Falling in love


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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2008
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Me x3

Jai (my friend)

Spencer (one of my closest friends, he's like my brother)

Well today me and Spencer were hanging out and I texted Jai. We waited a really long time and she didn't answer. I got impatient and sent her a text I knew she would reply to. "Omg!!! I got a new bf!!! Omg!" Even though I didn't. She texted me back saying "Who." I said it was someone she didn't know named dustin, just to mess with her. She asked if I was kidding or serious [what? she thought i couldn't get one? ;) ] and I told her I was serious. She congratulated me and asked me what school he went to and how I knew him and stuff like that. I gave her a fake school, and told her that he was Spencer's camp friend and that he lived a few blocks away. I told her details like he was really cute and funny. She asked for a picture, so me and Spencer wasted liek, 20 minutes photoshopping a picture of him to show to her tomorrow at school (I told her I can't send picture messages, because I'm not allowed too. This part is true). We chose a picture of Gustav from Tokio Hotel when he was young, and photoshopped it into a background of a field. It looks incredibly realistic.

That's the story. Now the problem. In my head I've come up with so many details for "Dustin", that he's a real person to me. I keep telling myself "he's fake, he's fake. Don't fall for him." This shows how desperate I am. I think I'm falling in love with a fictional character. He's my perfect guy and even though I try to convince myself that he's just some guy I made up, I can't get him out of my head and I can't stop myself from falling for him. This prank has gotten out of hand. His photoshopped picture is my background, partly because I love looking at it, and partly because it'll make Jai believe my story even more.

I can't believe I've sunken so low as to make up a boyfriend as a prank and end up falling in love. Help?

thank you.


P.S. Please don't post mean comments, I've got low self esteem, so I fall for nice guys really easily. Kthxbai.

The best thing to do is show her the picture and then when she looks at it laugh and come clean.

Laugh at yourself and she should see the funny side to.

I understand why you fell in love with him though.

Since you made him up he is the perfect guy - he would never cheat on or yell at you, no-other girls would flirt with him etc... because he is in your head and you can control him.

Spend some time thinking about real guys.

The right one will come when the time is right.

Don't worry, It's happened to me too.

I have something in my head... I call it 'My world' and I'm not going to bother explaining the whole thing because you'll all think I'm a nut. But yeah, I had a boyfriend in my world named Chris, who is absolutely gorgeous and just the perfect person that ANYONE would want to be with.

So Basically I was in love with a character who I'd made up in my own head.

I didn't really do anything about it, I just laid down all the time so I could think about him. I eventually moved on to real people, but He is still in my head and I still think about him.

I think you should just tell your friend the truth, no matter how she'll handle it. Honesty is always the best way to go.

Lara, Chris is my name. LMAO, j/k.

I fell for character cartoons. Don't worry, it's common in young ages of life. XD

Don't be embarrassed.

Just show her, I'm pretty sure its not like she hasn't had, done, thought, or made anything embarrass herself. I understand you though. You're just looking for happiness, that's all.

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Don't worry, that sounds normal. Of course you like him, you made up your dream guy. And he can never do anything wrong, because you control him. Just, try not to think of him, don't make up any more details. Just show your friend the picture, and try to laugh about it, explaining to her that it was fake.

Of course, this guy may act as an escape to you. Are you sure you want to stop it? Or do you just want to keep imagining him, keeping him as your dream boy, enjoying him? I think that's what I'd do.

From urbandictionary.com:

Toonophilia is the sexual attraction toward cartoon or anime characters.

Example:My buddy is in love with Sailor Moon, he's into toonophilia!
I've fallen for cartoon characters before, so its natural.

Heheheh, I still do fall for cartoon characters because I find some attractive/cute/smexy. X3

Don't worry, that sounds normal. Of course you like him, you made up your dream guy. And he can never do anything wrong, because you control him. Just, try not to think of him, don't make up any more details. Just show your friend the picture, and try to laugh about it, explaining to her that it was fake.
Of course, this guy may act as an escape to you. Are you sure you want to stop it? Or do you just want to keep imagining him, keeping him as your dream boy, enjoying him? I think that's what I'd do.
Thanks all.

I really want to keep loving him in my head. I kept the picture of him on my phone and I will tell Julia he's fake [eventually....] but... idk. I guess it's because in my imagination, he really loves me and cares for me.

All the guys at my school are either my friend (which is only like, Max, Spencer and Brandon and kinda TIto Idk.) and almost all the others hate me. Dustin is the only guy that really, like, loves me and I love that feeling that somebody is caring for me all the time. Plus he lives a few blocks down from me (in the imagination) and... I hate that I love him so much... he's not real, but i don't know if I'll ever find a guy as perfect as him...

Holy crap. o.o

I can't believe I'm actually going to admit this, but I'm going through the exact same thing.

I'm currently prtending to be dating this really hot guy named "Jake", and even created a facebook and msn for him.

Everyone always tells me how hot is he, and that I'm lucky to have him.

But I made him up! It was just for fun, but I don't want to admit that I was lying to this for all this time.

Sadly, I've started to gain true feelings for him....I talk about him to my friends all the time, and dream about him.

I feel really stupid, because even though he's fake, and I myself created him, I'm starting to fall for him.


I don't really have much advice. Maybe you should end your "relationship" with him, so that way he isn't part of your life anymore.

Keep telling yourself he isnt real, that you made him up, and get rid of his picture.

Then again, I cant even follow my own advice.

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