple

V6 Red Guitar in Red ( Could've guessed amirite? )

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My first post

Max was visited by the matchmaker yesterday and had a baby girl, i will set the time soon when i am sure 24 hours have passed, i hope my next generation can turn into something really good i have never gotten on my v3

Michael inherited 20000GP from his mother today, boy was he happy we checked the shop straight away and bought some cool lookin sunglasses for only 6000GP, i hope he grows into a Kuromametchi!!!

Paul inherited a smaller sum of 8000GP from his less successful parent, the Tarakotchi, Kyle..., i hope Paul doesnt grow into the same as michael, i know they are twins but aslong as Paul doesnt end up like his father i'm happy.

Side Note: Paul's Toy and Instrument is the U.F.O and Guitar.

Michael's is the Tamagotchi ( Lol ) and Drum Set.

[SIZE=14pt]Feel free to post your comments or opinions[/SIZE]

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it was quite eventful since my last post!! let me fill you in, oh and as usual i was awoken this morning to the sound of my tamagotchi's practicing....

Max left his daughter last night and i named her Kate, in an hour of poo filling the screen and asking for food nonstop she turned into a Muzutamatchi she now has 4k in gotchi points!, rich considering she is turning 1 today, i played get a few times as she was weighing a bit too much on the scales but, is now a healthy 12lb *right after i wrote this she started to cry i praised her by mistake but still got a training point*

What can i say, i wanted a Kuromametchi, and boy did i get what i wanted, i maxed his skills to 999/999/999, and i will practice with the band hoping to get a pro debut later, his genre is rock n roll and has 6800GP. His band members turned into Mametchi and Chantotchi!

We'll as i said i wanted a kuromametchi for michael but paul who i neglected a bit, hoping they would not both turn into one, but he did, i guess they are twins from the same parents so now they REALLY ARE twins! paul's skill's are 633/571/566 his genre is R & B. He has 11500GP, and he just finished playing with his toy U.F.O

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Ok now its time to start my V4.5 , it came in the mail today!, i don't no much about them if you would post or pm some tips it would be great!

i will write v4.5 stuff in green

Kate, kate, oh kate how i neglect thee, she now has 5234GP, but thats not important she evolved!! into a Nikatchi? seriosly V3 has so many characters, half are ones ive never heard of, its constantly grinning at me lol

We'll Michael and his band got their pro debut first time and are now rank 1st for rock n roll and have 146,000,000 tamafans Michael has 10,007,900Gp i was gonna buy a cafe but needed an extra 5 million....i can't really trust michael with all that money!!! he's only been an adult for a day

Paul was determined to get his pro debut after getting XOX, then XOO and finally after practicing even more OOO he's rank 32th, but has 132,000,000 tamafans, he only has 34970GP, i got his skills to 922/904/906

it hatched their about a half an hour ago i played climb twice, went to tamatown , got 900 pts ( and a passport )and fed it alot, it is about 3 times its base weight, aww he just cryed as i typed this, he just woke up from his ''Baby sleep'' so i expect him to evolve very soon, i will post in a few minutes when he does.

In some random news, on my Xbox 360 i bought the new turtles in time remake (NOT THE SNES VERSION) on the arcade its a good beat em up

My 4.5 evolved into......*DRUMROLL*

