Familiar People?


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*sigh* I knew this day would come. The day when I would have to admit it. I have perfect memory. haha. I know. Laugh all you want. It's true. I never forget a face (or image). This doesn't mean I have perfect eyes though. I get intense head aches, though my vision is ok. But that's not what this is about. Anyways, I never mistake someone for someone else, though I will admit that I've noticed similarities between persons I have known/met. When I see someone , I always look at their facial features,etc.
...&-Cricket. [Anyone remember me?]
No, I don't remember you...which is sorta ironic. Dx

my dad has friends over alot to play board games.. .. i went to the movies with a friend and a guy who i thought was a friend of my dads kept staring at me and her...i started freaking out because he started to come to us.. but then he turned around and went into the building..

And once I thought Drew's dad was my dad. @_@

One time my brother was in Israel for the year, then I saw some guy on the street wearing a leather jacket that looked a little like my brother, and I was just about to scream his name when I remembered that my brother was in Israel. XD

Then my mom came outside and I pointed to the guy and I was like: "Doesn't that look like *brothers name here*" And then she was like "Yeah, your right!!"

Yeah. It happend today. I was in the shops and I saw someone that looked like my mum my friend saw it too and she walked over like hey (My mums name) and I walked over like hi and the woman was like o_O I was embraressed then I acted like I new it wasnt her all along.

Then straight after I saw this boy he was looking at me I was all whos that to my friend she was all Idk. Then he walked over to me like hey remeber me I said no then my friend goes ohhhhhhhh thats Aaron. I was like heyyy Aaron alothough I still didnt recocnise him until I went home I was in the bshower thinking about it then I was all ohhhh I know him now.

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Happens a lot with me.

Apparently my friends saw someone walking through the haunted trail that looked and sounded exactly like me and was giving everything away on a day I didn't go there.. they thought it was me but they knew I wasn't THAT evil.

Something is wrong here.. I would share my predictions.. but you'd think I was insane.

Not really. A few of the people I know look alike, but I don't get them confused.

One time my brother was in Israel for the year, then I saw some guy on the street wearing a leather jacket that looked a little like my brother, and I was just about to scream his name when I remembered that my brother was in Israel. XD

Then my mom came outside and I pointed to the guy and I was like: "Doesn't that look like *brothers name here*" And then she was like "Yeah, your right!!"

I'm serious! They looked alike. My dad has blond hair, and normally wears a black jacket. And when Drew's dad came, I was embarrassed, and his dad waved, and I thought he waved to me. D=

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