Familiar People?


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Well-known member
Aug 15, 2008
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On daa computerr... =D
Have you ever seen somebody that looks really familiar, like you've seen them somewhere, but forget their name? Do you ever see someone that looks exactly like someone you know, but is a different person? Or do you see someone that you've never seen before that reminds you of someone?

This has happened to me before. I was in school, and I saw this adult walking down a hallway that looked like someone I knew, but I couldn't remember her name or where I saw her. I swear I remember her...

In my opinion, I hate when this happens, but I just want to make sure this is something that happens to everyone else, not just me.

Has this ever happened to you? Share your opinions on it and/or experiences about it if you feel comfortable doing so. :blink:


i wus walkin on da bus 2 go home one day and dis guy behind me said hi to me and i turned around to look and i wus silent for a min because i didn't remember ho he wus

den he said his name

im stupid

yesi wus walkin on da bus 2 go home one day and dis guy behind me said hi to me and i turned around to look and i wus silent for a min because i didn't remember ho he wus

den he said his name

im stupid
Your not stupid. It happens to me, too. :blink:

Hmm.. I sometimes get mixed up though. When I was buying some bread, This woman asked her boyfriend "Do you want this?" And I thought that she was talking to me so I said "no" and she looked at me and said "sorry I'm not talking to you" I was so embarrassed.

lol - ilovekuchipa555

^ o_O

Yes!Many times!

Like my brothers friend looks like this other famous guy.Seriously!They even had the same kind of hair!O.O

I had a susbstitute for math and she though I was her granddaughter.
It's kinnda sad considering I'm a boy.
That's really weird. o..o;;

Hmm.. I sometimes get mixed up though. When I was buying some bread, This woman asked her boyfriend "Do you want this?" And I thought that she was talking to me so I said "no" and she looked at me and said "sorry I'm not talking to you" I was so embarrassed.
lol - ilovekuchipa555
Haha, same.

I think someone is talking to me when they really are talking to someone else. :furawatchi:

That doesn't happen to me.

But once we had a student teacher named Mr.Sacco for SS. There's this boy named Jay, he has blonde hair and glasses. So there's this OTHER boy nameed Scott. Looks like Jay. So Mr.Sacco always called Jay, Scott. xD

All the time! I am always making resemblances to people. Two of my best friends, Abi and Emma, look SO alike it's scary. But only I can see it! o_O

In first grade on my trip back from my cabin, I saw someone who strangely looked like Carrie Underwood. :eek: The person was in a red Ford car which looked like the one that Carrie just won from the Finale. She was wearing sunglasses, curly blonde hair, and smiling with red lipstick. xDD

I had a susbstitute for math and she though I was her granddaughter.
It's kinnda sad considering I'm a boy.
I've seen pictures of you before, and you look absolutely nothing like a girl...

Anyways, I kinda have been in a situation like that. Everyone gets me mixed up with my friend Izzy. They say we look alike. I mean, we're the same height, and have the same color hair but that doesn't mean we look alike.

Yes I have, so much so that I'm convinced everybody has a twin in this world!

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That does happen to me alot and then people mistake me and my sister as eachother. Funny story:

So lots of the people at school call me by my sisters name at school....so my aunt who I don't see very often called to say hi to us and when she hung up she called me by my sisters name and I didn't even notice!*lol*

*sigh* I knew this day would come. The day when I would have to admit it. I have perfect memory. haha. I know. Laugh all you want. It's true. I never forget a face (or image). This doesn't mean I have perfect eyes though. I get intense head aches, though my vision is ok. But that's not what this is about. Anyways, I never mistake someone for someone else, though I will admit that I've noticed similarities between persons I have known/met. When I see someone , I always look at their facial features,etc.

...&-Cricket. [Anyone remember me?]

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